It all depends on what kind of percentage of your overall wealth is going into the investment. If you barely feel the money missing throughout that year it takes then its going to feel like free money because there wasnt any struggle that came with it. But its still somewhat of a gamble because you didnt have that hook up for retail guaranteeing no loss.

Long story short it takes money to make money lol
Oh no doubt. I was just commenting on the "25% in a year is terrible!" argument. That couldn't be more true. I think a lot of young people have a warped idea of investing based on tripling your money in 30 minutes from flipping a shoe. The real world doesn't work like that. 25% ROI in a year from parking money is tremendous.
Have you ever invested money? Stock market? 401k? Anything? I'm going to assume the answer is no and that you'll be in for a rude awakening when you start.
we arent talking about the stock market. we are talking about 20 pairs of atmos elephant air max 1s. CONTEXT IS SO IMPORTANT
Yea I was hoping for a better story. They made it clear to us they were looking for what inspires you, not what you see. I was hoping to see some really cool stories/concepts. A sandwich is a little disappointing, especially when we already have an AM95 Bacon. Oh well, maybe the other 2 have better themes.
Might as well be inspired by his cat. I can get a bacon egg and cheese anywhere.
Bit the bullet and bought the SWs, I was trying to wait for people to get their pairs and prices to come down but it seems like the opposite is happening and prices are instead going up.
I'm a little salty a bacon egg and cheese was picked over mine and plenty of others, but it is what it is. I knew the odds were pretty slim, so it's safe to say we all had a good time at the workshop regardless of the outcome. :nthat:

Salty bacon
I'm a little salty a bacon egg and cheese was picked over mine and plenty of others, but it is what it is. I knew the odds were pretty slim, so it's safe to say we all had a good time at the workshop regardless of the outcome. :nthat:
Yea that's where I am. Interested to see the other 2 from NYC.
Lmfao I just saw that BEC design. Story is pretty lame. I saw several other bodega designs with the same colors, so that’s really not that original. The colors aren’t bad, but I really don’t think that one will win
Bit the bullet and bought the SWs, I was trying to wait for people to get their pairs and prices to come down but it seems like the opposite is happening and prices are instead going up.

Same, just bought a pair for a decent price. Well, decent compared to the current market but still more than I initially intended to pay
The hell is going on in here with this Financial/Economics talk?

No offense but some of you guys sound like you just took a high school level macro/micro economics class and now you’re ready to conquer: money market funds, investment banking, open your own hedge fund company, or any other low risk-high reward investments.

You guys are talking about used and new sneakers. Not real estate or a business that takes in more net income than its overhead... IJS
It doesn't matter if we're talking stock market, sneakers, poker, or dominoes. 25% ROI is fantastic and certainly not "hustling backwards."
Whatever you say kiddo. Like a stated before, my NT debate days are over. Especially over stupid **** like this. Go ahead and spend your 8k and wait till April 2019 to cash out. I'll spend a fraction of that and make 25% return in a weeks time, then move on to the next opportunity.

Moving fwd. Back to the Air Max 1
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