Nike Basketball when it comes to NBA gear are canibalizing themselves. They for example release a dri-fit practice T-Shirt, made out of cotton for USD 35 on their website. A couple months later on eBay some seller sells the actual practice gear for a similar price, thus people go for the real deal rather than the replica. I for example normally buy all the Nike gear that I like from the Suns team shop, but in the last 12 months I bought maybe 2 items, since I got the real deal on eBay. Just last week I bought the authentic practice shorts for USD 45 a piece, while the replicas are USD 40. Nike needs to start selling the authentic stuff more and more. I really wonder who is responsible for these decisions over at Nike.
The NBA deal could be a reason for the lack of Signature athlete clothing. Why do it when you can buy the Lakers gear at a higher price? When Adidas was the sponsor of the NBA, Nike had to make “their own” b-ball clothing, but now just buy the team stuff.
Nike actually sells a lot of player apparel in Asia. Kobe, pg, kyrie gear etc shirts I would never see out here nowadays with the cheesy in your face graphics
Kobe’s cluster F#%# of a line is dead to me. Like really...AD/AD NxT/AD NXT 360/ the list goes on. Hot garbage trash. The 360 was the only one I liked and those were over priced and the traction disappeared after 5-10 wears. Peace out.
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