The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

The PlayStation 4 will launch this year for over 40,000 yen (about $428), according to a report in major Japanese daily the Asahi Shimbun. That's the first clear indication we've gotten on how much the new system might cost, and suggests that while Sony isn't pricing the PS4 too aggressively next to the likes of the Wii U, it may have learned its lesson from the shaky PlayStation 3 launch.

For comparison, upon release in 2006 the PS3 cost around 60,000 yen in its more expensive configuration, and $599 in the US. Meanwhile, the cheapest PS3 now costs 24,980 yen in Japan versus $269 in the US. Were the PS4 to launch at 40,000 yen in Japan, we'd expect an American price point of around $400 or more.
The PlayStation 4 will launch this year for over 40,000 yen (about $428), according to a report in major Japanese daily the Asahi Shimbun. That's the first clear indication we've gotten on how much the new system might cost, and suggests that while Sony isn't pricing the PS4 too aggressively next to the likes of the Wii U, it may have learned its lesson from the shaky PlayStation 3 launch.
For comparison, upon release in 2006 the PS3 cost around 60,000 yen in its more expensive configuration, and $599 in the US. Meanwhile, the cheapest PS3 now costs 24,980 yen in Japan versus $269 in the US. Were the PS4 to launch at 40,000 yen in Japan, we'd expect an American price point of around $400 or more.

Reasonable price. Remember paying $650 for the ps3.

Now show me the games.
Another PlayStation 4 report is in from Nikkei.

According to the Japanese outlet, the network function of PlayStation 4 will be expanded, including a new social feature where you can exchange opinions among your friends while playing games.

The system is said to utilize Gaikai cloud technology, which Sony purchased for $380 million in the summer of last year.

Echoing previous reports, the outlet claims the Sony developed “Cell” chip loaded onto the PlayStation 3 will not be included in PlayStation 4, and that it’ll arrive by the holidays.

PlayStation 4 is expected to be revealed during PlayStation Meeting 2013 in New York City on February 20. Its controller will supposedly have a touch pad.
playing with fire
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thinkin big-pictuah wise…..stick w/ me heah pplz. but do u feel that maybe its possible, that by makin ps4 undah $500 is connected in any way with sony’s ps3 first party title failyiz (the most recent and glaring example, of courhs, bein ps all stahs)?

perhaps sony found a less expensive way to get ps4s manufactid.  in turn, they won’t be gettin theah wallets bled as much as with ps3.  this, in turn, would perhaps fostah a more easy goin work environment for the studios that they bring in.  im clearly speakin out my *** on this one, as i obviously know very very little when it comes to spearheading a gaming company such as sony……

but still, i feel i may be on2 sumthin…..for example, aftah i beat ico today (which destroys nething kojima has evah made or evah will make), i got sad cuz i know how massive the last guahdian could and should be…..and yet we may nevah get to EXPERIENCE it.  what happened with that game? is it still in tha works?  didn’t ueda leave team ico and is only a consultant now?  what happened theah?  wheah was tha pressure/friction coming from?  perhaps sony!  and therein is the connection with what ive been talkin about. 

so  maybe sony is learnin from its mistakes and the first step is keepin hahdweah concerns first which will in turn lead to a bettah overall workin environment for whateva studios they bring aborh’d.  of courhs this would lead to bettah games overall, but specifically as it pertains to these sentiments, even bettah first pahty titles/relationships.

…..newayz, these ah the first thoughts that came to mind upon reading the post above post re: price and having had just beat ico.....ICO has so much haht….so so much haht  SMH


in regahds to ps all stahs tho, I nevah liked the demo.  i was expectin a Mario pahty/brawlah or whatevah it is….and got, instead, this bland wanna be fightah. but hey that’s jus me.
Another PlayStation 4 report is in from Nikkei.

According to the Japanese outlet, the network function of PlayStation 4 will be expanded, including a new social feature where you can exchange opinions among your friends while playing games.

The system is said to utilize Gaikai cloud technology, which Sony purchased for $380 million in the summer of last year.

Echoing previous reports, the outlet claims the Sony developed “Cell” chip loaded onto the PlayStation 3 will not be included in PlayStation 4, and that it’ll arrive by the holidays.

