The Official FLASH FORWARD Season 1 Thread - Premieres 9/24, 8 ET on ABC - Vol. What Did You See?

Oct 31, 2005
One of the most highly anticipated new shows premieres tonight at 8:00 PM on ABC. I'm a huge LOST fans so this show isright up my alley! There's also some speculation that Flash Forward has a�connection with the events of LOST. That would be ridiculous.

Overall plot: Everyone on Earth loses consciousness for 2 minutes and 17 seconds. During that short time, people experience "flash forwards", orscenes from their future lives.

"Flash forwards" were shown during some episodes of LOST last season. Did anyone catch them?

Seen the pilot 2 weeks ago and its damn good...Will peep tonight can't wait to see the next episode.
It's an interesting concept, I might check it out.

At least it's something original, not just another spinoff of some CSI show or another uncreative tv idea.
Word, being a Lost fan, I'm amped to see this

Looks interesting. We'll see how it goes.

Though there was a great youtube comment that had me rolling:

"i blacked out while watching this trailer, and saw a future six months from now where this show is cancelled"

LOL did anyone see the Oceanic billboard?

Definitely keeping my eyes peeled now...


Haha this chase scene reminds me of Harold and Kumar.
Dude was being a **$* for no reason. Manhandling an injured woman.

Grabbing her by the throat. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

So far it's ok.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Looks interesting. We'll see how it goes.

Though there was a great youtube comment that had me rolling:

"i blacked out while watching this trailer, and saw a future six months from now where this show is cancelled"



Word this show is getting canceled 1 season in....hope it has a conclusion thou.
i heard Charlie (lost) is going to be in this show...
and i guess penelope (lost) i guess she wont be in the final season of Lost..
Episode 1 notes:

Who or what is RED PANDA? It was on a bus billboard AND on the main character's investigation board in his flash forward.

What did the babysitter see? She appeared to be more frightened than anyone else.

How did the little boy know Olivia's name? His father is the man in Olivia's flash forward.

The man at Tigers stadium??

"I'm worried about you. WE all are." Who's "we"?
@ the random awake dude in detroit and the kangaroo in la

show started off slow to me.. but it got better.. glad i finally have something to watch before csi now
It was a pretty good episode....looks like it will be good based on the clips they showed at the end
Yeah it was cool.

Little things irked me in the first half hour (the blood splatter on her face during the operation... the fact that cell phones were usable after such a majorevent... the kangaroo.... the fact that dude and his partner were in the same car during the chase but seemed to not be anywhere near each other when they both"woke" up....).

But I'm just nit-picking. None of that stuff prevented me from paying attention.

This obviously was a set-up episode so I can forgive the slow moments tonight.

Seems like it may have some legs....
Lost fans.....just throwing this out there.....but....

Wouldn't it be crazy if this was caused by Juliette detonating the bomb on the island?
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Lost fans.....just throwing this out there.....but....

Wouldn't it be crazy if this was caused by Juliette detonating the bomb on the island?

That's one of the theories I was reading connecting the shows.

The show was incredible. Better than I expected. I can't WAIT to see more about this agent Zero dude.

God I hope this show makes it. I think with good word of mouth it can hold up. I just want to know what happens. I'm hooked!

Things I wanna know already:
Why Charlie knows what happened (LOST
joke, or not really?
What the little girl saw in her FF
Agent Zero links/possible other people alive during the FFs

Also, did this episode feel like LOST a LOT to anyone else? The car exploding once ol dude woke up (Jack/plane explosion). The bird hitting the window (Waltsflashbacks). Just the leader stepping up felt like the pilot to LOST where NOBODY had any ideas how far the show would go and how amazing it truly became. Ican't wait for next week.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

The Mosaic site is up for people to upload their visions during the blackout.

Truth Hack is the website of one Oscar Obregon, an investigative journalist seeking the truth on The Global Blackout.

JUST LIKE LOST. Everybody remember the Hanso Foundation website? I think this show will replace LOST for me.
NOTHING will replace LOST. More like, fill a void.

Gotta check these sites out...

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