The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Dbz was the king of power ups,lol...
I see alot of similarities in Bleach & DBZ..
Quite frankly I see alot of similarities in Narauto and OP with DBZ,lol
"Kanye Shrug"
OP has more similarities with Dragonball than DBZ and those lessen as you go along since Oda starts to branch out. I've only seen people complain about OP's power ups in one arc and that was Enies Lobby because besides Luffy's power up the others weren't explained. I know you said you started reading OP but idk how far along you are so that's all I'll say. I haven't read bleach in a long time so I won't comment on it, but the complaints I've heard are the writing has gotten lazy and drawn out. 
OP has more similarities with Dragonball than DBZ and those lessen as you go along since Oda starts to branch out. I've only seen people complain about OP's power ups in one arc and that was Enies Lobby because besides Luffy's power up the others weren't explained. I know you said you started reading OP but idk how far along you are so that's all I'll say. I haven't read bleach in a long time so I won't comment on it, but the complaints I've heard are the writing has gotten lazy and drawn out. 
I am not as far as others with OP (starting chapter 100)but I started noticing similarities early but as I stated alot of mangas follow the same formula but the writing disguises the same ideas that have been passed around forever..
I am finding OP fun and refreshing tho, no complaints, just feel Bleach gets the short end of the stick due to some of these writing flaws and laziness(I do agree with that), but the last chapters have been excellent to me...
Also I am finding Kill la Kill, Space Dandy really original and cool.
I am not as far as others with OP (starting chapter 100)but I started noticing similarities early but as I stated alot of mangas follow the same formula but the writing disguises the same ideas that have been passed around forever..
I am finding OP fun and refreshing tho, no complaints, just feel Bleach gets the short end of the stick due to some of these writing flaws and laziness(I do agree with that), but the last chapters have been excellent to me...
Also I am finding Kill la Kill, Space Dandy really original and cool.
Okay so for you they're about to enter the Grandline if I remember correctly? This is where the story starts to change. There is still the formula you talk about, but the arcs become more intricate and soon you'll start to see all of OP's subplots. The formula becomes less noticeable, but it's still there mainly because OP has so many characters it needs a structure. I don't think it's the formula people have a problem with it's the build up, the details, the context, and the intricacies that surround the formula that people have problems with. OP for the most part handles them really really well. They miss on some arc like Thriller bark IMO, but there are so many interesting things going on in OP the small misses don't get highlighted as much. Tower of God has a formulaic style in it's set up that the author admits to because currently it is centered around games/tests as they climb the tower, but each test is so different you don't notice it too much.

I'll probably read bleach again once it's over. I remember watching the anime and the drop off in quality from arc to arc was drastic, but I won't judge it on the anime.
Mansam grew his hair out like Ichiryuu, Komastu out here doing the cooking dance. Looks like the 4 heavenly kings going to reunite next week.
OP flames as usual...Sabo looking like a beast out here.

Looks like Yamato is a puppet inside of White Zetsu. Would explain the high level wood techs. Did black zetsu take Obito's left eye yet? Or is Madara about to fade on sight over there
Bleach doesn't even do cliffhangers man...the chapters just stop abruptly 
That new Hamatora episode was mad suspect.
A soon as the dudes said "we have no interests in women" I knew where it was going. :rofl:
And soon after the leader started doing sit ups. :rofl:

I got my money on Kakashi da gawd.

Either Kakashi or Kabuto.

OR dare I say...


:wow: :wow:

BTW. What happened to Hashirama?
Don't you dare...
He's dead. :frown:
He needs to stay dead so I don't lose faith in the series. :lol:

As for hashi, didn't Madara do the same thing to him that he did to the 2nd?

Definitely better than last week, but still a lot of wasted panels and still felt stretched out. Glad that fight wrapped up this chapter though.
It was a good chapter this week. All that temperature info she said (the freezing point of blood and all that) was pretty neat. I wasn't expecting to learn something from Bleach. :lol:
My ___ Spike at number 2 :pimp:

The Cowboy Bebop Bluray will be the first anime I pick up since Return of Cooler on VHS :lol:

That list also makes me want to go back and finish Code Geass's second part.
Dbz was the king of power ups,lol...
I see alot of similarities in Bleach & DBZ..
Quite frankly I see alot of similarities in Narauto and OP with DBZ,lol
"Kanye Shrug"

lol I'll give you that. It's just the way they do it no explanation no nothing :lol:
Btw Anyone notice rukia lookin like soi fong now?

That's why I can appreciate OP so much there is no "god mode" characters in there or anything but yeah enies lobby prolly had the most unexplained power up ever.

That anime list is cool cuz they paid homage to DBZ but I don't even know who a lot of those cats are on there :lol:

Yo is anyone watching the BS going on with hunter x hunter :x this narrator Bruh :smh: this has got to be worse pacing than dragon ball z and then you gotta listen to a ***** narrate all the **** you already know :stoneface:

"Gon sat there staring into Pitous eyes while his heart pounded"

"His hands were shaking"

"He was scared"

:stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:

:rofl: it's just awful and then the wolf ***** is thinking to himself the whole damn episode :x good god
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That anime list is cool cuz they paid homage to DBZ but I don't even know who a lot of those cats are on there :lol:

That tells you that it's time to step your watch list up bruh :lol:


There's some on that list that I knew nothing about, like Monster, which I just started and finished watching the first episode of on animefreak.

