* The New TEAM SC Official post *

Originally Posted by AirJordan17

BTW these joints come out December 8. This will be my first AF 1 purchase since August.


We got those in shipment on Friday at my Finishline.
I tried them on, they are

I'm focused on the Playoff VIII's, but I might get those AF1.

Yeah they completely ruined the Bobbito's IMO..I'm feelin those ones u got from '01 10x's more!

My next pickup is the playoff's as well. I pair for me and 2 pairs for my sons.

I really haven't been feeling ANY lowtop AF1's this whole year to be honest. I'm more of a simple color scheme man. Hopefully we have some jewelscoming out next year...
Yo, anyone in here work for Footlocker, Footaction, or Champ's in Columbia? If so I heard an employee discount (50%) is going on today and possiblytomorrow. I NEED those M4'S(Any color) so if somebody could get at me it would much appreciated. Thanks

I wish Nike would re issue the Jewel check Air Force Ones.

But for some reason I don't see that happening. I hope I am wrong.

Employee Appreciation today and Wednesday? Off to the mall I go.

Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

Yeah they completely ruined the Bobbito's IMO..I'm feelin those ones u got from '01 10x's more!

My next pickup is the playoff's as well. I pair for me and 2 pairs for my sons.

I really haven't been feeling ANY lowtop AF1's this whole year to be honest. I'm more of a simple color scheme man. Hopefully we have some jewels coming out next year...

Chico, I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like this. The only low tops I reallycould have seen me buying from the 25th anniversary were the Bobbitos. and that all gold Charles Barkley AF1 with the speckled midsole. Honestly though, noneof them were must haves . The only AF1 from this year that I thought was a must have are those Wheat High Bobbitos, but now it looks like Nike had to effthose up as well.
Regarding the jewel AF1's, I wouldn't count on it. Theytanked for the most part when they tried it out the first time, so I highly doubt they'll drop them again. It's unfortunate too because some of thebest AF1's were jewels in my opinion. Today's generation of "sneakerheads" just want gimmicks and wild colors, so Nike will cater to that. Only a small niche of people who enjoy sneakers more than the average joe wants things to be simple and reminiscent of the older days. It really feels likeNike has lost their ways and forgot how they've gotten to where they are now. The even worse part is that Nike will continue in this direction untilsomething drastic happens. That's why I'm urging anyone and everyone that prefers how things were back then, to take a stand and stop buying thischeap quality, mishaped, altered, wannabe crap. To me, I rather have one pair of the older stuff compared to 20 pairs of the new stuff.

Ron - Quality > Quantity and I'm a firm believer of that more than ever. Sure, when I first started I was more concerned with having millions ofsneakers, but now I know that's just silly and is the main reason why I'll be downsizing. Let me ask you something though Ron, do you honestly thinkthat CB AF1 you recently posted is a good quality AF1? In my opinion, it's just another gimmick because Nike has run out of ideas. The shape iscompletely off and what's with those wavy stripes? To each his own, but I honestly wouldn't mind if I just woke up and this whole 25th anniversary wasa bad dream.

Overall though, I have faith that Nike will stop all this crap and go back to their old ways where they kept it simple and classic.
^^^^^^Yeah We Do!!!!!!!!!im a ASM at footlocker, everything is excluded except for retros and spizikes, it ends tommorow
Ty- Nike overdid the XXV anniversary campaign I do agree. I thought it was a cool idea at first, but then it got annoying. But to answeryour question, I just simply like the Force that I posted. I honestly could care less about the quality, shape, texture, etc. of those Forces I posted. Onthe real, the days of Nike makng quality Air Force One products are LONG GONE. To compare what Nike did in years past to the crappy "retro" productsthey are putting out now is just not fair. But I am glad you are taking a stance and not just "settling" on buying sub par products. Thank god forEbay

As far as Nike getting back to the basics, don't hold your breath.
I honestly don't see it happening. And the direction they are taking with all these re created retro Hybirds in 08 doesn't helpmatters
what's up fella's I must say that ya'll are correct. but I was wondering do you think that we and most sneaker heads feel this way because nike hasjust over saturated the af1's with so many colorways, that there's nothing really special about the whole 25th anniversary idea, i mean damn it seemedlike every other week there's a new colorway dropping or a new story behind a shoe, i think it was just bad marketing on there part. I mean alot of theshoes were pretty dope but it's just so many that none of them will ever make the grail status. Like the old saying goes to much of something is not alwaysgood for you. In this case too many different air forces.
oh yeah just needed to add that I got them doernbecher 95's about 2 weeks ago now, from niketown atl. and if anybody ever runs across a pair for retail orslightly over, pick up for yourself, they are unbelievable in person. The detail is amazing and the color is crazy in person , pictures don't do themjustice.
^ Those 95 that you speak of are nice indeed. Take some pics when you get a chance.

