****The Everything LaVar Ball Thread****

Lavar is such a tool. The youngest kid is gonna have it the roughest though cause this **** is only beginning. He still has a while to go.

This thread is pretty hilarious. A lot of people talking about a lot they haven't the slightest clue about.

In regard to the youngest brother... he'll be fine. He's the biggest talker out of all of them. Lavar put him in a sink or swim situation from the jump.

Lavar decided that he wasn't goin to drive three kids around to different games so he put them all on the same team. Melo was either gonna thrive or drown. He's clearly thriving.

Let's also not forget that they had Melo skip 8th grade and be a freshman so all the brothers could play at least one year together on the high school level. What happened...? They went undefeated last year.

So, I can't see what's gonna be so rough for him.
This thread is pretty hilarious. A lot of people talking about a lot they haven't the slightest clue about.

In regard to the youngest brother... he'll be fine. He's the biggest talker out of all of them. Lavar put him in a sink or swim situation from the jump.

Lavar decided that he wasn't goin to drive three kids around to different games so he put them all on the same team. Melo was either gonna thrive or drown. He's clearly thriving.

Let's also not forget that they had Melo skip 8th grade and be a freshman so all the brothers could play at least one year together on the high school level. What happened...? They went undefeated last year.

So, I can't see what's gonna be so rough for him.

I'm not talking basketball skills. I'm saying he will be scrutinized the worst because he is so young and his big mouth father will just bring more and more on him. Lonzo is better than curry according to Lavar right now, just think in a couple years who Lamelo will be better than according to him. I'm not the type to knock their skills, they are good. Their father is just a douche and brings non needed attention.
This thread is pretty hilarious. A lot of people talking about a lot they haven't the slightest clue about.

In regard to the youngest brother... he'll be fine. He's the biggest talker out of all of them. Lavar put him in a sink or swim situation from the jump.

Lavar decided that he wasn't goin to drive three kids around to different games so he put them all on the same team. Melo was either gonna thrive or drown. He's clearly thriving.

Let's also not forget that they had Melo skip 8th grade and be a freshman so all the brothers could play at least one year together on the high school level. What happened...? They went undefeated last year.

So, I can't see what's gonna be so rough for him.

I'm not talking basketball skills. I'm saying he will be scrutinized the worst because he is so young and his big mouth father will just bring more and more on him. Lonzo is better than curry according to Lavar right now, just think in a couple years who Lamelo will be better than according to him. I'm not the type to knock their skills, they are good. Their father is just a douche and brings non needed attention.

Damn man, what did lavar do to you? They have grown up with this their entire lives and none of them are bothered by it. It seems to be bothering everyone beside the people it directly affects.
This thread is pretty hilarious. A lot of people talking about a lot they haven't the slightest clue about.

In regard to the youngest brother... he'll be fine. He's the biggest talker out of all of them. Lavar put him in a sink or swim situation from the jump.

Lavar decided that he wasn't goin to drive three kids around to different games so he put them all on the same team. Melo was either gonna thrive or drown. He's clearly thriving.

Let's also not forget that they had Melo skip 8th grade and be a freshman so all the brothers could play at least one year together on the high school level. What happened...? They went undefeated last year.

So, I can't see what's gonna be so rough for him.

I'm not talking basketball skills. I'm saying he will be scrutinized the worst because he is so young and his big mouth father will just bring more and more on him. Lonzo is better than curry according to Lavar right now, just think in a couple years who Lamelo will be better than according to him. I'm not the type to knock their skills, they are good. Their father is just a douche and brings non needed attention.

Did you order some Big Baller Brand merch but LaVar refused to ship?

Dem hoodies on the way pa
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Damn man, what did lavar do to you? They have grown up with this their entire lives and none of them are bothered by it. It seems to be bothering everyone beside the people it directly affects.

