The Official FLASH FORWARD Season 1 Thread - Premieres 9/24, 8 ET on ABC - Vol. What Did You See?

charlie. next thing you know the cast of lost caused the blackout
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

the buzz after one of these episodes just isn't the same as LOST
enh, i quit watching lost after a few episodes... i can tell you this much, after about the same amount of ep's I like FF a lot better than Iliked Lost. Now I'm told Lost got a lot better, but the first 2 months of it blew +@@+ as far as I'm concerned. This already has my attention morethan that show ever got with me.

It's still potentially going to fail so hard though.
but so far,they're doing okay with it.
Good episode tonight

at first I was like aw hell naw this geek is gonna do 'blackface'?

but then they explained it scientifically

i knew that Lloyd Simcoe was involved though

& that babysitter(who happens to be the guy with the beards daughter?) could get it
This show shouldn't be compared to Lost until after season 1 is over. I wouldn't know because I watched season 1 in its entirety online the summerafter it first aired on TV so it's different watching a whole season straight through compared to waiting a week for every episode as it actually airs.

I bet the season 1 of Lost would have seemed a little stale when it first aired because it had to devote full episodes to introduce characters and theirflashbacks.
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Originally Posted by mEasy15

Allen Strange

What they need to do is bring back Alex Mack..

Hello kind sir, I was wondering if you could tell me a little more about your avy?



That's me hitting the waves and 2 of my lady friends enjoying the view. Taken in Hawaii January 2008


I think I actually saved it from one of the many "booty" posts that have been on NT
. Other than that I have no info broham. Sorry.
I was really hoping it was either going be Patrick or Jeff from Coupling on the other end of the line
that is hawaii. north shore of oahu. pipeline.

first 2 episodes of flash forward were ok. last 2 were junk. slow pace isn't helping character development. i hate john cho - he's extra crappy on thisshow. things better pick-up or imma drop this show within the next 2 or 3 eps.
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Good episode tonight

at first I was like aw hell naw this geek is gonna do 'blackface'?

but then they explained it scientifically

i knew that Lloyd Simcoe was involved though

& that babysitter(who happens to be the guy with the beards daughter?) could get it

thats not his daughter
thats the girl his daughter used to babysit
why is everyone hating on harold?
the main character is far and away the worst actor on the show.

dude sucks.
^They both suck imo. Main character more tho.

Yo what was up with that last ep? I couldn't take it seriously and ended up not watching the ending. The whoel thing was a comedy. The average guy with thesunny disposition that becomes a black guy in his FF(I guessed due to his disease) all those references to being Shaft and Bryant Gumble?
Then the drugdealer they chased, they thought he had yellow cake. Fool named his weed that

And I got a crazy feeling that the characters on this show are gonna come to a realization that w/e they do or don't do doesn't matter since it'llall end up making their FFs come to be i.e course correction e.g. whatever happened happened.
Yeah, that last episode didn't do much for me. It was ok at best.

Still interested to see where things go though. So I'll keep watching.

And yeah, both of the lead characters (Harold and Mark) suck.

Oh, and TC... how the hell do you view the real size of someone's avatar??
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Oh, and TC... how the hell do you view the real size of someone's avatar??

click on their name -> right click their avy -> properties -> copy and paste the addy -> take out the _t at the end


Thanks man.

I sometimes see NTers with these sick avys and wish I could see the full-sized version. But I'd feel silly asking every NTer who I saw with a nice avy tosend me the link or whatever....
Lol yeah that's how you do it

I was just experimenting w/it and figured it out. I think 'T' stands for thumbnail
Originally Posted by Falcon4567


and the last 3 have been trash IMO. pilot was amazing. Show has fallen off IMO. I'll give it two more episodes just b/c of the pilot but I'm probablydone after that. It's just boring.
How can a show fall off mid way through the first season, not all the episodes have been at the same level quality but there hasn't been any significantdrop off. The worse you can say is that they're mediocre in the face of other shows but the only shows it really in competition with are Heroes,Fringe, Dollhouse and Stargate Universe and none of those shows have really done any amazing things this season.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

the buzz after one of these episodes just isn't the same as LOST
enh, i quit watching lost after a few episodes... i can tell you this much, after about the same amount of ep's I like FF a lot better than I liked Lost. Now I'm told Lost got a lot better, but the first 2 months of it blew +@@+ as far as I'm concerned. This already has my attention more than that show ever got with me.

It's still potentially going to fail so hard though.
but so far, they're doing okay with it.

But, it's thursday. So, holla folks!
They have to rebound with this epsiode .. last week was definitely lackluster.

Craftsy .. go watch Lost NOW!
I hope this joint does pickup tonight.

I'm tired of seeing the same damn flash forward with Penny(?) looking downstairs at ol boy. Come to think of it, i'm not even really a fan of thisshow, i'm just trying to fill my LOST void as much as possible.

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I hope this joint does pickup tonight.

I'm tired of seeing the same damn flash forward with Penny(?) looking downstairs at ol boy. Come to think of it, i'm not even really a fan of this show, i'm just trying to fill my LOST void as much as possible.

Spoiler [+]

I've been fiending for some news .. need you to PM me a minor spoiler or something. Seriously.

But the cliffhanger at the end of the last episode was good.
Took me a few mins to remember what happened (probably not a good sign) but they can build on that.
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