Since I know people that go to UCSD here, I can't post up pics...
someone referred me to the last two pages of this thread from the cowboys lilwayne post....i'm a breastman but good god in the blue.
Based on these scenarios, which would you try to follow through with?

A. The most fun, silly, care-free girl you've ever met. Not the prettiest girl ever but that idea doesn't even cross your mind when you're withher. Shares a similar interest in obscure indie bands and movies. Smart, seems to come from a privileged background, has her head on right, and you can losehours in aimless conversation.

B. One of the prettiest girls you've ever met in your life. As luck would have it, you met on the plane you got put on after missing your first flight andthere just so happened not to be anyone sitting in between you two. Shares a similar cultural background with you, also smart and has her head right, and seemsto be easy to talk to.
There is an attraction to A, albeit a different kind. It's more so personality but she's got a nice smile and big round eyes

B seems like a scenario out of a movie honestly. I don't know if this is real. I got her number on the plane and I asked her out to dinner this Thursday.Guess we'll see.
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

this was on the flight back? so shes from the area too?

i'd def go with B and hang on to A as a friend for now.
On my flight to LA.

So many things had to go wrong for me to be on that plane.

- First, I had to forget to pack somethings, setting me back a good 30 minutes.
- The Bay Bridge being closed, causing the 101 to be packed and El Camino Real to be a cluster-%!!% that day
- Due to traffic, I get to Millbrae BART late and it's my first time taking BART to the airport... never again.
- Takes a good 30 minutes from Millbrae to San Bruno back to SFO
- I run through the main terminal, got through airport security in like two minutes, had to run back because I left my boarding pass in one of the bins atsecurity

- Finally make it to the gate and they said I can't get on because you need to be there 10 minutes before departure. I was there 2 minutes before.
- I get stuck on the next flight and I just so happened to sit in a row with that girl with no one between us.
- It was about to be one of those "moments"... you know when you see a pretty girl and don't say anything and really regret it later? Yeah,almost.
- During some point in the flight, I offered her a piece of gum and I guess that was enough of an ice breaker. She was really friendly and we chatted the restof the flight. Found out she's from LA but goes to Cal. I got her number and we promised to hang out when we got back after Halloween.
^word. none of that chat online bull.

imo go with B. she goes to cal you know she's set. and one of the prettiest youve ever met? keeper.
I don't feel the need to run through all the details with mine,trust, there's much more than that chat online bull...otherwise I wouldn't even beclose to interested.

Good luck with that though, Noize. I'd go with B too.
^ You know I'm just playing with you, best of luck to you and Noize.

I'd probably be stuck between the two too.
now that i've read your post completely Noize, B sounds good, definitely go for it

and iono, but personally A doesn't sound like someone I'd want to date. I guess like everyone's said already she sounds like a friend. personallyi'm just not attracted to those types, maybe it's just me.

and it sounds like there's attraction there. that's really similar to how i got myself tangled with the girl, like when we first looked and smiled ateach other, and then talked, i sensed there was something mutual there, and then it just took off from there...
Originally Posted by acidicality

5 hour energy is money
Got me through my early morning 12 hour clinicals. I just needed something to get me good up until lunch time.

715, is that really you? Bravo. This man knows how to party. *applause*

Noize, I'd go with Girl B.
[h2]Why Anthony Randolph is struggling to get consistent Warriors minutes[/h2]
Posted by Tim Kawakami on November 3rd, 2009 at 2:28 pm | Categorized as NBA, Warriors

Yesterday Don Nelson tweaked the line-up again, putting Kelenna Azubuike in alongside Stephen Jackson at the forward spots. (MT-2's story on the Azubuike elevation.)

Fairly understandable move-Azubuike has been playing well and Nelson's system thrives on wing players who can shoot and drive and Kelenna is the closest thing Nelson has to that, other than SJax, and Azubuike plays some defense. Not a ton. Some.

