The Official Military Thread. Vol 1

Also: I've smoked weed in the past but I haven't done so in almost a year and was never a frequent smoker to begin wit . I told my recruiter that I never smoked before and I'm kind of concerned about the top security clearance. Any advice?

Not sure how this worked out for you, but since I see you are going into Intel I know that you will need atleast a TS clearance (maybe SCI not sure). To get a clearance you have to tell the truth, if you think you can lie your way through you won't get the clearance, especially if you have to do the poly.

So don't lie anymore and don't lie on your SF-86 ,Security Interview, or Poly.
No reason to lie about smoking IMO ..I was pretty much a chronic smoker in high school and got my TS at the age of 20

I don't even think my interviewer asked about that ..I'm 4 years clean now
No reason to lie about smoking IMO ..I was pretty much a chronic smoker in high school and got my TS at the age of 20

I don't even think my interviewer asked about that ..I'm 4 years clean now



UNLESS ITS IN YOUR SYSTEM or CRIMINAL RECORD............. theyre not going to find out

I told them I smoked the GANJA, and ......

I had to go in front of the Squadron commander with a bunch of people that had crazy records and explain why I had to apply for a security clearance so I could perform maintenance on the flightline!!! LOL!!

My first base didn't make a big deal of it, but my second base ( LUKE AFB, AZ. ) gave me time off to get my uniform ready to go march in front of the Commander, and explain why I smoked Weed... IT WAS "OD" FOR REAL

The commander was also Playing "GOD" with a few people too.. like he was the deciding factor in your case... and you'll NEVER have a TRUE SECURITY CLEARANCE it will always be an "INTERIM" security clearance....

ALSO.......... DO NOT USE DRUGS WHILE IN THE SERVICE ..... as they perform random tests... besides your in the US military now
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So I was selected for WO. Felt like a Hail Mary pass completion.

I just PCS'd to Oki a few months ago. I have a daughter with a major heart condition but I'm not married and no longer with her mother. I really miss her. So hopefully this can get me back to the states so I can be closer. I'm going to try for EFMP again but they have some weird rules as far as custody.
So I was selected for WO. Felt like a Hail Mary pass completion.

I just PCS'd to Oki a few months ago. I have a daughter with a major heart condition but I'm not married and no longer with her mother. I really miss her. So hopefully this can get me back to the states so I can be closer. I'm going to try for EFMP again but they have some weird rules as far as custody.
Congrats - my boy was selected as well ....

Funny story ...

Dude met his current wife and got her to join. Now they are both stationed together and she's a LCpl and he's about to be her WO. Wonder how's that going to work ... He probably gets transfer to a unit nearby.

If I could recommend anything to anyone .. If they are planning on making the military a career is to try and become an Officer. Go to school, complete your education and apply for every Officer program there is.

look at it long term ....
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Yeah, the Corps (and the military as a whole) frowns down upon fraternization. Sometimes things are a bit random but to maintain "good order and discipline", it would make the most sense to move him to a different unit.

He was a recruiter? SSgt?

I agree. I wanted to submit my application a few years ago but was going through all of the medical issues with my daughter.

Perfect time to submit a WO application is probably 8-10 years in the Marine Corps. Army is a little different. I had a coworker when I was based on MacDill AFB get selected. They seem to have two boards a year and more opportunities.

When I joined, I actually had three years of college and was considering going commissioned officer. But then I had a bad experience and never bothered. The difference in pay is size able in the long term.

I also agree with Solewomans comment about getting a rate/MOS that aligns to the civilian world. I'm lucky in the regard I do IT. So I'll be fine after I retire.
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Any job that will easily transition into the civilian world once you get out usually, (HM- hospital corpsman is usually the main one), thing is though most of those jobs are overmanned so advancement quotas suck. And I don't believe that about Aviation jobs, I work in aviation and I love it. Like everything it's all in what you make it, and how hard you work to get to where you wanna be. Everyone has their own opinion about everything so be careful with that. Doing your own research is a MUST, I use to be a recruiter so if you have any general enlisting questions let me know. Also there's an active Navy Chief and a few others on here as well so a lot of experience all around if you need any advice or input.
Most interesting job I see is the Electronic Technician. Would love to be able to get into Engineerring. Are all the applied sciences jobs really competitive ?
have you been offered jobs or "rates" recently by a recruiter? one good thing right now is that recruiters aren't pressed to fill quotas and fluff up certain job opportunities like how it used to be several years ago. xwestbullyx is absolutely right about it being all what you make it. one thing i love about the Navy is that you do a lot of things outside of your normal job. on my last ship, Electronic Technicians (ET) and Information Systems Technicians (IT) hated the fact they were needle gunning, sanding, and painting more than the Boatswain's Mates (BM). it all depends on where you get stationed and the chain of command. 
have you been offered jobs or "rates" recently by a recruiter? one good thing right now is that recruiters aren't pressed to fill quotas and fluff up certain job opportunities like how it used to be several years ago. xwestbullyx is absolutely right about it being all what you make it. one thing i love about the Navy is that you do a lot of things outside of your normal job. on my last ship, Electronic Technicians (ET) and Information Systems Technicians (IT) hated the fact they were needle gunning, sanding, and painting more than the Boatswain's Mates (BM). it all depends on where you get stationed and the chain of command. 
Glad you flagged this. My boy up in Oregon recruiting said they can't put in anybody except females as pri 1, then they can drop males down on deck once they meet their female quota. And they are pushing PACT heavy nowadays also.

Like you said too, which was a great point, most rates especially if they have quite a few E-4 and below or even E-5's, will send members TAD to the galley, security, line shack, first lieu, etc. it's just the nature of the beast. And with that comes jobs that don't really "relate" to your rate, but don't get discourage because take that 90-180 days to study rating manuals and pubs to be more familiar with your rate/job before you head back to your division.
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Detailer is thinking about sending me to Sigonella, Italy. Any of you guys heard anything about it or been there?
Someone was telling me that an o1 or o2 make 100k easily. I was seeing would I rather stay in my current career instead.

Lmfaoooo. Hell no. Whoever told you that is out of their mind. You can cake but it depends on so many things... Prior enlisted, number of dependents, where your stationed etc

But 100k nah.
There's a total pay app that will get you around the ball park of pay. Or on the DFAS site.

I wish I had went commissioned officer after my first enlistment. That major or lieutenant pay would've been off the chain. Course I would've hated my job lol.
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