**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Spittas ***** about to fall off
Looks sloppy.  2 worst things in the world are watches and bracelets that dont fit.
No different than this 5g. Bar with 1.88 cts being way more than the actual gold. When you start adding quality diamonds in jewery the price shoots up. If you go to a top notch jeweler you're going to pay the price for that quality. Those advertised prices are always negotiable anyway


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No different than this 5g. Bar with 1.88 cts being way more than the actual gold. When you start adding quality diamonds in jewery the price shoots up. If you go to a top notch jeweler you're going to pay the price for that quality. Those advertised prices are always negotiable anyway



My jeweler is top notch and im paying 1500 dollars for the bezel including diamonds and setting... I'm providing the coin.....
No different than this 5g. Bar with 1.88 cts being way more than the actual gold. When you start adding quality diamonds in jewery the price shoots up. If you go to a top notch jeweler you're going to pay the price for that quality. Those advertised prices are always negotiable anyway



My jeweler is top notch and im paying 1500 dollars for the bezel including diamonds and setting... I'm providing the coin.....

I wish I could find a jeweler that would do it for that price. The lowest I've found is about $3-4000.
I wonder how that Lex looks in person.  When I first saw those I thought they looked really dated and I actually like 70s and 80s stuff.  It's better than those florentine things though and if the pyramid things look pointier irl then the design could work, maybe. 
Ya i don't think too many were made. It just looks interesting. Def wouldn't be my first choice. $30k is steep though.
30k for that ugly watch
.  I guess that is the cost if it really was some limited edition but you could get the 5100 for that kinda money and those have the sweeps seconds so it's not like it looks like you have some folex on your arm.  Plus word is the 5100 is kinda rare but I don't think I've ever even seen one on fleabay for more than 20.
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