In my opinion, the Air Force line tried to do what JB has been doing with retros for YEARS, and it backfired with regards to saturation. Don't get mewrong, the demand for Forces will always be there, but JB is a whole nother monster. That's where Nike made their mistake. Think about the last timeyou've seen Nike spend any maketing dollars on the AF 1 line. I have NEVER seen them do it, and I am not counting the past 2 years. This is a classicexample of having a good thing and ruining it.Sad but true.And honestly in the bigger scheme of things, sneaker heads are a small demographic compared to thebigger picture, which would be your average consumer. You have average dudes out there that will buy every GR AF 1 they can get their hands on because theylike what they see, and they think the shoes are cool, and they are getting them for 80 bucks.They don't give a crap about shape, texture, etc. And Nikeknows this. That's really what it boils down too; and really Nike could give a damn about us sneakerheads at the end of the day. That's really how Nikeand these other sneaker companies are making their bottome line, off what they conceive to be the average consumer. Every "Supreme" or"Premium" AF1 that has released this year, you can get on the Bay for waay under retail if you wait a couple of months after release. That tells meright there Nike went all in with this XXV anniversary campaign, and the end result, it didn't do as well as they thought.

And now you are starting to see JB "get away" from doing retros after 08 because they see the bigger picture. Guys team Jordans sell damn well, nomatter how crappy or unispired we may think they look. And Gentry knows damn well he can get away with it. You think that Jordan/ AF 1 "Fusion"collab starting in 08 was coincidence? I honestly don't think so.

When the smoke clears, I encourage all of you to BUY WHAT YOU LIKE... be it vintage, new stuff, or whatever your taste may be. Don't let the politics ofthis game deter you from what YOU are personally trying to accomplish in this game. Heck.. if that's the case I would never buy anything. Take a stancelike Ty is doing and don't buy any and everything you see IF THAT'S HOW YOU FEEL. But in all reality, there are waaay less people that think the way Tydoes, and that's why things will never be the same. I wish some of you guys could have experienced the sneaker culture back in the mid to late 90's.The way I see the shoe game going in the next few years.... more retros.... less inspired new models.... and horrible quality, unless something drastichappens.

It's all about the Benjamin's baby....
Originally Posted by AirJordan17

^ Those 95 that you speak of are nice indeed. Take some pics when you get a chance.

In my opinion, the Air Force line tried to do what JB has been doing with retros for YEARS, and it backfired with regards to saturation. Don't get me wrong, the demand for Forces will always be there, but JB is a whole nother monster. That's where Nike made their mistake. Think about the last time you've seen Nike spend any maketing dollars on the AF 1 line. I have NEVER seen them do it, and I am not counting the past 2 years. This is a classic example of having a good thing and ruining it.Sad but true.And honestly in the bigger scheme of things, sneaker heads are a small demographic compared to the bigger picture, which would be your average consumer. You have average dudes out there that will buy every GR AF 1 they can get their hands on because they like what they see, and they think the shoes are cool, and they are getting them for 80 bucks.They don't give a crap about shape, texture, etc. And Nike knows this. That's really what it boils down too; and really Nike could give a damn about us sneakerheads at the end of the day. That's really how Nike and these other sneaker companies are making their bottome line, off what they conceive to be the average consumer. Every "Supreme" or "Premium" AF1 that has released this year, you can get on the Bay for waay under retail if you wait a couple of months after release. That tells me right there Nike went all in with this XXV anniversary campaign, and the end result, it didn't do as well as they thought.

And now you are starting to see JB "get away" from doing retros after 08 because they see the bigger picture. Guys team Jordans sell damn well, no matter how crappy or unispired we may think they look. And Gentry knows damn well he can get away with it. You think that Jordan/ AF 1 "Fusion" collab starting in 08 was coincidence? I honestly don't think so.