I'm not bothered by it at all. That still doesn't mean their father isnt a tool. You really don't see the hilaiourness in the stupid **** their father says? If you can't, wow, but if you can, why does there have to be anything behind it?
Damn man, what did lavar do to you? They have grown up with this their entire lives and none of them are bothered by it. It seems to be bothering everyone beside the people it directly affects.

I'm not bothered by it at all. That still doesn't mean their father isnt a tool. You really don't see the hilaiourness in the stupid **** their father says? If you can't, wow, but if you can, why does there have to be anything behind it?

You're not bothered, but you're callin people you dont even know tools...

Lavar says some stuff that YOU deem stupid and you're goin on and on about it, but you're not bothered?

What he does or doesn't do doesn't affect my day to day life. this just a dude that understands the value of a brand and entertainment and how to build it. He's just having fun and so are his boys. A black man is supportive of his kids and has provided an environment for them to excel and you define him as a tool. Play on player.
I don't understand why you all have to make this about race. Even on ESPN all the analysts were saying this is the same thing as hyperactive golf parents (which is a predominantly Caucasian sport). Some people are just turned off by the arrogance and grandiose statements. It has nothing to do with race.
You're not bothered, but you're callin people you dont even know tools...

Lavar says some stuff that YOU deem stupid and you're goin on and on about it, but you're not bothered?

What he does or doesn't do doesn't affect my day to day life. this just a dude that understands the value of a brand and entertainment and how to build it. He's just having fun and so are his boys. A black man is supportive of his kids and has provided an environment for them to excel and you define him as a tool. Play on player.

Lmfao, people so soft now you can't have an opinions on people based on their public comments.
I don't understand why you all have to make this about race. Even on ESPN all the analysts were saying this is the same thing as hyperactive golf parents (which is a predominantly Caucasian sport). Some people are just turned off by the arrogance and grandiose statements. It has nothing to do with race.

It cuts both ways, for some people it might.

The race thing has not been the major discussion in this thread, I don't see why anyone has to be so upset by it being brought up

Secondly, when race stops being something that dictates the trajectory of people's lives, and people's treatment in society, then maybe dudes in here (and everywhere else) will not even think about bringing up race.

We are no where near that day, so some dudes are not gonna be naive and think that LaVar Ball's race doesn't affect some people's view of him.
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I seen this movie already except it had DRose's brother popping off.  Taking Lavar serious maybe since he's not smiling when he says it.  Dude just trying to fame ***** a lil thru his kids and troll his *** off.  Tip the cap and let him flourish.
I don't understand why you all have to make this about race. Even on ESPN all the analysts were saying this is the same thing as hyperactive golf parents (which is a predominantly Caucasian sport). Some people are just turned off by the arrogance and grandiose statements. It has nothing to do with race.

It cuts both ways, for some people it might.

The race thing has not been the major discussion in this thread, I don't see why anyone has to be so upset by it being brought up

Secondly, when race stops being something that dictates the trajectory of people's lives, and people's treatment in society, then maybe dudes in here (and everywhere else) will not even think about bringing up race.

We are no where near that day, so some dudes are not gonna be naive and think that LaVar Ball's race doesn't affect some people's view of him.

I'm not the slightest bit upset by it. I will admit that I haven't read every thread but just looking at the last two pages, I see a lot of comments pertaining to Lavar's race. I am not ignorant and will certainly attest that some subset of individuals out there are upset with his shenanigans because he is African American. However, I believe that the majority of sports enthusiasts are turned off by him because they because of his bombastic personality and grandiose claims. I'm probably in the minority on this but while I don't necessarily like the style of him or Kris Jenner, I fully support and respect them for getting rich off of those feeble minded, social media driven era that we live in. The same folks that are complaining about the Ball and Kardashian families are the same ones adding to their net worth by giving them the attention they desire and need to sustain their status.
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I'm not the slightest bit upset by it. I will admit that I haven't read every thread but just looking at the last two pages, I see a lot of comments pertaining to Lavar's race. I am not ignorant and will certainly attest that some subset of individuals out there are upset with his shenanigans because he is African American. However, I believe that the majority of sports enthusiasts are turned off by him because they because of his bombastic personality and grandiose claims. I'm probably in the minority on this but while I don't necessarily like the style of him or Kris Jenner, I fully support and respect them for getting rich off of those feeble minded, social media driven era that we live in. The same folks that are complaining about the Ball and Kardashian families are the same ones adding to their net worth by giving them the attention they desire and need to sustain their status.

