The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

So today I spent a whole day in the Mission District in San Francisco to help my parents at their shop.  But it wasn't too busy so I stood outside the shop just taking random pics of the diverse crowd that walks Mission St.


Just found it interesting to see a kayak in the middle of the city.


My daughter doodling some jiberrish.


Even the drivers seat area is all tagged up.


She's pissed that I dragged her there with me.


Saw this on the way to the taqueria to buy a super nachos.


She feels a little better now.  Kids forget so fast.


These two dudes were just walking around singing Michael Jackson songs.


There must be hundreds of ice cream carts on Mission


This truck was parked right in front of where I was standing.  The colors really stand out.


Homeless man trying to make a buck by picking up cans and cardboard to recycle.


My son got up about a foot and a half to slap.  His basketball training has greatly improved his athleticism.


No idea what this guy was trying to get across.  He was posting up fliers.


At the liquor store buying some drinks.


This big dog was just patiently waiting for his owner outside the taqueria.


His lady was getting pissed at him cuz she wanted to go inside the shop but dude was taking his time to finish his smoke.


Small dog leading the way.


Dudes delivering merchandise.  These guys are cheaper than USPS, UPS or FedEx.  $5 per box no matter the size or weight.


Special dude doing some shopping.


He saw me watching him so he turned his back to count his money.


He bought bikini briefs.  He was smelling them.


All kinds of cyclists riding all day long.


My son putting in work.  Child labor.  Thats how us Chinese folks be doing it.


Like I said, very diverse crowd.  You get old folks, homeless folks, corporate dudes, joggers, dog walkers, dudes struggling to make money, small business owners of all cultures, young and older hipsters, homosexuals, entertainers.  Its crazy all the things you see just standing there.




This guy was decked out in all military gear riding his bike up and down the street.  He gave me the peace sign right when I stop snapping.




Handicapped guy getting on the bus.  Must suck being in a wheelchair and taking public transportation.  Dude looked very unhappy.


Late afternoon snack.  Bacon wrapped hotdog with onions, jalapenos, mayo, ketchup and mustard.  Off tha hook!!


My wife asked me to buy some tomatoes and fruit home.


Just chilling. Not sure if that was piss or beer in his cup.
14 & Mission...Use to take that bus all the time. I live in upper mission/daly city borderline area...You near there JawKneeC?
same here. riordan class of 95 and used to take the 14 to top of hill to catch the 20C home.

currently live in millbrae but we come to the in-laws on geneva and mission quite often.
Question...I've been shootin with a 20D for years now and have been very pleased with the results. I'm looking to upgrade and start tryin to make a little money off of photo shoots. I've been saving up for a new camera and am about to make a purchace. Just wanted opinions on weather I should get a 7D body or a T2i and spend the extra money on lenses.
Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

So today I spent a whole day in the Mission District in San Francisco to help my parents at their shop.  But it wasn't too busy so I stood outside the shop just taking random pics of the diverse crowd that walks Mission St.

^^ What are the reactions of the people when you are taking those pictures? Do they get angry, I can see why maybe the handicapped guy on the bus might have felt a little uncomfortable.

I love the shots, I feel like I was there with you throughout the day
Originally Posted by Jordman23

Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

So today I spent a whole day in the Mission District in San Francisco to help my parents at their shop.  But it wasn't too busy so I stood outside the shop just taking random pics of the diverse crowd that walks Mission St.

^^ What are the reactions of the people when you are taking those pictures? Do they get angry, I can see why maybe the handicapped guy on the bus might have felt a little uncomfortable.

I love the shots, I feel like I was there with you throughout the day
that's what i was thinking...
nice shots, but his style is kinda intrusive  
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