**The Official Rick Ross Appreciation Thread PART 2: "God Forgives, I Don’t" THE ALBUM**

so I'm new to the game because I think ppl should keep their mouths shut and mind their own business?
Lol at this.

When ppl had a lot to say about luke during his career, I'm sure he felt that people should leave him alone.
Guess he forgot about his skyywalker days.

he didn't have a prob talking about pop that ***** and getting women to degrade themselves on and off stage but has a problem with another ENTERTAINER talking about **** he didn't do?:rolleyes

he made his money his way, he should chill and let ross make his money the way he makes his money. ross is a grown *** man.
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so I'm new to the game because I think ppl should keep their mouths shut and mind their own business?
Lol at this.
That's the problem nowadays, particularly in the black community champ.  Hardly anybody wants to pass down or spread the knowledge from the past onto the current generation, and your attitude is a perfect indication of that.  As the saying goes......."we're losing recipes".  We need to go back to the days of "each one teach one", which is what Uncle Luke attempted to do towards Ross.............and yes, you do strike me as someone that is new to the game.  Nothing wrong with that of course but now's the time to soak up the game from people that's trying to help you out.
When ppl had a lot to say about luke during his career, I'm sure he felt that people should leave him alone.
Guess he forgot about his skyywalker days.

he didn't have a prob talking about pop that ***** and getting women to degrade themselves on and off stage but has a problem with another ENTERTAINER talking about **** he didn't do?
That's a valid point that you raise, but the difference is Ross is literally in a life or death type of situation right now.  Luke had his troubles as well, from a political standpoint or pressure from outside groups but I don't recall a time when his life was in danger like Ross's is.  If you ever seen the movie Harlem Nights champ, just like Sugar Ray told Quick more or less........."it's cool to die old, it's not cool to die young"  Unfortunately we seem to be at a time when alot of young or relatively young black males think it's cool to die at a young age, which it isn't.  That's the advice or wisdom that Uncle Luke is giving Ross and it's the same advice that I'm giving you debs 168.
he made his money his way, he should chill and let ross make his money the way he makes his money. ross is a grown *** man.
Money is important, but there's alot more to life then everyone just making their money and everyone just being quiet about it in the process. 
yall dudes sound real soft in hear right now. It says RICK ROSS APPRECIATION THREAD! The people who hate him are in here more than the fans, god damn. Look at this point ross has been out for about 8 years im pretty sure u r not going to convince anybody to not listen to him or to dislike him. Hes been around long enough to have an established fan base and people who dont like him. Save that **** for the rick ross street cred thread or some ****. I cant stand drake period. But count how many essays ive typed in the drake thread, I let his fans be his fans as long as i dont listen to it. And speaking of "new ******" ol dude that tried to use the u.o.e.n.o verse obviously u just start listening to rap yesterday. Like thats the worse thing u ever heard in rap. If thats the case u should be in the eminem thread everyday with a different quote telling his fans to defend that ****. Idk how many times ****** gon tell yall rap is wrestling, if somebody take it serious n touch these dudes so be it leave it at that. U coming in here everyday arguing about it aint gon change a damn thing so please stop embarrassing yourselves sounding like a bunch of school girls.
New to the game would be not acknowledging the fact that Luke wasn't trying to hear **** when people were telling him to tone it down. Now he's older and he's trying to drop knowledge in one blog entry but then calling on Miami to "handle" Wayne in another and talking about coming out of retirement if nobody does anything.

Again lol at this.

I grew up listening to and my fam actually knows artists such as rakim, tribe, the wu, etc. I got a cousin that worked for Russell Simmons...and fam that was with the supreme team. I'm from the old ny with pumps, 8 ball jackets and crack viles in the street. And I come from where you mind your business. There's nothing you can tell me about being new.

Lumping me in with this weirdo movement going on in hip hop is an insult.
I just call a spade a spade. Luke had no problems telling those old heads to shut up when he was young but now that his career is over he feels the need to tell someone else to do and some of you cling to his words just because he's older..? Like he didn't do the same **** back then?

Like he didn't make his millions off of degrading females?
people have said worse.. eminem etc.. rappers talking about killing whole families.. hogtying mothers etc

You see these 2 things as the same? You don't see suspension of disbelief as more likely in one instance than the other? OK.

lol @ new *****. ***** please. i been on this site since 05 and lurked before then. on top of that i'm in my late 20's.

i just don't buy the ******** these rappers talk about on their records. none of it is believable. so no, i don't get disappointed to the point where i need to create threads about it and remind everyone in every other post about ross on forums that he's a "fraud."

to the person listing mos def and talib and all that, cool. but we're talking about mainstream. most mainstream is on some ********. everybody has 50 ******* that pop molly, everyone is living a movie, everyone pushed a ghost, caught a body and moved weight.


leave it to them and they were all kingpins when at best they did hand to hand transactions. but you ****** overlook all that ******** and go at ross any chance you get because of what? his backstory was outted and he wasn't who he said he was? :rolleyes

what rapper is?

this **** is ENTERTAINMENT. **** reminds me of when young kids find out that wrestling is fake.

when ****** was telling luke to chill back in the day, he had problems with that. now this old ***** writing blog entries about **** that doesn't pertain to him. yes he should "just chill" and let that "fat *****" eat. luke had his controversial career. its over. let ross do ross. if ross' mouth gets him into trouble then it is what it is.

lastly, i say this as a person that isn't really that into ross' music like that. so get out of here with those assumptions.

you ****** sound young and hurt. let it go. ross was a C.O. now he's not. *shrugs*
p was in ballet. now he's not. that stopping anybody from copping the next p tape if its produced by alchemist? nope.

