on the outside tho?  imo, and its just mine so dont let me deter you from your design choices, it tries too hard.  i feel it cheapens the concept in and of itself.  it screams ID just as IDs scream ID with "nike ID" on the tongue.  id want my bespokes to speak for themselves by breaking necks with design and materials.  if someones going to ask me about my bespokes, its going to be because of the special print on the mud guard, or detail in the layout.  not embroidery on the heel looking like it was done at some mall kiosk.  

sorry, i havent had my coffee yet.  
I was making a joke because if I copy his design it won't be a 1 of 1. "Not anymore" get it? In reality I don't like those at all.
I was making a joke because if I copy his design it won't be a 1 of 1. "Not anymore" get it? In reality I don't like those at all.
oh haha.  my bad, im super slow [this morning].  i think self inspired text on sneakers is a novel idea and im sure it gets old quickly.  its a conversation piece alright, but its contrived.  
So has any grabbed the Nikelab AM1 Royals yet? any impressions on them about the fit and the finish? Is there a different thread for that release? Found a few below retail already on Ebay and would be interested in grabbing them for the right price.
I did and immediately returned them. The shoe looks great but it is beyond uncomfortable. It includes a slip-in leather liner that has a bulky heel piece. It was difficult to even put the shoes on when laced loosely. Once on, they were really uncomfortable. You can take out the liner, but then the shoe doesn't fit correctly and becomes uncomfortable for other reasons (the footbed is too hard without the liner). This design was a real miss. I really can't believe they released this thing. You should try them on somewhere before buying them at any price.
Pointless to put "1 of 1" on a's already a known fact no one else has the pair. And the bone safari look like the recent kumquats ha, I would be kinda pissed with the resemblance but to each their own.
Pointless to put "1 of 1" on a's already a known fact no one else has the pair. And the bone safari look like the recent kumquats ha, I would be kinda pissed with the resemblance but to each their own.

I agree with you. But until I have the $1k to do bespoke so try not to be to critical over others and their designs
The back ankle of the Tinker iD's looks pretty high. Hoping my paid doesn't come out like that.
I mean it's his pair not mine and I'm sure he loves them so that's all that matters. He didn't make them for me to like or else they would have looked like this :wink:


Sorry, I just realized that my typo made it look like I was being critical of you. What I meant to say was until I have 1k I try not to be to critical.
Script is lower on the HTM so the heel appears to look larger than it truly is. Here is comparison of regular iD to HTM

Thanks for the comparison. It's definitely the back panel/ heel wrap that makes them look so high. Good to see they're normal height. Hopefully I'll get my pair one day. Damn things are still chilling in Vietnam.
Said this before but I still have yet to come across a pair of bespokes that look better than singledout singledout 's pair. you really managed to hit all the key elements in building the perfect pair of 87's
I second that FrankWh1te

They are so dope. Definitely in my top 3 of all time.
They truly inspire me for my 1st Bespoke
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Do those spring shoe trees help with the shape?

I also need to make some HTM ID's.

Still drained from pendletons :smh:
They sent a Last Chance email today for HTM IDs so I think they'll be coming down soon.
good!  tired of seeing this futuristic space garbage.

does that mean something else coming onto the scene or just a lull of regular ID til we see the next pendleton?
I thought I read somewhere that on AM Day additional premium options would become available, but that either must have been a rumor or I just misunderstood.
good!  tired of seeing this futuristic space garbage. :lol:

does that mean something else coming onto the scene or just a lull of regular ID til we see the next pendleton?

Not sure. I actually didn't mind the HTM personally. I thought the ID options were cool, I wouldn't necessarily call it garbage. I seen some good creations come out of it.
Not sure. I actually didn't mind the HTM personally. I thought the ID options were cool, I wouldn't necessarily call it garbage. I seen some good creations come out of it.
nah im playing.  i like hating on anything thats not classic.  but i do enjoy seeing all the stuff ya'll come up with and post. i almost pulled the trigger on some paris patches.  so im not 100% against it.   so keep posting the space garbage! 
Haha my HTMs still say they are in Vietnam. But came home today they heeeyuuh
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