Maybe they should have made that a little more clear, but regardless, if my first thought seeing the logo was the SS, I can assure you that most people who see these things on-feet aren't going to know a 45-year old reference to a friggin HS track team of Steve F'n Prefontaine. So yeah, they might wanna re-think releasing them i light of the current national "mood."

DO NOT let the media fool you my friend, this segregatory mindset is only perpetuated to continue the hate and seperation of the American people. The ones in charge of all this are stirring it up on purpose to de-unify us to allow them more control and power. I live in the heart of the South (I live 10 minutes from Stone Mountain, GA where there is a Confederate monument carved into the stone) and I do not see this kind of **** at all and if there are any racist/hate protests they are shut down by a crowd 10x that of any white tiny **** supremacists.
DO NOT let the media fool you my friend, this segregatory mindset is only perpetuated to continue the hate and seperation of the American people. The ones in charge of all this are stirring it up on purpose to de-unify us to allow them more control and power. I live in the heart of the South (I live 10 minutes from Stone Mountain, GA where there is a Confederate monument carved into the stone) and I do not see this kind of **** at all and if there are any racist/hate protests they are shut down by a crowd 10x that of any white tiny **** supremacists.

Uh, sure, that's how it's been for the 39 yrs I've been on this earth, until the last 18 mos. or so. You'd see a news story of a "KKK march" or "Neo-Nazi gathering" and there'd be like 24 idiots and 500 reasonable Americans shouting them down. Now thanks to Reddit, Stormfront and 4/8Chan we're getting hundreds of ARMED idiots wandering around in places like C'ville, and the real crazies are starting to use genuine terror methods.

So, if you're a higher-up in Beaverton, and you have anything in your upcoming lineup that even remotely resembles something that could possibly be misconstrued as a white-supremacist, KKK or Nazi logo, would you wnat to risk your multi-billion-dollar brand getting caught up in that?

Go back a few weeks in my history and when the Skulls pic was first posted here I immediately tbought they looked like the death's head then. Now how do you think the general populace will view them in light of today's events???

Like, the only things they could have had worse on them at this point in time would be an iron cross, twin lightning bolts or an f'ing swastika.

I have nothing against Nike. I just hate Nazis. And I just wouldn't want to see Nike (rightfully or wrongfully) being associated with such scumbags.
Anyone that's dumb enough to think Nike would put a Nazi SS skull in its products, well, I'm guessing they're not that successful in life.

Only ignorant fools would make such an assumption.

Nike won't be removing the product because of .0000000001 of the population that are dumb as dogs doodoo.

When do these drop? Please don't tell me they're women's them seem to always get the best colorways
Skull and crossbones is still illuminati garbage whether it happens to be some weak excuse like a hs school logo or not. This is simply occult imagery with an escuse behind it telling where their allegiance lies. Did mark parker go to Yale?

As far as Nazis go, its starting to come to light that we were all lied to about all that. So i wouldnt waste energy hating a group of people from a world i didnt even exist in whos history is told by people who hate them, who also happen to own our media and hold lavish baby sacrificing sex parties with other high stakes people of significant public influence for purposes of favors and blackmail. Whatever happened back then it kind of doesnt appear that the right guys won... to me anyway. Look at how shamelessly evil and confused our world has become and how our media pushes it further and further.

The skull and crossbones looks just like the Yale related skull and crossbones logo and its not a good look either way for anyone.
So it isn't Nazi now, its Illuminati.



The lol makes you look stupid. Prescott Bush was in business with the Nazis, george bush preached the new world order, george bush 2 was in skull and bones, an occult that resides at Yale University. All 3 are balls deep in the illuminati,CFR, globalist regime. Whatever label you want to put on it.

I know you were told to laugh at stuff like this and thats why you laugh, because you want to be accepted and seen as someone who has it together and all figured out, but youre brainwashed if thats your immediate reaction. Look up anything i said and see how much you laugh then. No one here cares enough about you for it to affect your open mindedness, so to still laugh things like this off under such annonymous conditions tells me youre simple minded af. Which is a shame because there are probably many more just like you who will see hell freeze over before anyone breaks through that propaganda filled head of theirs. And thats why we'll lose.

Enjoy your prefont am1s
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The lol makes you look stupid. Prescott Bush was in business with the Nazis, george bush preached the new world order, george bush 2 was in skull and bones, an occult that resides at Yale University. All 3 are balls deep in the illuminati,CFR, globalist regime. Whatever label you want to put on it.

I know you were told to laugh at stuff like this and thats why you laugh, because you want to be accepted and seen as someone who has it together and all figured out, but youre brainwashed if thats your immediate reaction. Look up anything i said and see how much you laugh then. No one here cares enough about you for it to affect your open mindedness, so to still laugh things like this off under such annonymous conditions tells me youre simple minded af. Which is a shame because there are probably many more just like you who will see hell freeze over before anyone breaks through that propaganda filled head of theirs. And thats why we'll lose.

Enjoy your prefont am1s
Lol x 10

@ U
Skull and crossbones is still illuminati garbage whether it happens to be some weak excuse like a hs school logo or not. This is simply occult imagery with an escuse behind it telling where their allegiance lies. Did mark parker go to Yale?

As far as Nazis go, its starting to come to light that we were all lied to about all that. So i wouldnt waste energy hating a group of people from a world i didnt even exist in whos history is told by people who hate them, who also happen to own our media and hold lavish baby sacrificing sex parties with other high stakes people of significant public influence for purposes of favors and blackmail. Whatever happened back then it kind of doesnt appear that the right guys won... to me anyway. Look at how shamelessly evil and confused our world has become and how our media pushes it further and further.

The skull and crossbones looks just like the Yale related skull and crossbones logo and its not a good look either way for anyone.

"Lavish baby sacrificing sex parties"????
"The wrong side won"????
You're outta your gourd.

Maybe I'll just tell myself they're "Pirate AM1s". Regardless, I don't need another pair of black/white kicks.

Prefontaine AM1s might not be the best release (coincidental) in light of recent events
People think it's naive to think that this is just about sneakers
People think its ridiculous to think that this is about conspiracy hokie pokie
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Good there no way to search the thread's gallery of images like before? I wanted to look at pictures of some IDs before making a pair but having to go through the whole damn thread again is ridiculous!
Has anyone made an Essential ID using the Game Royal leather options lately (last month or two)? Just mocked one up and I like the look of it on-screen, but would like to see what a "rela-life" version looks like, if possible.
(PS - Didn't realize you can no longer upload an image from a file. Looks like you have to use a URL, huh? Ooof...)
Has anyone made an Essential ID using the Game Royal leather options lately (last month or two)? Just mocked one up and I like the look of it on-screen, but would like to see what a "rela-life" version looks like, if possible.
(PS - Didn't realize you can no longer upload an image from a file. Looks like you have to use a URL, huh? Ooof...)

you can still upload a file. there's an "upload file" button under "insert quotes" and "post reply", at least on mobile.

that ID would look better with a white airbag IMO
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