The NBA Hall of Fame thread...who's a lock, on the bubble, or on the way?

Vince Carter will not make the HOF.

Ray Allen is nowhere near a lock he should be on the bubble IMO

Grant Hill should definitley be more of a lock than him both got 0 chips but Hill was better when he was good, and Ben Wallace should be WAY ahead of him causehe got rings and he is like a 3 time DPOY
Ray Allen would be a lock if he wins a championship.
T-Mac? maybe if he goes further in the playoffs.
tmac should not be mentioned along with the word HOF until he wins a damn playoff series.
is like a 3 time DPOY
4 times.

some of the names, baron? tmac?

what have they done?

but nash wins two mvp's and people want to deny him?

its not just achievements or stats it's usually gotta be BOTH.

Although i can see a player getting in with lack of achievements but phenomenal and i mean phenomenal career stats as in karl malone 25 and 10 foralmost two decades kind of stuff.(for anyone who wants to jump on that im just using malone's stats as an example i know about all theachievements.)

MVP's however are a free pass to the hall of fame
Carlos Boozer...huh?...hmm...we'll see

I hope Grant Hill makes it but it would be really hard for him to make it. I can only hope though

I know y'all trying to keep it to current players but Gary Payton should be lock to get in.

but basketball HOF is the dumbest HOF of all sports.
I don't know if Adrian Dantley and Artis Gilmore got inducted yet. They better put them in by now


Kobe, Jason Kidd, Tim Duncun, Shaq, KG and AI is lock.

I'm biggest Ray Allen fan but getting into HOF, hmm...not just yet. If he gets in though, Paul Pierce should get in first just for what he did to Celticstime after time. It's hard to find a guy with that much loyalty.
The title of this thread needs to be fixed. There is no such thing as the "NBA hall of fame", it's called the basketball hall of fame. You shouldremember that a player's college and international career counts, something that will be a big plus for Grant Hill.. Also, Arvydas Sabonis will make it, Iam pretty sure.
This is my list:

Locks (Retired players)

Michael Jordan
Scottie Pippen
John Stockton
Karl Malone
Patrick Ewing
Gary Payton
Dennis Rodman (not anytime soon though)
Hakeem Olajuwon
Reggie Miller

Locks (Active Players)

Anfernee Hardaway (would have been a lock had he stayed healthy)

Grant Hill (same as Penny)
Shaquille O"Neal
Allen Iverson
Kobe Bryant
Jason Kidd
Kevin Garnett
Tim Duncan

Players that will be locks if they help lead their teams to a championship or two and/or win league MVP ...

Tracy McGrady
Vince Carter
Paul Pierce... (BTW, I believe he also broke some of Bird's Celtic records)
To all the guys who are saying that Ray Allen, Nash, T-Mac, etc. shouldn't be in; Remember that Joe Dumars just got inducted. I respected Joe D as a playerespecially on the defensive side, but those guys I just listed are levels beyond Dumars as a player.
^ i dont know the answer to this, but did Dumars get in his first try, or did it take a few years?
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

To all the guys who are saying that Ray Allen, Nash, T-Mac, etc. shouldn't be in; Remember that Joe Dumars just got inducted. I respected Joe D as a player especially on the defensive side, but those guys I just listed are levels beyond Dumars as a player.

tmac will make it even if he never makes it out of the first round b/c of all his individual achivements and stats.

i don't think it's a good way to get inducted b/c the HOF should be or players who are great individually and achieved team success. tmac hasn'thad team success. if i had a vote, he wouldn't get in.
Locks (current players):

-Kevin Garnett
-Jason Kidd
-Kobe Bryant
-Tim Duncan
-Shaquille O'Neal
-Allen Iverson

also Lebron is virtually a lock unless he never plays another season
how the hell does penny hardaway belong anywhere near the hall?

in fact im starting a thread, been wanting to get this off my chest for a while.
To all the people sayin Vince carter, Why should he be in the hall? Just curious thats all.
In terms of hall of fame bubbles

Ben Wallace>>>Grant Hill>>>Ray Allen>>>Penny>>>T Mac>>>VC

Out of all these players i think they all have at least shots except for VC

VC was great with Toronto and is still iight now, but he has no heart and gives up when his team is not doing well. And he has never won anything. By the looksof career it dont look like he will win anything either, but if he is a contributor on a championship team that is the only way he will get in i think.Individually he was never good enough to get in w/o winning and ypu dont get in on dunking.

Ben Wallace i think will definitely be in. He is a great story a football player that gave up his best sport to pursue his best one even though he played at aJunior College and was undrafted. But he established himself as the best defensive big man of this decade. A 4 time DPOY and a championship winner on a Pistonteam that was very good for a while. He is a VERY near lock in my opinion.

Grant Hill and Penny would get in solely cause of their fantastic 90s years. I would think that Hill is a closer lock because he was better for a longer periodand more dominant than Penny was. I think based on the golden years of their careers Hill has a better resume for the years he was right aftrer MJ statwise andhas a better chance of getting into the HOF.

Although i think that right now Ray hasent done nearlyy enough to get into the HOF, i put him higher than guys who i think have done more like T Mac and Pennybecause he has a great chance to greatly improve his resume with success on this Celtics team. But as for now he is in the same pickle as T Mac, where theyhave been great but never have gone far before. But unlike VC i still think that T Mac can improve his resume cause he has more left in my opinion and is on ateam that gives him a better chance to win.
your out of your damn mind if you think bdiddy is making the hall of fame thats nonsense...

locks are:


thats it

for the future: lebron, wade, dwight, and of course dan disaster dickau
Grant Hill and Penny would get in solely cause of their fantastic 90s years. I would think that Hill is a closer lock because he was better for a longer period and more dominant than Penny was. I think based on the golden years of their careers Hill has a better resume for the years he was right aftrer MJ statwise and has a better chance of getting into the HOF.

unless a short spectacular few years includes an MVP then, no.

penny had exactly 3 good years, no dam way should any one het in the hall for that.
Originally Posted by 745i

On the fence with these guys and I can't decide where to put them, if anywhere at all...
Paul Pierce
Paul should not only be put in the Hall of Fame he should be proclaimed a saint for sticking with the Celtics through all those bad years and still putting up 25 points per game year after year. Garnett may be getting most of the attention right now in Boston but Pierce will always be the face of that organization as long as he's there, and last time I checked he is still putting up 21 points per game even with KG and Allen on HIS team.

Yeah all 3 of the big 3 are going to make it. If they add a few NBAchampionships to their Resume.
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