**The Official Rick Ross Appreciation Thread PART 2: "God Forgives, I Don’t" THE ALBUM**

After initial first listen of album, I give it a 7.5-8/10, more towards the 8 side. The albums production is hands down 10 out of 10. The album to me starts out on fire with Pirates, Ashamed, 3 Kings, MMIV, 16 :x ,Amsterdam, and 911. But songs like Hold me back, So sophisticated, presidential, ice cold are sub-par. Touch'n you doesn't bother me cause he wants to sell albums. He picks it back up with 10 Jesus pieces and Diced pineapples (too smooth).

Triple Beam Dreams and Rich forever are both :x :x but are songs we have heard back in February, he should of never put them on the mixtape then, this album would of been 9/10 had he replaced 2 of the subpar songs with these 2 tracks.
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So yeahhhh idk what Dre 3k is up to these days but these features he has been putting out are amazing.
Please tell me he's workign on an album or something.
I heard Diced Pineapples last night on the radio and I was sold. Drake singing > Drake rapping IMO. About to put the album on my iPhone and check it out on the way home this afternoon.
To all those saying Ross doesn't have a classic like Jeezy..Do you prefer consistency or just one classic? Lol even if, you dudes wouldn't admit Ross has a classic..For a Ross hater saying the album is "average" is basically saying you are loving it
Still need to give the album a good listen. Felt like the 2nd half of the album was weak. Dudes wildin calling it a classic already. "Ashamed" though :pimp:
Its not even a question at this point.

This dude has proved that he's willing to take risks rivaled by only maybe Drake or Kanye, in terms of rap artists. 

what? trap beats + justice league beats + famous friend features = risk?
shut up
Damn my fault for doubting you Rozay, off two spins I gotta give this a 8.5/10. Production is impeccable and lyrics are solid, I'm glad he got back to that sophisticated mob music with a light touch of his new sound. I love 10 Jesus pieces, that same sample was used in one of my favorite Young Buck songs "Thuggin till my death day". I wish him and Usher could have swapped singles out, let me see>>>>touch n you, by far the worst song on the album. People who said this is like Deeper than Rap 2 were on point. I gotta put this album at either 2 or 2a behind Deeper than Rap, Idk if if its better than Teflon Don yet.
I like the first half of the album then it takes a nosedive after Sixteen, I don't even count Triple Beam Dreams and Rich Forever cuz those songs are old. Teflon Don, Deeper Than Rap hell even Rich Forever are much better than this IMO

what? trap beats + justice league beats + famous friend features = risk?
shut up

Plus the same subject matter and flow on every song, big risk taker there
To all those saying Ross doesn't have a classic like Jeezy..Do you prefer consistency or just one classic? Lol even if, you dudes wouldn't admit Ross has a classic..For a Ross hater saying the album is "average" is basically saying you are loving it >D

Yea some of these cats talking about "average"? That ish tell me he did his thing. Dudes bitter. They gonna stay bitter. They want to re-live Nas in his prime. They want to re-live AZ and MF Doom in their prime. You can't satisfy those cats.

And how cats talking about Jeezy got a classic? Thug Motivation 101? What the hell is the criteria of a classic to some of you cats? Just because the album is hot don't make it a classic.
I've heard mixed reviews, mostly negative. Said it isn't true "summer music" (riding around, windows down, heavy bass, uptempo beats, etc.)
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