I'm so confused I'm hearing from Nike that there are two versions of the white and red air Max's 1s there's the og and the anniversary. Where can I get the og ? What's the sque or barcode for the og
I'm so confused I'm hearing from Nike that there are two versions of the white and red air Max's 1s there's the og and the anniversary. Where can I get the og ? What's the sque or barcode for the og

You can get the og on ebay maybe, they looks like that but not sure if you can wear them :smile:

Always liked the fat ankle collar on the OGs. I wonder if they thought the current release didn't need revising or if they wanted to keep costs down?
i would hit up youre botique but you charging retail. you should charge nike talk members 100

I'm so confused I'm hearing from Nike that there are two versions of the white and red air Max's 1s there's the og and the anniversary. Where can I get the og ? What's the sque or barcode for the og

OMG, I'm dead...I don't know which post is worse

Damnit gave in and copped reds off bait. Few times I wished something wasn't available for me to spend anymore dough on.
its all about brand image. Nike/JB wants the cool factor and thus limiting supply will drive up demand because buyers will go crazy for them again which is what I suppose Nike is banking on. Idc as long as I can cop the shoes I want

The last thing Nike needs is Status, I think its a foolish move, but I guess they have to do this to stay "cool". Nike, if you want **** to sell, make it correctly and true to the original. I cant think of how many times Nike has lost money, and saved me money by not making shoes properly. Shoes that I wouldve paid retail for. The Penny and Barkley line come to mind, Air Max 90s, and the list goes on. The little things in my mind is why Nike is losing money even though their profits remain high. When you put out garbage half the time, trying to cut corners, what appeal does a consumer have to buy your product.

Just got my 103s in today. Question to those that have them already, did you change out the laces to the softer, extra pair they came with or did y'all leave the glossier pair they came pre-laced with?
I know there was some commentary on this a few pages ago and someone said the glossier was more like the original, but I've gotta say I prefer the look of the extra set better.

I took those laces off, they get on my nerves, and put the soft laces on. I couldnt care less what they were, the texture was driving me nuts and didnt like them. Send me your address and you can have mine, they are just going to rot. :lol:

Disagree with the last part. Most people like exclusive stuff. JB gave in to the cries and started mass producing while Adidas went small batch. Many people that cried about not being able to get Jordans before didn't want them when they sat on the shelf for weeks. In terms of brand image, it hurt JB and helped Adidas. It seems like JB realizes that and is reversing course. Basically JB gave the people what they wanted but in the end the people didn't really want that. There's a fine line in the amount a company produces. Nike nailed it with the 103s. Enough that everyone that wanted them could get them but not enough that every site has then on discount 2 months after the release. This release was a perfect balance. It's hard to hit that number correctly every release though. For the brand image, they need to error on the low side and stop having so many sit and hit discount.

Most people dont know what they want. They want limited stuff, but want it to be easy to get, so they cry to make more. When its easy to get, and everybody else has it, they dont want it because they only want to be the ones who have them. Hypebeast if you will. They are the problem. But they are gold to Nike, Adidas and other shoe companies. Its a disease to our culture and I dread them going back to Concord XI times, because I like going into stores now and seeing decent stuff there. In the end, I am very happy, I was able to buy multiple pairs of Maroon VIs(My all time favorite shoes) with ease over the course of two years, for retail on release date and 80 bucks at the outlets. Every thing else will be gravy from this point on. Nike fixed the shape of the Air Max 1, and that fills the void Ive had since the disappointment of 2009 when we received a butchered air max 1. I know its still not perfect, but I am very happy with the 103 version and am excited for new colorways and IDs going forward.
Can't deny, all 3 of those jewels are pretty good.
Still not gonna take the risk and end up with a very obvious curvy China midsole pair.

Fix this s**t. Get them back to Vietnam/Thailand times.
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