The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

Literally a minute in on super dark times and I’m in love.

Distorted porn? You kids have it so easy.

Spice channel was life. Black box for the win. Channel 98 gang
Super Dark Times was ****** up, I saw it a couple months ago, that ending :sick:

as a 90's kid around that time it def struck a nerve
Just finished season 1 of American Horror, liked the season, but last episode sucked like they didn't know how to end it. Starting season 2 now, let's see where we go with this.
Started it on friday...the episodes are only like 18 minutes...on episode 3...its alright...pretty much a dark comedy....

Yeah episodes are crazy short, I knocked it out already... the whole series is only about 2.5 hours. It was good, I'd watch a season 2 if they decide to make one.
the whole time in the movie bright i kept thinking it's going to get better , its going to get better but nope it never did.. visuals were great but other than that terrible

why Will Smith chose to do that film i do not udnerstsnd
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