Cooking up some greens over here...
Which one is my old pair? Tell them I said and I send my love. I feel like an awful husband that left his wife for younger pair.
You know, I'm one the older dudes (44) and I have struggled with posting images of things. I've always felt it comes across like showing off and purely flexing your belongings. But I've talked to several other sneaker heads who has said: "no no... it's all cool. It's just sharing. Think about if nobody ever shared images, there'd be nothing cool to look at and be inspired by." I understand that - hell, I look at sneaker images a lot of my free time myself. But honestly, I still feel weird about it. I can't help feeling like it's showing off - and that just doesn't sit well with me. Proper humility and thankfulness have always been some of the main principles I guide my life around, so I'm sure you understand where I'm coming from. This image (with the green shoes) I only took because of a 'challenge (game)' on a different forum (Facebook AM1 group). Anyway, I'm rambling... sorry about that.

PS: the reason I mentioned my age is because I think it comes more naturally for most younger people to embrace the "share pics of my stuff on social media" than for old fu**ers like me. Either that, or most younger people are just a**holes.

39 yo and couldn’t care less what people on the webs thought. Keep posting your pics bro; I certainly appreciate them!
There are people like Clark Kent, Fat Joe, Jim Jomes, and Mayor flexin' daily. I don't know if age has anything to do with it. Either way, please keep the photos coming. Dope shot!
Should I grab these for the 70 new in box. Like em but haven't had any 90/1s yet...


  • Nike_Air_Max_90-1_Laser_Blue_1000x.jpg
    83.6 KB · Views: 31

nice... another must copp under retail for me lol

I'll buy one day one, return and rebuy if they go deep discount.

I like the combination of colors on this one.
Since someone posted the atmos ig about these, out of curiosity checked nike jp and kr, but didn't see these there.
Hoping it's not some boutique only or another Euro/Asia only.
It's cool seeing there are older people, probably way more into these then I ever could be. It reminds me to stay passionate, not just sneakers, but in life.
I'm turning 40 in a week..and have been conflicted and struggling with my sneaker nerdiness. Keep asking, aren't I too old for this?

Lately, I've had some moments of self reflection. From passing on a driver because it was $250, to telling my son he can't have the $50 Star Wars Lego set, but ok with the $20 one. When I have no hesitation to buy a few sneakers for that and much more.

I for one love seeing all the upcoming, bespokes, recent pickups, on feet, and unseen's timely pickup pics.

Don't like the unnecessary drama and elitist vibe AM threads get sometimes.

Gee, now I know I'm really old, ended up writing an essay :lol:
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