The EX you fell hard for getting married today - Unappreciation



While I'm nowhere the "crazy in love" feelings I used to have for her...I actually have no feelings towards her whatsoever.
It still sucks knowing she's getting married
I guess it's just the thought of it. gotta wonder "what if" you know?

This happened to any of you guys/gals before?

dont go to her wedding

dont talk to her

dead her

I wouldnt even put myself in a position to know if my ex is getting married or not, I would probably crash it
It happens bro but this is the best thing for you. Ol' girl I was with forever is getting married in June. I been on and off with her for 10 years since wewere kids. I'm 28 now btw and it kinda felt bad.....

I'm with a girl now who I'm getting ready to wife soon though so I wasnt too bad off. My girl even said, "Are you hurt a lil by this?" - TRAPQUESTION.
OP I feel you..going thru the same thing right ex is engaged to some dude she met on myspace less than a year ago. For some reason it doesn'treally bother me though, I could care less what she does with her life
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