
So we could start a thread on (lack of) QC on Indonesia manufactured cws.

Purples from SDC came in today. More or less the same problem as with the pinks that I returned.

Left shoe pretty much flawless although slightly Kermit.
Right shoe again with a slightly offset/distorted toebox (looks worse in hand), and ofcourse what would they be without a few prefab dents straight out of the box.
Think I'm gonna keep them though, will be hard to find another 12. Besides the flaws pretty nice shoes.




And weird things going on here:
Man Indonesia has been putting out some **** lately. I'm normally the last one to complain about quality but some of this is just terrible. Maybe this "vault" talk is to move plants and get better quality. One can hope.
Stop putting them on by jamming your feet in without using your hands to hold the heel.

You can correct it by wacking the shoe on the edge of a table (sole up to the sky) or similar while holding the toe so the end if the shoe falls over the edge of the table, allowing the folded section to right itself.
Thank you for that. I just did it and the padding went back to normal. I definitely won't be jamming my feet in there again.
Using stain remover to remove my curry stain from my curries has caused mire curry to bleed into my curries ruining said curries which will now become beaters dammit.

I may machine cold wash both shoes just to seen hat happens. Itll either fix it or it wont.

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