When the smoke clears, I encourage all of you to BUY WHAT YOU LIKE... be it vintage, new stuff, or whatever your taste may be. Don't let the politics of this game deter you from what YOU are personally trying to accomplish in this game. Heck.. if that's the case I would never buy anything. Take a stance like Ty is doing and don't buy any and everything you see IF THAT'S HOW YOU FEEL. But in all reality, there are waaay less people that think the way Ty does, and that's why things will never be the same. I wish some of you guys could have experienced the sneaker culture back in the mid to late 90's. The way I see the shoe game going in the next few years.... more retros.... less inspired new models.... and horrible quality, unless something drastic happens.

It's all about the Benjamin's baby....

Well put Ron.

There's never been a huge marketing scheme that I can think of as far as theAF1 goes and that's because AF1's have sold themselves for the longest time. Sure, Nike did a great job by helping us remember classic colorways withthat classic shape and classic quality, but they definitely didn't reward us with any of that this year. Sure, they put out those white/insert color forswoosh AF1's, but even those were gimmicks with the OG 6 engraved by laser on there. Not only that, but the quality was that terrible plasticky leather. Iwon't even get started on the shape. Don't get me wrong though, there's nothing wrong with smooth leather, but today's smooth leather is waytoo thin. If you can't get a feel for what I'm talking about, pick up a pair of '01 or before AF1's. Pictures can only do so much, so youreally have to have a pair in your hands to truly understand what I'm talking about.

Then, I know that people say to themselves, "Well, I would love to buy older AF1's or other older Nike product, but it's too expensive. So,I'll just buy the newer stuff that's cheaper to make up for it." Well, I can understand the first part by all means, but what I can'tunderstand is people who want to buy the older stuff, but instead buys multiple and multiple pairs of stuff from today. Think about it like this, there's apair of AF1's you'd like to have, but they cost $250. Well, you literally have to just pass on about 3-4 pairs of the GR AF1's you were going tobuy and now you have the money to buy that older AF1. In my mind, it seems better to go with that one pair of older, better quality AF1's, rather thanbuying 3 or 4 pairs of the poor quality AF1's from today. A lot of you guys say very nice things about my collection(which I appreciate more than you canthink) and how you'd kill to have some of my joints, but the thing is, you could have it. There's plenty of you that buy shoes on a regular basis andif you would pass on a couple pairs, than you could easily have the money for that one pair you've been salivating over.

Now, if you really like something and you really want it, then by all means buy it. My objective isn't to tell you what to like and dislike, rather to giveyou a different perspective/strategy to the people who salivate for the older product. I also offer any help to anyone who's serious about finding/buyingsomething from back in the day.

If you're content with what you're doing though, keep doing it and good luck. On the other hand, if you don't like what has been releasingnowadays, then take a stand and don't settle. Money goes a lot easier than it comes and you decide what you buy, not anyone else. It's not yourobligation to buy whatever Nike puts out. It's Nike's obligation to put something out which you are highly satisfied for. I honestly believe Nikethinks they have us by our balls and that they can release anything and we'll gobble it up. Well, they might be right about a majority of people, butnobody has me by mine.

Hey everyone, please pray for my best friend Mark who was diagnosed with Leukemia here in North Carolina aweek ago. Doctors at UNC-Chapel Hill have inferred the prognosis isn't well for recovery and it may be terminal. He is 19 years old. Just be mindful ofhim when praying this evening to whoever you may worship and remember Mark. Thanks again guys.
^^^^^^^^^sorry to heat that keep yo head up

With this AF1 situation $Buy what you like$ i realize im done with AF1 period.... old and new i don't care want comes out BUT the fusions with the AJ& AF1 i am all over them like lindsey lowhan on coke. (Maybe the bobbito wheats)

my pick ups should be here soon!

Originally Posted by spacej23

Originally Posted by AirJordan17

^ Those 95 that you speak of are nice indeed. Take some pics when you get a chance.