But don't miss out on the broader implication: The Azubuike move means Anthony Randolph gets pushed to back-up center, behind Andris Biedrins (and what happens when Ronny Turiaf is healthy?).

Easy conclusion: I think Nelson has finally thrown up his hands on an issue we've long discussed-Biedrins and Randolph are no good for him playing together.

Stipulation: Nelson and Randolph haven't connected from the beginning of last year and whatever warm words they've exchanged have been mostly just for PR.

They don't get each other. Nelson looks for reasons to pull Randolph and Randolph is never going to think of Nelson as a genius. Just the way it is. Could change. That's the way it is now.

And Nelson also has a major basketball issue:

He does not like playing Biedrins with Randolph-can't play two non-shooting bigs.

In the new line-up, Azubuike basically substitutes for Randolph, and then voila, Nelson gets a three-point shooter in there and he tries to get away with it by having Azubuike/SJax/Corey Maggette pretend to defend the 4s out there.

That's total Nellie ball. Randolph playing with Biedrins: Anti-Nellie ball. So he has to play them at opposite times-Randolph at center, backing up Biedrins, maybe sneak Randolph in at PF when he Turiaf is at the 5.

Of course, that prevents Randolph from getting consistent minutes as long as Biedrins is healthy and does nothing to develop him for the future.

That wasn't an issue from Feb. 8 to the end of last season, when Biedrins missed 19 of the last 26 games.

Coincidentally, Randolph started 18 times from Feb. 8 on. (Started a total of 22 games all year.)

Now Biedrins is healthy and it's an issue again. Funny how that works.

In the current iteration, Randolph might supplant Biedrins when the Warriors play teams with smaller centers. I think Nelson would love to do that. (Biedrins goes to back-up or DNP.)

But I do not see Nelson playing Biedrins with Randolph for even cameo stretches any longer. Just messes up his beloved offensive flow. NEITHER SHOOTS 3s!

That's a problem for Randolph, obviously, since he's not a 5 and if he has to manuever his playing time around Biedrins and possibly Turiaf and Maggette and whoever else… that sounds like 15 to 20 minutes a game, tops.

Which is not what Warriors fans and executives were imagining for Randolph after his summer league dominance and invitation to work out with Team USA.

Randolph was supposed to be the centerpiece, the stud PF that the Warriors haven't had since Webber's hey-day. Wait, that didn't turn out so well for Nelson, either, now that I remember…

I guess Randolph will also serve as the third-string power forward behind SJax/Azubuike (whoever you want to call the PF) and Maggette, who is locked in as the back-up 4. Not a lot of minutes there.

Also: Biedrins is due $9M a year for this year plus three more, so he'll play. Maggette is the back-up and he'll always play, plus he's due another $10M a year for this plus three more.

Randolph is a big part of the future, or whatever part the Warriors' marketers haven't already ceded to Stephen Curry. Hmm.

You know where this is heading: The Warriors are going to have to even more strongly consider trading Biedrins and finding a shoot-first center to pair with Randolph. (They already looked last summer, believe me.)

Which is sort of like their problem with Monta Ellis, who needs a big point guard to play with. Or Curry, who needs a big 2. Or Anthony Morrow, who needs four guys passing it to him or screening for him and definitely to cover for his defensive liabilities…

Almost the whole roster is set up like that. Not a good thing, but a very Warriors thing.
I'm starting to think TK is a virgin.

We've played, terribly, 2 games!!! 2!

My goodness. AR didn't look good in EITHER of them. No one did.
In his defense, it's hard to play good when you know you are coming out in 2 minutes. This team hasn't played good for those two games and theywon't for the rest of the season. I still wonder how Don Nelson got labeled a "good coach". He has never won anything. Sure, he's going topass Wilkens in wins, but he will also pass him for all time losses, as well.
Tonight Randolph and Gasol destroy the Warriors "front court"
and OJ Mayo destroys Ellis
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