Others, I just never cared to watch, even though I've heard good things about: Cowboy Bepob, R.Kenshin, Astroboy, and NGE.

The others on the list I've seen.

Yo @mugen81
 is your name from Samurai Shampoo?
Yeah, literally my favorite anime/short run manga of all time..
Mugen was just that dude to me and it was so well written and the soundtrack was the ish..
But I get every bodies view point on Bleach, but I hope Kubo is setting it up the way I am thinking. Just because people have "god like" power ups now, doesn't mean they will when they face certain Sternritters....
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Yeah, literally my favorite anime/short run manga of all time..
Mugen was just that dude to me and it was so well written and the soundtrack was the ish..
But I get every bodies view point on Bleach, but I hope Kubo is setting it up the way I am thinking. Just because people have "god like" power ups now, doesn't mean they will when they face certain Sternritters....
All this time I never put two and two together until I seen you post in here. Kudos! The director of Cowboy Bebop did Samurai Shampoo so I knew the anime was a win. When the anime was announced     
All this time I never put two and two together until I seen you post in here. Kudos! The director of Cowboy Bebop did Samurai Shampoo so I knew the anime was a win. When the anime was announced     
Damn you just blew my mind, never knew the director for CB was the same for SC,lol...
CB is up there as well as one of my favorites,simply of that dope *** soundtrack..
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i dont think the dude is kabuto or obito tbh might be kabuto but i doubt it

I don't think he figured out how to escape the loop so fast. And the first thing we see him do, is save Sasuke? That's a reach to me.
Also, Oro took back his chakra, Kabuto would be significantly weaker...assuming so. But he does also have Anko in the cave and he knows of Yamato's location as well.
But none of them are aware of the current situation. So I think it's someone on the battlefield who knows that Sasuke being alive is key to defeating Madara.
Who is else barefoot? Who else can bring someone back from the dead/near death? I think it's possible that it might be Obito but at the same time, I think if the black Zetsu was done with him, it would have been shown

Sakura is making Naruto's heart beat for the person that was wondering.

:lol: at Oro still giving out cursed seals
Not sure if this was already posted

Comics Alliance


by Caleb Goellner February 4, 2014 10:00 AM
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Dragon Ball Goku Baby
Dragon Ball
When Akira Toriyama first introduced Goku in the pages of Dragon Ball, things were simple: He was a monkey-tailed boy from the wilderness who was raised by a martial arts master who wore a magical ball that when you combined it with six others it summoned a dragon for a wish and there was a girl who wanted them and — fine, fine, things weren’t that simple. As time went on and Dragon Ball shifted from a wild adventure comedy to a more straightforward battle manga as Dragon Ball Z, things became even less simple. Goku’s evil brother Raditz showed up on a mission to kill everything on Earth and revealed that he was among the last of a race of alien warriors called Saiyans. That meant Goku’s biological folks were just some dead jerks. In the manga, that was pretty much the end of the story, but the explosive popularity of the anime adaptation led to a movie about his Saiyan dad, Bardock. So who was Goku’s mom? The question’s lingered for nearly 25 years… until now (potential spoilers below).

According to an announcement by Toriyama in Japanese publisher Shueisha’s recent Saikyō Jump #3, Goku’s mother is called Gine. Like all Saiyans, her name is a vegetable pun, which this time around is apparently a play on the Spring Onion known as “Negi.”

According to the announcement, Gine met Bardock while serving on his team of warriors. Bardock was known for saving the lives of his fellow low-ranking soldiers, which was an uncommon act of kindness in a cruel culture. He saved Gine a number of times, leading to a romantic relationship, which was also rare among Saiyans who simply coupled to breed. Since she was not a gifted fighter, she moved on from… warrior-ing?… and spent her remaining days on planet Vegeta working at… a meat distribution center?

Goku’s mother (including her character design) will be fleshed out further in the supplemental material of the collected edition of Toriyama’s Jaco the Galactic Patrolman one-shot in April in Japan. We’ve contacted Viz to see when the material might be headed to North American readers and will update once we get official word.

Read More: Akira Toriyama Reveals The Identity of Goku's Mother |
Damn. I forgot Goku technically had a mother.

I figured Freeza just clapped her up with everyone else.
Man I was reading that OP chapter again and Rebecca is even more useless than I thought. She's so against hurting others and things that instead of trying to kill the fighting fish with the mera mera no mi she tried to cut the chain and couldn't even do that. If she gets the fruit or joins the crew im gonna be so upset.
I remember reading the Koe no Katachi oneshot, and it just had me :smh: :smh: :smh: . Japanese bullying (ijime) is some whole other ****, especially when it involves a deaf girl.

So, it's up to Chapter 23 now, huh?


It has gotten alot better and its a nice redemption story
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