The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Like I said, I don't really agree with the mysterious scratches either. But until SGA or somebody else complains, I don't really know what you can do.

I thought Poku was a bum (and I wanted Maxey to be the Cs pick), but I can't even be too mad at them taking a swing on him at 17. You can at least see that there could be some potential there. I still don't get why they passed on my dude Alp in this draft though.

Def not trading Shai. He's a cornerstone piece they have under contract for 5 years after this season. Say they hit on Paolo in this draft and they all of the sudden have a somewhat promising core with an AS-level guard, AS-level forward, connector with upside in Giddey, and defensive wing in Dort. Then a billion future picks and cap space.

Path is there.

he’s absolutely a cornerstone but I don’t think you’re doing him any favors sitting him. He’s still in his developmental stages.

but like you said. You gotta make the right pick still. Don’t care how many picks you got.
I don't get it.

Is beep beep some sort of Chicago thing? Are they pretending they created cars or car horns?

Also why is the Bulls twitter account saying that? And why are they driving home from NY? They don't got a team plane anymore?

Stacey King ends every bulls win with “Drive him safely Bulls fans beep beep” the rest should be self explanatory
They could've at least sat SGA in the middle of the season. Them doing it now is too blatant.
Future OKC lottery pick :nerd:

it was written
Thomas Bryant (basketball) - Wikipedia
They'll be like the Pelicans and can't keep them.

At least they're in New Orleans for the Pelicans...not sure what's there for a young person in OKC (or Utah).
Portland's black % is what? 5?

You like New Orleans? Didn't really care for it personally but to each is home. I know ASW in Houston was 100x. And driving on that causway surrounded by nothing but water as far as the eyes can see, 360 degrees.

There's always this article about the Jazz though. The combination of the pandemy and shutdowns and the newer Thunder players having not been here as long and nto being as good so people care less, I don't know what them dudes like to get into or where they live or hang out or anything, but trust when KD, Russ, and James and them were here they seemed to be enjoying themselves. And there's hella more in terms of bars, restuarants, (most importantly that are open late) and recreation since then, no KD's though (they turned it into a Charleston's streakhouse). But yea I don't know, I could see guys sitting at home and being like there's nothing to do I hate it here or maybe they use that and be in the gym more then or maybe they go out and find what there is to do. No idea, other than a lot of them dudes like to live in Edmond because it's closer to the practice facility but not Bricktown/Downtown where the games are. And Steve Adams and Andre Roberson when they were here just lived in a standard family community. And DeAndre Liggins house looks just like the houses in my neighborhood, probably was built by the same dude actually. Feel like if I was in the L I'd go for the more baller high end condo/townhome/apt or even some oft he detached extra modern homes. ****** just living in a 1500 sq ft 3 bed 2 bath. But even if OKC is the worst place ever, they're only here during the season and can live whereever in the offseason

The Thunder should absolutely hire an ambassador to the city though. And in my head he/sheI'd do it for opposing teams too, like a high end concierge because I'll tell you what's good or where to go or I'll drive you there too or bring it back, whatever, and then that gives you something when it comes to FAs they remember that and it becomes something they remember, like I remember when Mark Cuban lead the way building ultra luxury locker rooms and tvs in the lockers and everything. If they paid me like 200, I'd do it and I'd enroll ****** kids in school when they get traded here, send them brochures for neighborhoods and school districts, go tour rentals for you, everything. Seems like something that should exist, or maybe it already does. Let the NBA guys focus on their IPA's

TLDR: OKC probably does suck but IDK they dont be out here in the community like the ~2012 team

I hate sitting players and don trust Presti to not try to be too cute with the picks anyways nor do I trust Silver to rig the draft for us and get us a good pick

These dudes aren't famous they could be out at places I be and aside from being tall, very few would notice them or bother them

Beep, beep, who got the keys to the Jeep, vroooom
I'm driving to the beach
Top down, loud sounds, see my peeps
Give them pounds, now look who it be
It be me, me, me and Timothy

They trolling Knicks and biggin up lake shore drive :lol:

Bruh 😂
As I predicted, they lifted that show proof of your vax status requirement to come to games. **** aint e'em last a whole month
With OU going into the dump, OK as a whole is about to be a volatile sports wise as possible. 1 more year is fine but any more than that and the team will be outta there.

from what I’ve read that whole “protest” for the vax stuff did nothing financially to them. Just more maga crying 🤷🏽‍♂️
I see what you mean but most dudes nowadays have the mindset of “that’s cool but it won’t happen to me” all while it’s happening to them :lol:

Processes work if you hit on the right players with high picks, imagine where Philly would be if they hadn’t taken Okafor, or if they go Tatum over Fultz? The Simmons drama of not quite getting there with your core making the core insecure wouldn’t exist.

In regard to what Philly’s situation if they drafted differently, those are some rather significant “what-ifs” that would have changed the course of the past few years in the league so it’s tough to gauge what would have happened. However, I do agree with your initial assertion that hitting on these lottery picks is that as essential. It’s quite literally the difference between being Sacramento (whose lottery pick history I recently detailed) and OKC. The Thunder didn’t win a chip but they made a Finals and had at least two other legitimate chances to win (the year Rust got hurt and the year they blew the 3-1 lead).

This article reminded me of my first time visiting Utah.

I was in Park City on a ski trip with some guys from work, back in 2009. We spent the week visiting. During the middle of the week, one of the guys suggested we go out to SLC because we had an office out there, and check out a Jazz game. I was pumped, because I hadn't gone to too many NBA games before, and this started the tradition of me always going to a game whenever I'm traveling to an NBA city.

We go to EnergySolutions Arena and all I see are a bunch of white people. A sea of white folks. Now, IDK if I've told ya'll this, but white folks TERRIFY me. I don't mean being in a room with 1 white guy giving me the spooks. I mean me being the only colored man in a room filled with white people scaring the crap out of me. I'm legitimately scared for my life/safety. That's really the best way I can explain it.

Game starts, and you start to see how some of these folks behave during the game. Saying some of the most foul **** I've ever heard people saying to another man. If it were me, I'd probably do something about it, because of how personal these guys got. I'm standing next to my boss (Cuban guy) and his boss (Indian guy). We all look at each other, and we collectively shake our heads and laugh.

I've been to SLC plenty of times since then, and I've always gotten the sense of lamented racism from folks out there. Not a lot of colored folks, tbh.
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It's crazy. You wear a hoodie and they're terrified of one of you.

Meanwhile, history tells us different. Word to Trayvon.

I don't get how these black players get down in OKC, Utah, Portland, etc.
Will be interesting to see if Shai himself starts complaining publicly. Players can't take having long NBA careers for granted. OKC's going to end up wasting some his prime.
It has to be demoralizing to be as bad as they are and having to watch what happened yesterday.
Never really realized just how superstitious these nba players are. Cats prob got alters in their lockers.

These posts remind me of something Jay Williams brought up on the ESPN morning show a few weeks back when discussing slumps and team locker rooms. He brought up how he struggled at the start of his rookie season because it was late Novemember and the Bulls had already lost 9 games and he had personally only lost 9 games in the last like 6 years or whatever :lol: So it’s definitely difficult for too young players coming from a background of always being on top to a blatantly tanking franchise.

I brought in the superstitious part because he mentioned the feeling was so bad that he got very superstitious (like he said a lot of players do) and began trying new routines and what not until they won
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