Some I'll wait out but I couldn't wait on the Jade and Oceans. If I catch the Berrys at the Outlet I'll grab them there.
I wish I could've held out lol.

I had to cop the sail and jade the second they dropped since I wear sz13 and saw them disappear last wk from DSM instantly but I'm all for doubling up and getting the ocean fogs for disco if possible down the road.
sz 13 i understand. Nike shows no love when it comes to that size lol i always read over the threads how there would be like very minimal pairs for most releases
Had a 15% off coupon so I got each Lab for $134 and the Berries for $110. I'll double up Jades,Fogs and Berries for sure if they fall close $100 or under in the future.
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When the Iced Jade originally dropped today, I had such a hassle attempting to purchase. Later on, I tried the SNKRS app at around 8pm to see for the hell of it, and no issue in purchasing whatsoever! Can't wait to get those in, they're the only color way I wanted out of the four that dropped yesterday.
When the Iced Jade originally dropped today, I had such a hassle attempting to purchase. Later on, I tried the SNKRS app at around 8pm to see for the hell of it, and no issue in purchasing whatsoever! Can't wait to get those in, they're the only color way I wanted out of the four that dropped yesterday.
mine has said pending all day. 

got a notification for them receiving the order. 

bought from nike later in the day just in case. 
Those Jades are guys think these will sit long enough to wait for them to go on sale?
cant wait to see how much of a zoo this thread will be come am1 elephant (and jordan 3) release time.  bunch of new accounts with 1-5 posts talking about, "when do these actually drop?," "these are so fresh, "i hate these sneaker bots." 
cant wait to see how much of a zoo this thread will be come am1 elephant (and jordan 3) release time.  bunch of new accounts with 1-5 posts talking about, "when do these actually drop?," "these are so fresh, "i hate these sneaker bots." 
lol so true. i'm just hoping that they do the elephant print on nikeid... i'd personally prefer that over a pair of the atmos so i can make 3 pairs and get them at retail, even if its not the new shape as well. fingers crossed for that.
Its the sneaky sons if btches waiting to see where theyre restocking that are going to try and spy on this thread and snatch them up. Hopefully nike screws em by dropping em in phases. Kill that resell value
saw that the am1 shape got fixed and messed around in id

which would you get - patta inspired purple suedes or ben drury ids?
the current ID's have the old shape... new shape isnt until air max day from what i've read.
dang I wanna buy the sails so bad but im going to wait to see pics from you guys. That shape has to be on point for me to come back to 1s. Crossing fingers
Hey my fellow mr Grump.
you know what it is.  been hiding in my cave underneath the water bridge like a grumpy old troll we be.  just been laying in the cut with all this pinnacle/new half way shape talk.  the tidal wave of hype is dying down, so i'll prob be around more, but march is around the corner so i'll hide out again as everyone and their moms will be thirsty creepers about the 3/4 finished shape and supposed "OG" releases and all the other hyperiffic news we're so patiently waiting for.  

sidenote: everyone look at my sig.  (shameless loophole against the no selling in threads policy)
you know what it is.  been hiding in my cave underneath the water bridge like a grumpy old troll we be.  just been laying in the cut with all this pinnacle/new half way shape talk.  the tidal wave of hype is dying down, so i'll prob be around more, but march is around the corner so i'll hide out again as everyone and their moms will be thirsty creepers about the 3/4 finished shape and supposed "OG" releases and all the other hyperiffic news we're so patiently waiting for.  

sidenote: everyone look at my sig.  (shameless loophole against the no selling in threads policy) :wink:   

So needless to say you aren't too amped for the OG release?

I'm just curious on your take - I mean what if (a big if) they straight up ace the anni OGs...
So needless to say you aren't too amped for the OG release?

