iOS 7....
"Because we admit that Android looks better, but we want our phone's namesake to say we pay more for less features" ~Whoever designed the icons and interface
Anyone have a Link to the Beta 2. I'm trying to install it on my girls phone before the 3rd drop.

I only have the first beta drop on my phone. Not sure if I can still install that on her phone without any issues?
I'm not sure, you could definitely download the first then update it from there. But you'd have to get a new link because the other has been shut down.

Has anyone had the problem with there music just jumping from song to song but never playing any? Also, my music has been unable to sync with the songs in my itunes on the computer, so I can't get any more songs.
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naw ive had an iphone since 08 and have never jailbroken any of my iphones and pretty satisfied with it. i have always ran stock i tend to not do the 6.1 or .2 updates though
If you don't really do the .1 or .2 updates I'd stay on iOS6 and wait until the official release, because then all of the bugs will be worked out.
Updated my phone to beta 3 last night. Everything was working fine until a few minutes ago when my phone shut itself off. It won't turn back on or charge. So is my phone just a paperweight now?
Updated my phone to beta 3 last night. Everything was working fine until a few minutes ago when my phone shut itself off. It won't turn back on or charge. So is my phone just a paperweight now?
Hold down the home and power button together for like 10 sec, until you see the apple logo on the screen.
Updated my phone to beta 3 last night. Everything was working fine until a few minutes ago when my phone shut itself off. It won't turn back on or charge. So is my phone just a paperweight now?
Hold down the home and power button together for like 10 sec, until you see the apple logo on the screen.

Thanks. Guess I didn't hold the buttons long enough before. Glad the problem wasn't the beta.
anybody have a link i can download the iOS7? yeah i know i'm late, but it's hard to do stuff like this with a 2month old...
so this is not out offically for iphone right? :nerd:

Nope. Not until Fall.

iOS 7 Beta 3 update-

Runs much much much better than before.. actually keep forgetting that it's a beta and its not done yet. All that needs to be done is clean up the functionality and make it easier to run on the devices (hopefully) and its golden.

iOS 7 >>>>> iOS 6. :smokin
1. Hoping Beta 4 really releases on Monday.

2. Hope this release fixes the '1' text message bug I've suffered since Beta 1. It's extremely annoying. Also suffer a bug where my contacts' names in Messages overlap each other.

3. And lastly, hopefully the fix the bug where your phone goes idle....then you can't turn it back on. Forcing you to hard reset.
1. Hoping Beta 4 really releases on Monday.

2. Hope this release fixes the '1' text message bug I've suffered since Beta 1. It's extremely annoying. Also suffer a bug where my contacts' names in Messages overlap each other.

3. And lastly, hopefully the fix the bug where your phone goes idle....then you can't turn it back on. Forcing you to hard reset.
Number 3 is the most annoying one for me. It's began to really annoy me having to frequently reboot my phone
Apple revealed that a hack is behind the company’s reason to take the Apple Developer portal offline last Thursday. The downtime may push the iOS 7 beta 4 release back. This may not stop iPhone app updates, but could slow down new app releases for some developers.

The Apple Developer portal went offline on Thursday July 18th and remains offline as of Monday July 22nd at 11:30 AM Eastern. After several days of silence Apple issued a statement late Sunday night that outlines what happened and what information the hack may have exposed.

Everyday iPhone and iPad users don’t have anything to worry about, but Apple “developers’ names, mailing addresses, and/or email addresses may have been accessed.” The company is working to bring the portal back online.
some update tweak messed up my jailbreak...

had to restore

went to iOS 7, so far so good

on beta 3, siri does not work for me, but maybe on beta 4
I gave up my jailbreak to have 7 and im not mad about it at all.

Its rather annoying to see the old keyboard though. :frown:
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