The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

One Piece
Decent chapter, nothing amazing, but now that officers are going down its a sign of the arc coming to a close for real. I'm getting tired of Luffy tho, he needs to add a little bit of ruthlessness to his character. He shouldn't have to get worked up for every fight. But as far as stall tactics go for Luffy I guess this is better than him being tied up or running around. Hopefully next time we cut back to Luffy he's ready to fight Doffy.
I like how Pica abandoned using a sword and started fully utilizing his devil fruit again to make it a real challenge for Zoro and is fully using the environment. The recap chapter coming out of the flashback showed the Doflamingo family winning the fight, so now that the counterattack is happening and coliseum fighters are proving their worth officers can go down and we can see the fights we really want. Still keeping my fingers crossed for a real Robin fight. 

Hopefully Oda goes for a sprint to the finish rather than a walk or jog. I've also seen people complaining that Machvise lost without having his powers fully explained. I don't understand why people need to be handheld through a story and need every detail verbally explained, but then complain about pacing or panels being wasted, when pictures and knowing he ate the ton ton fruit and is a super weight human explain it enough. 

Also why does Mangapanda suck at translating numbers? They translated Machvise's last move as 1 million tons when it was actually 10,000 tons. 
As with Naruto I have been through a lot of years with you.

I have sat through your meritocracy after the Soul Society arc with hope that you would once be that epic again.
but for years you have disappointed me.

Today. I Tdogg2k8
Will no longer be trapped in your feeble attempts to make any sense at all or for me to have a false sense of enjoyment ever again with you.

I hereby declare. I am officially done with Bleach

Effective Immediately.

You have been a tremendous waste of time ever sense ULQ death and even during that you were still a waste.

Thank you for your time, I loved Bleach Blade Battlers on PS2. That game was sick!
I am one of your only fans who enjoyed the Bounto arc on the anime as well.

But I can no longer rock with you. Maybe one day in the future when you're finally over I will read the last chapter just to see the story that I already know is going to happen.

but we are done officially now.

Thank You


Was going to talk about how trash and predictable Bleach has been, but this about sums it up.
Lol every bleach chapter is the same. 1st guy uses his unbeatable move, 2nd guys say while it'd work on almost anyone else it doesn't work on me because blah blah blah, and they explain some perfect counter power. 
Lol every bleach chapter is the same. 1st guy uses his unbeatable move, 2nd guys say while it'd work on almost anyone else it doesn't work on me because blah blah blah, and they explain some perfect counter power. 
Which is exactly what has happened/is being set up to happen
Can't tolerate this bleach slander son :smh:

I was reading the translator's notes on the last few chapters and how hard it's been for him to tranalate this arc because of the way Kubo uses the language and how it ties into extremely specific Japanese customs and puns that can only be expressed through Kanji.

Had me convinced that Kubo is a straight genius and us Western fans are just ignoramuses who are literally unable to comprehend what he's trying to get across because of the language barrier.

Will link later
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Lol every bleach chapter is the same. 1st guy uses his unbeatable move, 2nd guys say while it'd work on almost anyone else it doesn't work on me because blah blah blah, and they explain some perfect counter power. 
lmaoo so true now
Can't tolerate this bleach slander son

I was reading the translator's notes on the last few chapters and how hard it's been for him to tranalate this arc because of the way Kubo uses the language and how it ties into extremely specific Japanese customs and puns that can only be expressed through Kanji.

Had me convinced that Kubo is a straight genius and us Western fans are just ignoramuses who are literally unable to comprehend what he's trying to get across because of the language barrier.

Will link later
The post on Mangastream? That was about translation difficulties between literal and metaphorical translations and cultural subtleties in the language, which is very understandable, it doesn't change what is actually happening in the chapter tho, especially when we have the aid of pictures. Kubo's art keeps the focus on the characters and their actions making them easy to discern, the dialogue in the chapters is explanations that are just losing nuance through translation, the point is still getting across, it's just not good. 