PlayStation 4 is expected to be revealed during PlayStation Meeting 2013 in New York City on February 20. Its controller will supposedly have a touch pad.
playing with fire
.....and y is that?  would a cell chip mean backwidz compatability, and that was something u were looking forhwid to?
.....and y is that?  would a cell chip mean backwidz compatability, and that was something u were looking forhwid to?
i was looking for a ps4 that could play ps1, ps2, and ps3 games...the ultimate home playstation console

i plan on buying a bunch of full digital ps3 games and without Cell's inclusion, theres very little chance of those games carrying over

gladly pay 500 for it
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The PlayStation 4 will launch this year for over 40,000 yen (about $428), according to a report in major Japanese daily the Asahi Shimbun. That's the first clear indication we've gotten on how much the new system might cost, and suggests that while Sony isn't pricing the PS4 too aggressively next to the likes of the Wii U, it may have learned its lesson from the shaky PlayStation 3 launch.
For comparison, upon release in 2006 the PS3 cost around 60,000 yen in its more expensive configuration, and $599 in the US. Meanwhile, the cheapest PS3 now costs 24,980 yen in Japan versus $269 in the US. Were the PS4 to launch at 40,000 yen in Japan, we'd expect an American price point of around $400 or more.


excited for PS4... ... ...

on another note, what is with the new bringing back the trend of typing like your education stopped at the 2nd grade level?
^Fam, why do you type like that?
its the accent i was raised around. do i speak like that? yeah, a little bit, but not THAT "hahd".....

i just like havin fun with it from time to time, nothin major

despite my upbringing, even i realize how jarring it is to read a long post so vernacularly, dont worry, u wont see too much of it
He's a troll, he's been trolling for a few years now.

There's a few dudes in the PS3 thread that live vicariously through an online alter-ego. Its weird as hell.
living vicariously through an online alter ego?

good one. when have i ever been someone im not? further more, when have u ever met me in order to juxtapose who i am with my online alter ego.

i believe, in this case ull find that i dont troll this thread as i truly do hold unique opinions. have i gone off topic a few times? sure who hasnt its the ps3 thread (at times a precursor to the tan thread)

what we have here is simply a case of incompatibility btw u and i. and thats fine. it happens. block me.

didnt u already? when u said weeks ago that ur a real fan of this "block a user feature" i only assumed u were referring to me. try it. u might like it.
Just got persona 4, awesome game.....should hold me til soul sacrifice comes out. As for more news regarding the VITA, I think we all have to wait til the 20th and see.
Well, I got on youtube and tried the YLOD/RLOD PS3 fix three times and it never worked. Tried to trade it in to one gamestop and they wouldn't take it bc it yellow lighted. Took it to another GS and they took it, but charged me a $40 refurb charge, which was my best case scenario at that point. Got $105 for the ps3 trade in towards the white 500 gig bundle. Paid $194 out of pocket and was completely fine with that. Got a new ps3, new 1 year of PS+ and 500 gigs of storage I terribly needed because my 80 gig was at the limit the entire time.

This thing is whisper quite compared to my other one, which is fantastic. I am not in love with the white color, but whatever.
Posted on NeoGAF (No this is not me) and has finally been hitting the blogs
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(01-28-2013, 11:25 PM)

I can spill the following comfortably though since I think this developer is a bit of a joke, and I think people are beginning to suspect this anyway. Versus XIII will have another unveiling later this year regarding development for the next generation. It won't have the "Versus XIII" part in the title. It will definitely release in 2014. You can have my account deleted if this information turns out to be inaccurate. News is fresh on this and I'm really confident about it. FF15 and FF16 are underway, both next generation projects. There's a chance FF15, in particular, may be an exclusive release. Kind of. And with that, I'm off to sleep.

All I have to say about this is just because a game is listed on a project schedule for a certain date doesn't mean it's actually going to make it out by its scheduled date. I would NOT expect to see what is left of Versus in the US until early 2015. It is scheduled to have a Q4 release in Japan in 2014.

FFX HD + X-2 HD + Last Mission is scheduled for release August/Sept but the date has not been finalized.

Can't comment on XV or XVI just yet, although I personally have not heard anything about exclusivity in the sense that it will be for one console only.

With all the Last of Us stuff being posted I think someone asked a while back why I wasn't impressed with the game. Out of courtesy to friends and colleagues at ND I'm not going to go into specifics which could be construed as trying to undermine their hard work. I'll note that I didn't play a final build but was privy to end game story information and scenario. With that being said I was not overly impressed with what I played.

man please tell me they are gonna put X/X-2 on 360 as well. I know its too much to ask for but since XIII, and XIII-2 as well as other playstation 2 exclusives(the Metal Gear HD collection), were on the 360, is there hope?
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