I'm just curious on your take - I mean what if (a big if) they straight up ace the anni OGs...
no i plan on copping both red and blue.  theyre first priority regardless of shape and barring other OGish colors dont drop.  i mean if we see colorways reminiscent of 87-2004, we're all in trouble.  i have pairs of both blue and red, so im not as excited as many on here.  and as far as shape goes, i dont have much faith in nike doing the right thing for us.  but who knows, i tend to be a half empty glass kind of dude, thus not being disappointed.  id like some elephants but thats going to be a 2015 safari fiasco all over again. ive been in a real am1 funk lately.  

new stuff just underwhelms me.  and its not just the presentation of said colors and materials that do so.  call me crazy but ive grown attracted to the hunt of old ish, and not just acquiring latest drops (even if they are great looking).  not to get all deep and therapy session on yall, but i truly think sneakers has turned into an introspective self image thing.  anyone says its for others, are idiots.  no one is impressed with sneakers.  and i quote from an ex ex: "its you and 15 year olds that collect sneakers."  3 of the last 5 am1s ive copped, i havent worn, and almost dont have a desire to.  i just want them on the shelf, its like their trophies at this point (plus i dont want them to crumble).  so again, i may sound superficial, but new ish doesnt catch my attention because it doesnt hold value to me.  it doesnt make me feel good to have on my foot, because its as arbitrary as buying some boosts.  but to find a back up pair of grunges or some old trainer 1s, or blue/green am96s is hella alluring.  its all connected to my formative years vs sneakers.  call it daddy issues...  
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no i plan on copping both red and blue.  theyre first priority regardless of shape and barring other OGish colors dont drop.  i mean if we see colorways reminiscent of 87-2004, we're all in trouble.  i have pairs of both blue and red, so im not as excited as many on here.  and as far as shape goes, i dont have much faith in nike doing the right thing for us.  but who knows, i tend to be a half empty glass kind of dude, thus not being disappointed.  id like some elephants but thats going to be a 2015 safari fiasco all over again. ive been in a real am1 funk lately.  

new stuff just underwhelms me.  and its not just the presentation of said colors and materials that do so.  call me crazy but ive grown attracted to the hunt of old ish, and not just acquiring latest drops (even if they are great looking).  not to get all deep and therapy session on yall, but i truly think sneakers has turned into an introspective self image thing.  anyone says its for others, are idiots.  no one is impressed with sneakers.  and i quote from an ex ex: "its you and 15 year olds that collect sneakers."  3 of the last 5 am1s ive copped, i havent worn, and almost dont have a desire to.  i just want them on the shelf, its like their trophies at this point (plus i dont want them to crumble).  so again, i may sound superficial, but new ish doesnt catch my attention because it doesnt hold value to me.  it doesnt make me feel good to have on my foot, because its as arbitrary as buying some boosts.  but to find a back up pair of grunges or some old trainer 1s, or blue/green am96s is hella alluring.  its all connected to my formative years vs sneakers.  call it daddy issues...  
You sound like a kid that collects baseball cards but shoes are your baseball cards. Nothing wrong with that. I get it.
You sound like a kid that collects baseball cards but shoes are your baseball cards. Nothing wrong with that. I get it.
its true man.  im restoring a 91 mr2 turbo, rock sneakers i wore in highschool, listen to music that is basically regurgitated rakim, and still watch saved by the bell.  what can i say, im stuck in the 90s.  to be honest tho, reason i stayed away from the pinnacles, is that monoblahmatic midsole/outsole. 

@Mrphist  good looking out on the info.  interested to see what options they allow with those.  if its just all 1 color upper with those material colors, hard pass for me. 
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its true man.  im restoring a 91 mr2 turbo, rock sneakers i wore in highschool, listen to music that is basically regurgitated rakim, and still watch saved by the bell.  what can i say, im stuck in the 90s.  to be honest tho, reason i stayed away from the pinnacles, is that monoblahmatic midsole/outsole. 

 good looking out on the info.  interested to see what options they allow with those.  if its just all 1 color upper with those material colors, hard pass for me. 

You're not the only one. We're all stuck in the 90's one way or another.
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