The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Need some advice. I've been shooting with a T1i for the past year and a couple months, it was my first DSLR. Pretty much learned how to shoot with it. I'm ready to upgrade tho' and eyeing the 5D Mark II. Only thing is that a Mark III is rumored to drop this year. What would you recommend?

Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Need some advice. I've been shooting with a T1i for the past year and a couple months, it was my first DSLR. Pretty much learned how to shoot with it. I'm ready to upgrade tho' and eyeing the 5D Mark II. Only thing is that a Mark III is rumored to drop this year. What would you recommend?
I'd say wait for the Mark III to drop first and then judge if the 500-600 is really worth the difference. If not, all the early adopters will be letting go of the Mark II for cheap and you can pick-up a Mark II then. The Mark III will drop in price after about a year or two and then you can upgrade.
My .o2
^ sick shots. i like the first one the most. looks like he's being abducted by an alien 
that iphone shot is dope too...since everyone has one...we should do a camera phone/iphone project since the wizard one isn't really taking your best phone cam shots #shrug. anybody up for it?

iphone 4:


kvn: thanks, i've been looking at that black rapid strap myself. if this domke strap doesn't hold up, i'll prob pick that up next.
Sup yall, just picked up T1i, have lurked in here and am very impressed. Any recommendations besides shooting and just feeling it out.

Also, is a 50mm lens the next logical step or does it all depend on what I'm shooting?
I'm upgrading from a t1i to a 7d. Right now I'm trying to get used to the 7d, it's a big difference and I want to get fluent with the buttons and stuff. Anyone experience this?
Just picked up a T2i and hopefully I'll be able to contribute to this thread. It's my first DSLR so I'm fairly new to this. One of the many pictures I took last night.

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