THE hell they want from us man...

May 21, 2004
After a brief 26 years on this planet, witnessing wars, murders, greed, corruption, by those we look up to, and the ones who strive, just to end up in this cycle of false promises, monetary gains, and all this other garbage. The hell we striving for? all this material is nothin, the whole monetary system about to collapse and we are blind. Still setting up the same goals, same vision as before. When is the revolution, or rather evolution going to happen? Seriously im trippin the f we got all these people in university getting in debt, basically buying their way into a different class of society just to achieve  a whole bunch of nothing. Corporations making jobs for humans in turn we making money for corporations... what kind of life is this.
Think about it everyday fam, just sad that we'll never get to see our society completely change. I just try to keep myself
aware, eat right and not get too caught up in this cycle. When you really sit back and think about things, even the tiniest things
we do we're really al just puppets.
Life is a struggle... Learn to enjoy your challenges and struggles ( and not just the end results) and you'll enjoy life
the truth aint pretty which is why alotta people dont accept it because they cant really handle it so instead we as a society busy ourselves with pursuing material objects to keep us occupied.
The only life there is available, unfortunately...people are gonna play you for giggles, but I feel you.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

After a brief 26 years on this planet, witnessing wars, murders, greed, corruption, by those we look up to, and the ones who strive, just to end up in this cycle of false promises, monetary gains, and all this other garbage. The hell we striving for? all this material is nothin, the whole monetary system about to collapse and we are blind. Still setting up the same goals, same vision as before. When is the revolution, or rather evolution going to happen? Seriously im trippin the f we got all these people in university getting in debt, basically buying their way into a different class of society just to achieve  a whole bunch of nothing. Corporations making jobs for humans in turn we making money for corporations... what kind of life is this.


Using a computer to post a complaint about how the world is on a message board based on collecting expensive sneakers.... sounds like first world problems to me.
This isn't the first time this topic has come up around here.

You can't have a revolution or a shift in social consciousness when everybody is to complacent.

This time of lifestyle has been thoroughly examined and shaped to fit your life.

start your own business and reap your own benefits.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

After a brief 26 years on this planet, witnessing wars, murders, greed, corruption, by those we look up to, and the ones who strive, just to end up in this cycle of false promises, monetary gains, and all this other garbage. The hell we striving for? all this material is nothin, the whole monetary system about to collapse and we are blind. Still setting up the same goals, same vision as before. When is the revolution, or rather evolution going to happen? Seriously im trippin the f we got all these people in university getting in debt, basically buying their way into a different class of society just to achieve  a whole bunch of nothing. Corporations making jobs for humans in turn we making money for corporations... what kind of life is this.

I hear you and all that, but you gotta ask yourself, whats the alternative?  All in all we've had it pretty good for the past 100 or so years, if it's all for naught then I guess thats the price we pay for making something out of nothing.

Revolution is the easy part, what are you gonna do once you win or whatever?  What's YOUR system gonna look like?  You think it won't be susceptible to the same range of human emotions that has destroyed countless civilizations throughout history?  Despite everything, I wonder if this is as good as it's gonna get.
Who knows man, maybe this is not as good as it gets. I am sure ancient Egyptians thought this is as good as it gets, or the Romans. The shift is simple, i think. Although embedded in a few generations, it only takes 40-50 years to change human thought.
To dude talkin about first world problems... Homie I was in Egypt, front lines, when dudes were getting their eye shot out by military and police personal. I've witnessed dictators, rutheless bruh, like straight rutheless, end up at the bottom of the food chain. Plus with globalization first world problems have become developing nation's problems and vice versa.
Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

a comfortable life

This is really what it boils down to, quite honestly.
I've given this "topic" a good musing on many a number of occasions and time and time again, this is the conclusion I arrive at.

The deception isn't esoteric. In fact, it begs for you to point it out and do something about it.

Problem is, to do so is to sacrifice "comfort", and no one is really trying to go that far.

Comfort is literally luxury, and both are deceptions stemming from a social and cultural evolution that has far outpaced our biological evolution.

I have pages upon pages written on the matter, but i'll hold my tongue and instead, allow others to chime in. 

Open mindedness will get you a long way down this road called life.. I believe.

Education is as powerful as you make it.. you can be educated but without utilizing it, what's the point?!

Some don't understand that just cause youre standing on a degree means you're smart and will get you to higher places.. nahh

*%*% all the negatives, *%*% all these lames.. Focus on your passion and watch nature fall into your hands
Its not what they want from us, its what are you going to do for other people. I read a bunch of sob stories like yours on Reddit and suffice to say, others like you and me who don't like this world are going to have to take matters in your own hands to figure out the answer to today's problems. I wish it were that easy but its not. You cannot hope to go around living like this when this country is arguably the most comfortable one to live in with resources you can utilize to further your own knowledge and advance your own career.I'll say it once; great people have lived before you on less, what are you doing to live up to their legacy?
I feel you OP,but at the same time relax a little (respectfully).

There isn't a single person on the surface of the planet that's actually READY for that type of change (you THINK you are).

This evolution/revolution that you're inquiring about is happening in degrees. If it were to happen all at once MOST of us would perish.
people forget the power of unity. until most people learn how to respect and bring TEAM WORK into a situation it will always be like this
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

a comfortable life

This is really what it boils down to, quite honestly.
I've given this "topic" a good musing on many a number of occasions and time and time again, this is the conclusion I arrive at.

The deception isn't esoteric. In fact, it begs for you to point it out and do something about it.

Problem is, to do so is to sacrifice "comfort", and no one is really trying to go that far.

Comfort is literally luxury, and both are deceptions stemming from a social and cultural evolution that has far outpaced our biological evolution.

I have pages upon pages written on the matter, but i'll hold my tongue and instead, allow others to chime in. 

What I've come up with is that as our comfort level increases, the level of cosmic specialness an (the idea that you're a special snowflake and irreplaceable) individual feels decreases.
For example, if you work at a kiosk in a mall selling phones you can make decent money, have a decent car, have a decent apartment, eat as much food as you want, play sports, be able to go to the hospital if you get sick, take a vacation every once in a while... the problem with this is that you feel no sense of accomplishment from the work you do. This can be applied to almost all jobs... oh you work corporate at coca-cola? all you do is aid in the sale of sugary drinks. These jobs provide a very comfortable way of living but lack a central component of human happiness: the feeling that you are required or necessary to someone/something. 

I also believe that this social arrangement is what leads us to consumerism. Look at the guy sladewilson who is helping everyone get those IT jobs. What he is doing is awesome (getting people jobs) but his apparent aspiration to getting paid for doing nothing will not provide him with satisfaction. Where does someone like this find satisfaction? Probably not from their horribly boring job that they know could be done by a monkey.

The caveat to this is that a job, for many people, does make them indispensable and provides them a self of worth. Why? Because these people have families to provide for! If you are a provider to a family it doesn't matter as much what your job is because you are providing for a group of people who rely on you and to whom you are a required, necessary, and loved part of their life.
"What's it all worth? Can't take it with you under this earth, rich men died and tried but none of it work, they just rob your grave..." - Nas
It's all a game we play OP. Some things you can't control but you have to realized that you're more powerful than you think you are, just got to look within yourself. The sooner you accept that we are all playing this game of life here in this physical dimension the sooner you'll be free from fighting what you can not control. We're just spirits experiencing a physical reality.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

I feel you OP,but at the same time relax a little (respectfully).

There isn't a single person on the surface of the planet that's actually READY for that type of change (you THINK you are).

This evolution/revolution that you're inquiring about is happening in degrees. If it were to happen all at once MOST of us would perish.
thread should have autolocked right after this response.
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