The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

Not Netflix related but anybody mess with The Bear on Hulu? Short series about a sandwich shop in Chicago. Guest starring Lip from Shameless and Matty Matheson the chef is in it too. I think one of the Odd Future dudes is the dessert guy. Huro Murai, the director from Atlanta, is a producer on this show. Jon Bernthal also makes a brief cameo. Pretty good series. Hopefully there's a second season.
Yea just finished it today. As a former worker in the hospitality business and line cook life. Show was very real and relatable. It was a quick and easy watch. Whole time I’m just waiting for a shameless character to pop up lol, especially it being in Chicago as well lol.
In The Umbrella Academy season 3 end credits scene, a person who looks like Ben (Justin H. Min) is seen riding what appears to be the same train from the opening scene. This Ben is reading a book in Korean and wears glasses but is still portrayed by the same actor. No other words are stated during this scene, but it heavily implies that, just as The Umbrella Academy season 1 intro was likely the birth of Viktor, the season 3 intro was Ben’s birth.
Read this a few times and it makes no sense to me. What is this from?

If you saw the intro we all assume it was Ben, just like previous other intros showed the birth of other UA kids, but how in the world does the ending with Ben on the train reading a paper in glasses imply or tie in to any of that? I feel like they left out a sentence

I should probably watch one of those recap videos.
Read this a few times and it makes no sense to me. What is this from?

If you saw the intro we all assume it was Ben, just like previous other intros showed the birth of other UA kids, but how in the world does the ending with Ben on the train reading a paper in glasses imply or tie in to any of that? I feel like they left out a sentence

I should probably watch one of those recap videos.

I didn’t get the movie BEAUTY. It’s about an inspiring singer - throughout the whole movie - you never hear her sing one song :lol:. Looks like she was doing air karaoke :lol:
how many ******* times are we gonna have to see Eleven crying in this season of stranger things. aint no one trynna see a teenager cry for 15 hours. if it weren't for steve and dustin, i'd quit watching this.
Saw this on FB.
Archive is pretty dope to start, but felt the ending could have been better.
Just found out that they cancelled it too, oh well I'll enjoy it for what it is. I'm not overly critical about it, I just need something to watch. Still have Stranger Things and Peaky Blinders on deck.
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