The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

So, any bets on which of those two ladies is Kirio Hikifune ( the most recent member accepted into the royal guard)? I gotta go with the fat one. :lol:

Kubo likes to troll so I would not be surprised if Hikifune turns out to be one of the dudes
Ok enough is enough, next chapter of Naruto someone has to die. IDC who it is but someone has to go.


Why do you want someone to die so bad? we just lost every Nations Kage because of Madara, not to mention all of the deaths so far in this war.

I mean, yeah its been a few chapters since we saw someone die, but aside from Kakashi, Guy, Naruto, and Bee, who else is going to die?

Obviously Obito is about to catch the fade because ain't nobody taking Madara out of the equation quite yet.

I can actually see Obito ending up biting the bullet and Madara not giving a **** about it sometime soon. He's already beat the hell up, his teleportation trick is pretty much useless against Naruto and Kakashi now.

Naruto sure as hell ain't dying, Madara hasn't even been scratched yet, Kakashi and Guy are on the verge of passing out, and Bee has been chill in for like 5 chapters now.

Obito might be the next to go, because Guy dying makes absolutely NO sense :lol:

Was it confirmed that the Kages died? Serious question I honestly cant remember. The main reason is that this fights just been going on for way too long and I dont really consider the Kages to be central characters to the story, one could die and easily be replaced, word to the Third. I would prefer it if someone whos fighting now died, it will probably be Obito like you said but I wouldnt mind it if Kakashi died.

I just sort of figured they took the L because the last time we saw them Tsunade was chopped in half and the rest of them were laid out. Madara left that spot and went over to the other battlefield because it just seemed like it was all over on that side.

I think that if the Kage's do come back, it would possibly be from Tsunade doing some wild healing jutsu to save the others and then she just dies because there was no more time and she had no more life left in her to heal herself.

Kakashi could end up taking an L, but I hope he doesn't. I hope dude takes Obito's eye after this battle :lol:

Guy, just like I said before should be safe because him dying would be random and of no real importance to the story if he ended up being killed.

But I can definitely see the Kage's being dead with Naruto and Bee taking the Kage positions. Sad to think that Gaara would have been dead though.

I'm tired of Obito though. We spent so much time in anticipation of seeing who he really was, and now in this short time of him really showing his face I'm growing bored of him. I'd much rather watch them fight Madara considering as to how Madara actually has a repertoire of tricks up his sleeve, not just some M.Bison teleport move.

Hopefully Obito gets tossed and the real fight against Madara and the 10 tails starts soon.
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Couldn't agree more. Tobi being Obito was the biggest let down ever, I was not moved by his story whatsoever and the fact that during this entire fight he has not shown any variety in fighting style is downright annoying. We all thought naruto was bad at he has 3 moves, this guy has been doing the same thing over and over for 8 chapters now.
They're already into war. Squads were fighting against the Seven Swordsmen. I believe next week is a filler though.
I know all about the war. I was just wondering if a mini series is starting because the preview said Naruto Shippuuden: Power: Episode 1.
I'm disappointed they seemingly brushed off the big issue from last episode in Robotics;Notes ... for video games. :lol: :lol:

I am interested in Subaru as a character a lot more now. :frown:
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Started watching Ouran Host Club and I feel it's one of the better comedy animes out there. I wish there was another season though, but I don't think it will happen because it's been 6 years since the first season came out which is a shame because the manga finished a few years ago.
naruto out :wow:

what the hell is going on after the 10 tails shot?
seems like kakashi learned a few new tricks :pimp:
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I don't what the hell happened in that chapter.


I am 90% sure the person from Hueco Mundo is Isshin and Captain of the Zero squad
Bee hid in one of the hachibi's tails. Just like how he did against sasuke. And kakashi warped the tail back, and then bee transformed.
Yeah but that would've been a complete cop out by the anime team... From the time he decided to join that guild you knew they were going to die. What's even worse is every night for about a month, he was telling that girl Sachi she's not going to die, then for sure I knew she was going to die with him failing to save her. Man I wish I found out about this anime a couple of months from now, I can't stand waiting week to week for this show and it's a bit too early to be re-watching episodes.
It's been a long time since an anime been able to manipulate my emotions, while I knew what they were doing

Found out about it sunday

Dear god, it was the fat one. :rofl:

man, some of the zero squad come off as jerks. :lol:
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oh snap Green Blood... Luke found out...
Naruto :wow: that was a good combo, but i thought the more you teleport the more tired you get :nerd:

i bet it's Black Beard making that army of DF users :x
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oh snap Green Blood... Luke found out...
that was a good combo, but i thought the more you teleport the more tired you get
He's getting that 9tails chakra. Infinite Kamui now bruh bruh....

I don't what the hell happened in that chapter.


I am 90% sure the person from Hueco Mundo is Isshin and Captain of the Zero squad

I feel like he wouldn't be able to get to HM without help. I mean that is pretty much the case for everyone. But maybe. It's just those 5. I think it was said in the last chapter or the one before that

Dear god, it was the fat one. :rofl:

man, some of the zero squad come off as jerks. :lol:

It makes sense now, I remember in the anime they showed her figure walking away and she was skinny.....I thought I was tripping :lol:

lately I've been watching Code: Breaker and Kingdom
itd be interesting if Isshin was the son of the King and ichigo's mom was the daughter of juha or somebody. But then it doesnt explain ichigo's hollow side
itd be interesting if Isshin was the son of the King and ichigo's mom was the daughter of juha or somebody. But then it doesnt explain ichigo's hollow side
It's obvious bro.  Lemme break it down for y'all who don't get it.  See what happened was Ichigo's mom is Ishda's aunt she was dating the Grand Fisher for a hot sec, then ran away with Isshin. The Grand Fisher wanted babies and thought he impregnated her, but Isshin being the top gun Shinigami that he is, his seed overpowered the Grand Fishers.  9 months later mama Ichigo pops out  Ichigo with him having Quincy, Shinigami, and hollow powers.  The Grand Fisher found Ichigo's mom one day and OJ'd her.  However, Isshin dealt with him properly.  Isshin knew Ichigo had some of the Grand Fisher in him which is why he always beats Ichigo when he see him and never beats his daughters.  Y'all need to get hip.
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