Right, you're in your late 20's. So you don't believe. But there is a generation of impressionable youth that don't make that distinction.

You and your ilk are ridiculous. Y'all say "they all fake". I list dudes that I don't view as "fake". Whose art imitates their life. Or who aren't posturing on some bull **** and y'all ignore it.

It's OK. You don't have to justify listening to circus clown by condemning every other rapper.

I BEEN called out P for the same **** on here for years and anyone who's been on here long enough knows it. So apparently you ain't been here long enough.

I see all the lame dudes showed up as expected right on cue.....

Read up....

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You listed people the "generation of impressionable" people don't even know let alone listen to. All they know are a bunch of one hit wonders and flash in the pan artists that aren't making anything timeless. Or attempting to. On purpose.

Parents need to let their children, if they aren't intelligent enough to decipher between fiction and non fiction, know that hip hop music is just that. Music. Entertainment.

Slayer isn't sacrificing goats. Ross isn't a kingpin with connections to suppliers in Medellin, 2chainz is in his mid 30s, and drake started from the upper middle.

People don't write their own lyrics. Vocals are enhanced. Etc.

Music is on some wizard of oz ****. People shouldn't be so gullible.
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You listed people the "generation of impressionable" people don't even know let alone listen to. All they know are a bunch of one hit wonders and flash in the pan artists that aren't making anything timeless. Or attempting to. On purpose.

Parents need to let their children, if they aren't intelligent enough to decipher between fiction and non fiction, know that hip hop music is just that. Music. Entertainment.

Slayer isn't sacrificing goats. Ross isn't a kingpin with connections to suppliers in Medellin, 2chainz is in his mid 30s, and drake started from the upper middle.

People don't write their own lyrics. Vocals are enhanced. Etc.

Music is on some wizard of oz ****. People shouldn't be so gullible.

Are you the new sillyputty?

Music is art. Art entertains. Music isn't defined as entertainment. We define entertainment for ourselves. Some people are entertained by dog fighting. Are you?

If you can't even grasp that....the most simple of concepts, then you're already lost.

You're also lost because, this isn't about parents letting their kids know what's up. This is about a generation without proper parental supervision.

You from the burbs? All the kids you know have proper guidance? We all should be so lucky.....
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New to the game would be not acknowledging the fact that Luke wasn't trying to hear **** when people were telling him to tone it down. Now he's older and he's trying to drop knowledge in one blog entry but then calling on Miami to "handle" Wayne in another and talking about coming out of retirement if nobody does anything.

Again, there's a difference between Luke being "targeted" by Congress back in the day and Ross literally being "targeted" by local gangs and dudes in the streets with guns aimed squarely at him  Between the two I would take my chances with Congress opposed to the locals that live by their own code and ways of retaliation.  
Luke had no problems telling those old heads to shut up when he was young but now that his career is over he feels the need to tell someone else to do and some of you cling to his words just because he's older..? Like he didn't do the same **** back then?
Growth and development. 
Growth and development would have been talking to Wayne as a man, in person, rather than writing blog entries about what he might do and what ppl should do.
Im done im convinced certain dudes are obsessed with certain rappers. Start a thread about this **** or something
Growth and development would have been talking to Wayne as a man, in person, rather than writing blog entries about what he might do and what ppl should do.
If he did or didn't do that towards Wayne then I agree with you, but the point about his words or insight towards Ross still remain the same and more importantly true. 
Im done im convinced certain dudes are obsessed with certain rappers. Start a thread about this **** or something

You ridin' pretty hard. Are you that somebody?

If I started a thread, I'd be obsessed.

If I comment about a rapper, in a thread about a rapper, that's just par for the course.

You seem to be catching quite a few feelings yourself for somebody referring to others as "soft".

You listed people the "generation of impressionable" people don't even know let alone listen to. All they know are a bunch of one hit wonders and flash in the pan artists that aren't making anything timeless. Or attempting to. On purpose.

So I could mention Kendrick as not being a fraud. Who had the biggest rap album of the year.

Or Big Sean (who I don't even listen to), or Kanye, or Drake (yea, people point to 2 LINES in "Amen". And if you listen to his verse, there could actually be some truth to it. As for where he started..you knew him when he was born?) or Cudi (if you consider him a rapper) or Mac Miller or Wiz as dudes who ain't really talking tough and who's art imitates their life. Was Nas' "Daughters" fiction?

Or on the flip, TI, who did his time. Where Gucci at right now? Ghostface?

But y'all don't want to hear it because you want to believe all rappers are part of a fantasyland, and it's just not the case. I too am from an era where if you talk about it, you best be about it. And those are the kinds of cats I check for.
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Video looks cool. Didn't know Ross was left-handed.

I don't know why that matters, but I always find it interesting :lol:
So they were cool with the drug dealing and killing, but date rape isnt something they support?
Lmao I was jus about to post about him getting dropped. Do u think his stooges r Gona jump ship? With the market wale currently is making money off of I wud be distancing myself rite about now
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