The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

Originally Posted by Halftime718

if I put my installation cd on a older macbook, besides restarting it what else will happen?
wont work...those cd's that come with ur mac are hardware exclusive, u need to buy a retail version of os x
how the heck do i get my dock back!? i tried candybar and it made my dock disappear! sorry but im super freaked out right now. i have to lauch everything fromspotlight because when ever i hold my curser over my normal desktop i get a beachball icon.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

restart your computer

i had to do a shut down by holding the power button, and then turning it back on, i did this twice. it still has the spinning beach ball over the desktop partbut not over the application window im running. so all i can access right now is my top bar stuff and spotlight and applications.
ok i got everything back to normal... almost. im missing my orgininal mail icon, how do i get it back?
Originally Posted by yep617

anybody ever feel like they have problems with airport? when i first got my macbook everything was fine, video's streamed with no buffering, pictures loaded instantly.
now it seems like airport is dropping my connection periodically, so pictures are loading slowly and streaming video buffers more than normal or just stops, its frustrating.
Hey me too man. which model do you have

this only happened recetnly last 1/2 monthsish

and my mac is a 2.2ghz with 1 gig of ram(white macbook ov)
Pretty simple fix, but I think I'm just too lazy to mess with it right now...

All of the Word files my teachers put on their websites are .docx files, and I only have Word 2004, which won't open those files. What do I need to do tobe able to open those files?
Originally Posted by nick0lis

ok i got everything back to normal... almost. im missing my orgininal mail icon, how do i get it back?

you'll have to reset your icons through candybar, reload your dock, and/or click on the icon for it to go back to normal.
I created a thread but have yet to receive a helpful reply/answer. So I hope someone here will be kind enough to help...

Apparently, some of my Word docs are infected w/ a macro virus. I'm not sure how many are infected, although I know it's not all Word docs. I'mrunning Office 2004 for Mac Student and Teacher Edition. How can I fix this? I'd like to prevent other docs from also becoming infected. I have noanti-virus installed and I'm still running Tiger, (hoping Apple releases Snow Leopard soon so I can finally upgrade) if that matters. I'd appreciatethe help.

Mac Platform: UB
Includes: Serial
OS version: Mac OS X 10.4.11 or Mac OS X 10.5.x

FruitMenu is a haxie that gives you the ability to customize the Apple Menu and contextual menus.
Using a visual editor you can edit the contents of the menus to suit your needs and taste.
FruitMenu will also display the contents of the FruitMenu Items folder inside of your Library folder, launch applications and shell scripts from the Apple Menu and contextual menus, to allow easy file navigation and launching.
To make the haxie completely flexible and customizable, you can assign hotkeys to particular menu items.

# Put any folders and files in your Apple and contextual menus.
# Put complete disks in your Apple and contextual menus for easy navigation.
# Assign hot keys to your files, folders, and commonly used tasks.
# Access individual System Preferences immediately from a submenu.
# See your IP Address in the Apple or contextual menu.
# Speed up your system by disabling menu fadeout effect.
# Open any document with application of your choice through the contextual menu.
# Move any file or folder into your desired location.
# Preview graphics file right into your menu.
# Reveal and Get Info on files right from your Apple and contextual menus.
# Create individual configurations of Apple and Contextual menus for different applications.
# Use less-cluttered, faster implementation of Recent Applications, Documents and Folders than Apple's.
# Set desktop picture instantly with a single click.
# Browse contents of the selected folder in a menu, instantly.
# Organize the Apple menu the way you want or need.
# Easy to configure as it comes in usual Preference Pane form, accessible through System Preferences.

More Info:
For the record I also posted this in the BB thread.

I have successfully tethered my BB to my MAC via Bluetooth. If you want to know how, let me know.Basically it uses the Bold's 3G connection so you can have high speed internet on your Laptop anywhere you have a 3G signal. Here is a screen shot of thespeed test I took while connected to my BB. Yes the latency is a little high but the speeds are pretty good. Also the download and upload speeds are nearsynchronous.

Originally Posted by CWrite78

uh, you're in a mac thread.. guess what answer you're getting.

To expound on that, I can tell you from the viewpoint of a Windows user for most of my life until 2007 that my purchase ofa Mac was one of the greatest computer purchases I have ever made in my entire life.

With that endorsement comes a little honesty. Yes you can find a more powerful computer spec wise (at least as far as thenotebooks are concerned, cause the Mac Pro is a beast), yes you can even find a better value (that's just the truth) BUT!!!!! You will be hard pressed tofind a machine that blends hardware and software into a better integrated package AND an OS that is as powerful yet user friendly as MAC OSX.

Trust when you buy it, you will have so many "wow they actually thought of that" moments that you'll losetrack. Got one word for you...Spotlight. You'll soon find out. Plus guys like Cwrite and Doc, Googler, and sometimes myself will steer you write if youhave any questions. Plus there are too many tutorials and how to's on the web as well.

Hope that helps.
so does anyone have windows on their mac? anyone know how i can update to sp2, i have a xp cd but it has sp1
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

For the record I also posted this in the BB thread.

I have successfully tethered my BB to my MAC via Bluetooth. If you want to know how, let me know. Basically it uses the Bold's 3G connection so you can have high speed internet on your Laptop anywhere you have a 3G signal. Here is a screen shot of the speed test I took while connected to my BB. Yes the latency is a little high but the speeds are pretty good. Also the download and upload speeds are near synchronous.

any way to tether the iphone to the mac as of right now?

Hopefuly OS 3.0 comes with tethering.
ok...noobish mac Q right do u delete selected items from the trash without deleting everything in it...
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