Most of these mangaka are smart and throw lots of references into the writing and the nuance helps elevate the story, but regardless, Kubo's execution isn't good when chapter to chapter the same thing is happening just with different characters.
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All we know is Luffy said Zoro can use armament haki, we have no real confirmation outside of that correct? Have to wonder why he hasn't used it yet.
All we know is Luffy said Zoro can use armament haki, we have no real confirmation outside of that correct? Have to wonder why he hasn't used it yet.
Oda confirmed he specializes in armament haki in a SBS. Zoro also cut Monet's cheek on Punk Hazard. Zoro started early in the fight with Pica, that it's not as simple as just using haki he has to first locate Pica's real body in the mass of stone, so every time he goes to attack pica moves to a new location on the stone. 
The post on Mangastream? That was about translation difficulties between literal and metaphorical translations and cultural subtleties in the language, which is very understandable, it doesn't change what is actually happening in the chapter tho, especially when we have the aid of pictures. Kubo's art keeps the focus on the characters and their actions making them easy to discern, the dialogue in the chapters is explanations that are just losing nuance through translation, the point is still getting across, it's just not good. 

Most of these mangaka are smart and throw lots of references into the writing and the nuance helps elevate the story, but regardless, Kubo's execution isn't good when chapter to chapter the same thing is happening just with different characters.

took the words right out of my mouth.

the translation has doesn't matter I could've read the last 8 chapters with no words at all and realized how much Bullcrap was going on.

Don't get me wrong it was a very well drawn fight. Zero Squad dude's power was top notch.

but not spoiling what just happened...
the whole scenario is bullcrap.
1 yr ago today ____ was confirmed alive in OP

I feel like next chapter gonna be fire tommorow
damn that was a year ago... that depressed the **** out of me. times flying.

kubo i'm not disappointed because i (we) all knew what would happen.
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Finished finals today and went on a Kill La Kill episode binge and finished the series... sad it's over now. :wow:

Any good series you guys want to recommend I watch over my break? :nthat:
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Real talk I have no idea how you guys can simultaneously follow these many animes and mangas. Whenever I pick up a new tv show I have to push one to the side, but to carry as many as some of u do is astonishing. Do you just not really watch other tv?
Real talk I have no idea how you guys can simultaneously follow these many animes and mangas. Whenever I pick up a new tv show I have to push one to the side, but to carry as many as some of u do is astonishing. Do you just not really watch other tv?
I kind of stopped watching normal tv because most of the shows either suck, or o can catch them whenever on Hulu.

As for juggling multiple shows, I have crunchy roll so it's easier to manage. My queue has about 1-2 new shows a day so it's not that hard to juggle and the eps are only like 20 minutes long. I know that Monday is Inou battle, Tuesday is parasite and trinity 7 Etc
Real talk I have no idea how you guys can simultaneously follow these many animes and mangas. Whenever I pick up a new tv show I have to push one to the side, but to carry as many as some of u do is astonishing. Do you just not really watch other tv?

I don't watch normal tv anymore honestly, save for Arrow, Flash, and the Walking Dead. (I also watch Scandal, but have only ever done so through Netflix, and i' around a season behind right now.) Beyond that i'll watch tv every now and again when i'm with others or want to take a break, but thats it. In terms of keeping up with series, once you've actually caught up I think its easy. I use google chrome and just have both the anime and manga i'm currently into saved into separate bookmark folders. I then just periodically check on them for an update, like I did for Attack on Titan yesterday, and if there is i'll read or watch the new episode. I also make sure that the bookmark is always for the latest episode that i've watched/read, that way i'll immediately know if there's a new one, based on their being a new episode/chapter after that one.
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For like the last year, the only shows I would watch on regular TV were new episodes of Cartoon Network shows on Thursday evenings.

At some point I was either too tired or too high to remember to watch them, so I only watch anime now. It's not really a conscious switch (I still have a few regular series I want to watch/catch up on) so much as it is a habit.

As for how I keep up, the fact that my go-to site has all the series I watch in HD fairly soon after they air plays a big part. I just kind of refresh the 'Latest Update' page, open the ones I follow in new tabs and watch them as I find chances to :lol:

There are a few series that are better when binge-watched as well, so they fall onto the back burner until they end, leaving more free time throughout the season.
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