The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Finally had the chance to try out the One Man Army exploit....came to the conclusion that I absolutely suck at Noobtubes

-The Juice
The One Man Army exploit IMO just takes away from your flow. I coudnt get a decent high kill score. My best was 30-4, but that was lucky. It takes way too longIMO if you are an experienced player. I went 72-20 (bad start) in Terminal Dom. just using a silenced ACR.

OMA is decent, but def. not cheating.
Dang, I wish I didn't Prestige so I can try that N00b tube and One Man Army thing

although it's disgusting and shows lack of IW thinking and the Respawn system now seems like crap too
saw some guy with his name as MW2 and his title as each button of an xbox controller. It would appear everytime you aimed at him. It was strange.

Info anyone?
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Finally had the chance to try out the One Man Army exploit....came to the conclusion that I absolutely suck at Noobtubes

-The Juice
i feel ya dawg
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

^ have the canister in your hand and you turn into Usain Bolt

Originally Posted by Olvera23

saw some guy with his name as MW2 and his title as each button of an xbox controller. It would appear everytime you aimed at him. It was strange.

Info anyone?

He/she is a hacker.
It does sound like there is a lot of glitching/hacking going on for the xbox users. I've been playing for a while on the ps3 and haven't seen any otherglitch except for that care package abuse, which I hate.
Lightweight/Marathon/Commando + running around with care package = morphing into Usain Bolt. Is that technically considered a glitch?
Its definitely an exploit.
Dont sleep on the Raffica. I put that on my sniper class with stopping power and FMJ, its like a mini m16.

After you prestige does your kill count for weapons reset?
I'm talking about those two extra challenges that open for each weapon after your first prestige, the headshot challenge and kill count challenge. I'mthinking it'd be such a waste if I didnt finish the ones I have around 600 kills already.
^ You keep the bottom two bars for every weapon you have. I believe they are highlighted in green.
Originally Posted by justinvincent

Its definitely an exploit.
Dont sleep on the Raffica. I put that on my sniper class with stopping power and FMJ, its like a mini m16.

After you prestige does your kill count for weapons reset?
I'm talking about those two extra challenges that open for each weapon after your first prestige, the headshot challenge and kill count challenge. I'm thinking it'd be such a waste if I didnt finish the ones I have around 600 kills already.

nah the prestige challanges stay when u level up again...

Originally Posted by bkmac

Lightweight/Marathon/Commando + running around with care package = morphing into Usain Bolt. Is that technically considered a glitch?

yea its a glitch.....and one of the most annoying ones also
I usually see the Care Package exploit in Terminal and last night I saw it in Invasion as well.

This knifing is taking the fun out of the game for me, I NEVER relied on the knife in COD4, I used it as a last minute weapon, or I began to run around after Ihad no ammo left.

But in this game it feels encouraged to use your knife like a primary weapon. I put the Masterkey(shotgun) on the ACR to try to combat it but it's likethey're invincible and go right through the pellets. I like MW2 over MW1 because of the variety in weapons, the new perks and the maps, but I thought thisgame was a first person shooter, at this rate they might as well rename is Mirror's Edge Warfare with these wretched knifers turning the game to fecalmatter.

And I don't want to hear any shoot faster BS the game is meant for close/medium/range gunfights with the occasional melee throwin in between for fun butthese knife first, shoot later ******s are sucking the life out of the game IMO.

I think one way around it is when you have your CP grenade in hand you shouldn't be allowed to melee, either throw it or turn into a moving shootingpractice target.
Yeah I would say the care package thing is more of an exploit than a glitch. I can't lie I had fun with it for a few matches but people that do it all thetime are crazy. I'd recommend the AA-12 or Akimbo Models if you run into someone using it.
Originally Posted by sole vintage

from neo gaf

ME and my clan (SC) went into a game of HxC SnD, we found a group of tenth prestiges, we thought they were merely boosters, we were very wrong.

We knew something was wrong when they just waltzed out of their spawn in Highrise and let us kill them.
After we won that round, they said "AWW look at the level 1's" and we noticed...

Killing them made us LOSE xp.... we won the match cause they ended it.
Match Results: -899999453xp....

What the heck.....

I was 2nd prestige rank 50, now im 2nd rank 1. everyone else in my group is reset as well.
to add to the weirdness:

all of my guns, camos, challenges,attachments, killstreaks, all still set as I had them in my Custom slots.
BUT when i went to customize, they were all locked as if I didnt have them.

So we decided to go play a match, I can rank up and everything, its as if I never got to 2nd. Rank 50.

People Say pics or it didnt happen. heres 2 videos of the other clan members (Including myself) showing our loss:

SC ShadowTSI:


This Needs to be addressed, or else almot everyone will eventually have their stats reset.


I'm definitely leaving if i get put into a game with 10th prestige guys
for being able to start with THE best gun: UMP45

Thing is like an assault rifle that lets you run at full speed.
^ I see everyone using that gun, but when I use it it seems to have alot of recoil
. The M4A1 is my gun though.
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