I just like shoes
My Royals from StockX have passed authentication and been shipped out to me, how does that process normally take? They arrived on the 7th and they shipped out the same day
My Royals from StockX have passed authentication and been shipped out to me, how does that process normally take? They arrived on the 7th and they shipped out the same day
You should get them by Thursday. Only took like 2 days from authentication to my hand when I ordered my og Reds. I guess it also depends on where you live also
You should get them by Thursday. Only took like 2 days from authentication to my hand when I ordered my og Reds. I guess it also depends on where you live also

Thanks for the reply, on another note I'm sleep somebody in here got a fugazi pair of Royals from Stock X and a mod deleted the post? I made that intial post because I thought they were moving kind of quick which is making me nervous
No fugazi, and it was not the royal! looks like he got the 103 red anni instead of the 100 (march release)!
Edit it was not me... stupid phone keyboard lol
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No fugazi, and it was not the royal! looks like i got the 103 red anni instead of the 100 (march release)!
They took your post down cause of that, if I was I you I would send back the pair that dropped last month and keep the March pair. They're superior supposedly
They took your post down cause of that, if I was I you I would send back the pair that dropped last month and keep the March pair. They're superior supposedly

You're misunderstood, he purchased the March 100 pair but stockX verified and sent the restock 103 pair.
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Hey what's that one master or air chick's name? She's from Europe. She's the biggest air max chick in Amsterdam or somewhere.

Is it Shoenica?

Yea that's her. Saw she picked up a lot at Complexcon. Of all of the ig sneaker people, she's one of the cooler ones imo.

lmfao shoeniqua Euro OG ?? :lol: more like spoiled rich girl what get sponsored by her millionaire daddy
Mokum Vinnie he is the real dutch master of air and a true AM OG :emoji_100:

Mokum Vinnie hhaha.. Now thats a cool name.. That shoenica chick looks pretty lame yes

This makes me feel so old and out of touch, I have absolutely no idea who these people are or why their known. I assume they must have big collections or are resellers
still no clue who she is. i just heard dudes hater her.

only "collectors" i know are Niketalkers lol
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