In my opinion, the Air Force line tried to do what JB has been doing with retros for YEARS, and it backfired with regards to saturation. Don't get me wrong, the demand for Forces will always be there, but JB is a whole nother monster. That's where Nike made their mistake. Think about the last time you've seen Nike spend any maketing dollars on the AF 1 line. I have NEVER seen them do it, and I am not counting the past 2 years. This is a classic example of having a good thing and ruining it.Sad but true.And honestly in the bigger scheme of things, sneaker heads are a small demographic compared to the bigger picture, which would be your average consumer. You have average dudes out there that will buy every GR AF 1 they can get their hands on because they like what they see, and they think the shoes are cool, and they are getting them for 80 bucks.They don't give a crap about shape, texture, etc. And Nike knows this. That's really what it boils down too; and really Nike could give a damn about us sneakerheads at the end of the day. That's really how Nike and these other sneaker companies are making their bottome line, off what they conceive to be the average consumer. Every "Supreme" or "Premium" AF1 that has released this year, you can get on the Bay for waay under retail if you wait a couple of months after release. That tells me right there Nike went all in with this XXV anniversary campaign, and the end result, it didn't do as well as they thought.

And now you are starting to see JB "get away" from doing retros after 08 because they see the bigger picture. Guys team Jordans sell damn well, no matter how crappy or unispired we may think they look. And Gentry knows damn well he can get away with it. You think that Jordan/ AF 1 "Fusion" collab starting in 08 was coincidence? I honestly don't think so.

When the smoke clears, I encourage all of you to BUY WHAT YOU LIKE... be it vintage, new stuff, or whatever your taste may be. Don't let the politics of this game deter you from what YOU are personally trying to accomplish in this game. Heck.. if that's the case I would never buy anything. Take a stance like Ty is doing and don't buy any and everything you see IF THAT'S HOW YOU FEEL. But in all reality, there are waaay less people that think the way Ty does, and that's why things will never be the same. I wish some of you guys could have experienced the sneaker culture back in the mid to late 90's. The way I see the shoe game going in the next few years.... more retros.... less inspired new models.... and horrible quality, unless something drastic happens.

It's all about the Benjamin's baby....

Well put Ron.

There's never been a huge marketing scheme that I cab think of as far as the AF1 goes and that's because AF1's have sold themselves for the longest time. Sure, Nike did a great job by helping us remember classic colorways with that classic shape and classic quality, but they definitely didn't reward us with any of that this year. Sure, they put out those white/insert color for swoosh AF1's, but even those were gimmicks with the OG 6 engraved by laser on there. Not only that, but the quality was that terrible plasticky leather. I won't even get started on the shape. Don't get me wrong though, there's nothing wrong with smooth leather, but today's smooth leather is way too thin. If you can't get a feel for what I'm talking about, pick up a pair of '01 or before AF1's. Pictures can only do so much, so you really have to have a pair in your hands to truly understand what I'm talking about.

Then, I know that people say to themselves, "Well, I would love to buy older AF1's or other older Nike product, but it's too expensive. So, I'll just buy the newer stuff that's cheaper to make up for it." Well, I can understand the first part by all means, but what I can't understand is people who want to buy the older stuff, but instead buys multiple and multiple pairs of stuff from today. Think about it like this, there's a pair of AF1's you'd like to have, but they cost $250. Well, you literally have to just pass on about 3-4 pairs of the GR AF1's you were going to buy and now you have the money to buy that older AF1. In my mind, it seems better to go with that one pair of older, better quality AF1's, rather than buying 3 or 4 pairs of the poor quality AF1's from today. A lot of you guys say very nice things about my collection(which I appreciate more than you can think) and how you'd kill to have some of my joints, but the thing is, you could have it. There's plenty of you that buy shoes on a regular basis and if you would pass on a couple pairs, than you could easily have the money for that one pair you've been salivating over.

Now, if you really like something and you really want it, then by all means buy it. My objective isn't to tell you what to like and dislike, rather to give you a different perspective/strategy to the people who salivate for the older product. I also offer any help to anyone who's serious about finding/buying something from back in the day.

If you're content with what you're doing though, keep doing it and good luck. On the other hand, if you don't like what has been releasing nowadays, then take a stand and don't settle. Money goes a lot easier than it comes and you decide what you buy, not anyone else. It's not your obligation to buy whatever Nike puts out. It's Nike's obligation to put something out which you are highly satisfied for. I honestly believe Nike thinks they have us by our balls and that they can release anything and we'll gobble it up. Well, they might be right about a majority of people, but nobody has me by mine.

