The Official Military Thread. Vol 1

Our max is 4.5 minutes. But we are your sisters lol.

Things have changed significantly since I joined. For the better I suppose. Combat Fitness Tests. More pull ups on our PFTs. Running around during our rifle range.

I wish they’d put a lil more emphasis on education like the other services. Air Force Community College. And then incentivizing bachelors and masters in promotion (in addition to PME).

Laughing at the first line but 100 on the rest...

I will say the Navy is really targeting education especially for senior officers.

My friend should be an LDO captain but he refuses to go to school...kills me because he has everything but the degree and every captain in our designator has one...
Yeah. No need for Marine/Navy smack talk.

The “future” according to force design is blue/green integration to mitigate Balkans and South China Sea.

And what’s the process to LDO in Navy? In Marines, you have to be CWO then apply. Max rank is LtCol. The obligation is too rich for my blood (three year upon promotion). It would add two more years to my career that I don’t want to.
Yeah. No need for Marine/Navy smack talk.

The “future” according to force design is blue/green integration to mitigate Balkans and South China Sea.

And what’s the process to LDO in Navy? In Marines, you have to be CWO then apply. Max rank is LtCol. The obligation is too rich for my blood (three year upon promotion). It would add two more years to my career that I don’t want to.

For LDO you can apply as a first class with 8-14 years of service. O1-O3 are automatic. Boards for everything else. The obligation for LDO is 10 years and the max you can make is Full Bird Capitan.

For CWO you have to be a Cheif with 14-20 years of service. W3 is auto and everything else is a board. 6 year obligation and CWO5 is the higest.

I got 5 years left of my obligation, more than likely will retire when its up unless I get W4 early and I'll hang around for the high 3.
For us, it’s a board. Submit an application. Go to OCS. Then go to college at tax payers expense. Somewhere in there you do the basic school. Great program for E4-E5. Also removes LDO caps (though your service is better with the O6).

We also have MCP. Similar but the time to complete college is less.

Finally ECP which you have a degree and get commissioned.
I saw this earlier on FB but they didn't know who he was.

Sad part i doubt they kick him out.
They better.

Last year, they had two white service members on my base post on social media in black face. :/

Don’t know what happened to them but in this climate. Kick them out. Keeping them in disturbs good order and discipline.
I'm glad he did this....China and Chinese Americans need to see how THEY truly feel.
I hope more of this comes to light.
One day there may be a time where you black American servicemen and women will have to pick a side.
Lets see where you all truly stand at the end😉
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Navy Active Duty quotas released yesterday. My rating is sitting at 20%.

Navy Active Duty quotas released yesterday. My rating is sitting at 20%.


20 isn't bad. I have seen worse in my day.

Sustained superior performance. If you have a numbers break out (1 of xx talented first class petty officers on arduous sea duty. Sustained superior performer)

Break outs like that will set you apart. You should be fine
20 isn't bad. I have seen worse in my day.

Sustained superior performance. If you have a numbers break out (1 of xx talented first class petty officers on arduous sea duty. Sustained superior performer)

Break outs like that will set you apart. You should be fine
You’ve seen my record and evals over the past five years. Only thing I could see being in question is my only LPO at sea documented on an eval was I was an E5.
You’ve seen my record and evals over the past five years. Only thing I could see being in question is my only LPO at sea documented on an eval was I was an E5.

Could be. Depends on how they rack and stack you. As long as you rack out no lower than 96 you are good.
Yes I was there in 2016

im heading out there in a few weeks...i know its mad different now... was trying to see if the bx they got is a little kiosk... i know the mail situation is terrible out there.... so im not about to wait 1 or 2 months for something from amazon
im heading out there in a few weeks...i know its mad different now... was trying to see if the bx they got is a little kiosk... i know the mail situation is terrible out there.... so im not about to wait 1 or 2 months for something from amazon
Bring everything you need and go ahead and order more so it'll get there by the time you show up.. I would load up in Kuwait before you fly up AAAB
Have you seen the 5 Bloods by Spike Lee?

Or Falcon and Winter Soldier?

There's no escaping systematic oppression. Cops don't look at what you're wearing, just your skin color (very generalized but probably not reality).

We just have to ensure we look out for that extremism that is bubbling in society and stamp it out in our ranks.
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