These two posts HAVE to be the most intelligent posts, that I've seen on Niketalk since I've joined.

btw, My Finishline got in Playoff VIII's today, and they are
along with the Aqua VIII's and Fire Red III's (WhichI'm still looking for 10.5 anybody?) are THE best OG retros.
wow!!!!!! that was really deep guy's. I agree with alot of view points, ya'll covered there,but I grew up in the 80's and 90's and back thenyou even had tons of different shoes, but there was alway's those few pair that stood out from the rest,(penny's,mowabb,any jordan, hell even thereebok air raids were sick.) I just want that feeling back again, they can make all the shoes they wan't but every now and again give me that shoe thatI'm gonna get them butterflies in my stomach for and just gawk at for day's before I even wear them. The doernbecher 95's almost gave me thatfeeling so that's gives me that small chance of hope that there is a shoe god still among us. I'm new on here so if any one could assist me on how inthe hell do i upload pictures on here please let me know.
Man its just seems like there is just no good news anyomre. Pimp C dead, Sean Taylor dead, and Kayne West mom dead in a matter ofthree weeks?

The grin reaper is busy please believe. I hope he skips my address. I gotta a lot of life to live.

cbpresent- Man I am sorry to hear about your friend.

Stan- take pics of those Foams when you get them in.

Ty- Call me when you get a chance. I gotta run something by ya....

Now its time to search Ebay. Wish me luck guys.
Originally Posted by AirJordan17

Man its just seems like there is just no good news anyomre. Pimp C dead, Sean Taylor dead, and Kayne West mom dead in a matter of three weeks?

The grin reaper is busy please believe. I hope he skips my address. I gotta a lot of life to live.

Don't forget Big Moe, Evil Kinevil, and Stephan Marbury's father.

Thanks for the kind words guys.

Brad - I'm sorry to hear that man. Hopefully things will turn around for the better, but I will keep him in my prayers regardless.

Ron - I tried calling you, but I imagine you were sleeping. Give me a call whenever you get the chance though.

By the way, the Best Buy in North Chuck now carries the Apple Macs. I'm so happy. Hopefully Santa will leave a Macbook under the tree for me thisyear.
My bad Ty. Man I fell asleep in my recliner,and the next thing I knew it was 4 am.

At any rate, I will def call ya this afternoon. Its concerning "some Ebay stuff'".

And I would LOVE to have a Mac notebook. They are so much better than regular PC's.

I will probably end up getting on soon.
Tre- big moe is dead nnnnnnoooooooooo! damn i didn't know that hawk pass away last year now moe too.

Tyler- yeah my girl said that see was going to cop a ipod touch for me for x-mas im so excited.

Ron- it looks like 2 of em coming in if things go right with this seller im talking to.
Stan- The only beef I have with Itouch right now is storage space. Web browsing and all other features on it are really cool though. Andbeing able to watch You Tube vidoes on the go is really cool too. The one I currently have (which my job paid for
) is 16 GB. Long term.. 16 GB is nothing.. considering how much music andvideos that you are going to buy over the years.
Originally Posted by AirJordan17

Stan- The only beef I have with Itouch right now is storage space. Web browsing and all other features on it are really cool though. And being able to watch You Tube vidoes on the go is really cool too. The one I currently have (which my job paid for
) is 16 GB. Long term.. 16 GB is nothing.. considering how much music and videos that you are going to buy over the years.
Exactly! That's the biggest reason why I won't be buying that iPod Touch.16GB isn't that great for the amount of money they're asking for. Plus, how reliable is the wireless internet? Don't you have to be somewhere inlike a hotspot or something? Plus, I have a BlackBerry, so I already have internet on the go.

One thing I like about being in college though, is the discount that I can use on Apple products. There's a limit of how many you can buy with certainproducts in an academic year, but with iPods there are none.

Ron - I'll be awaiting your call. I'm interested to see what you've found.


My most recent pick-ups . . .

The collection . . .

Finally, what I wore today . . .



Ok, so I don't know if anybody has seen this picture, but this colorway of the '08 Huarache is so copped(last shoe) . . .



hey could somone plz shortin what Mr. Ron wrote cuz it's too long. (no offinse yo) in like one or two sentinses

hey could somone plz shortin what Mr. Ron wrote cuz it's too long. (no offinse yo) in like one or two sentinses

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