Thank you. I didnt want to have to go in to detail but if you dont lay it out now like this your a racist/hater/what ever other bull **** word there is now for someone who doesnt agree with you.
I'm not the slightest bit upset by it. I will admit that I haven't read every thread but just looking at the last two pages, I see a lot of comments pertaining to Lavar's race. I am not ignorant and will certainly attest that some subset of individuals out there are upset with his shenanigans because he is African American. However, I believe that the majority of sports enthusiasts are turned off by him because they because of his bombastic personality and grandiose claims. I'm probably in the minority on this but while I don't necessarily like the style of him or Kris Jenner, I fully support and respect them for getting rich off of those feeble minded, social media driven era that we live in. The same folks that are complaining about the Ball and Kardashian families are the same ones adding to their net worth by giving them the attention they desire and need to sustain their status.

Thank you. I didnt want to have to go in to detail but if you dont lay it out now like this your a racist/hater/what ever other bull **** word there is now for someone who doesnt agree with you.

This is nonsense
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I'm not the slightest bit upset by it. I will admit that I haven't read every thread but just looking at the last two pages, I see a lot of comments pertaining to Lavar's race. I am not ignorant and will certainly attest that some subset of individuals out there are upset with his shenanigans because he is African American. However, I believe that the majority of sports enthusiasts are turned off by him because they because of his bombastic personality and grandiose claims. I'm probably in the minority on this but while I don't necessarily like the style of him or Kris Jenner, I fully support and respect them for getting rich off of those feeble minded, social media driven era that we live in. The same folks that are complaining about the Ball and Kardashian families are the same ones adding to their net worth by giving them the attention they desire and need to sustain their status.

Thank you. I didnt want to have to go in to detail but if you dont lay it out now like this your a racist/hater/what ever other bull **** word there is now for someone who doesnt agree with you.

This is nonsense

Which part? In re-reading that, there were some egregious typos. My lack of sleep is no excuse but hopefully I can make up for it during this work from home snow day :lol:
I wonder if Lavar will scale things back a bit once Lonzo gets drafted? Unless he acts as his son's agent. :nerd: Which I can totally see happening.

At the end of the day, folks gotta realize it's not the kids talking ****...it's pops. However, as I said before, folks will want to see these boys fail JUST because of how moronic the dad comes off at times with his hot takes. It's unfortunate, but I don't think anyone should be surprised at the reactions towards this family. There is nothing wrong with supporting your kid, but I think where that line gets blurred is that it seems as if Lavar Ball is using his kids basketball prowess to hype up his own interests off the court.
I give a pass to anyone repping for his or her kids. You're supposed to be their biggest advocate, fan, ambassador, etc. That's YOUR kid. I'm with you big ballers. I'm not so sure about the Curry thing but other than that, I'm with you :lol:
I wonder if Lavar will scale things back a bit once Lonzo gets drafted? Unless he acts as his son's agent. :nerd: Which I can totally see happening.

At the end of the day, folks gotta realize it's not the kids talking ****...it's pops. However, as I said before, folks will want to see these boys fail JUST because of how moronic the dad comes off at times with his hot takes. It's unfortunate, but I don't think anyone should be surprised at the reactions towards this family. There is nothing wrong with supporting your kid, but I think where that line gets blurred is that it seems as if Lavar Ball is using his kids basketball prowess to hype up his own interests off the court.

Would you say the same applies to the Kardashians? Or do you think it's different because the children (Kim, Kourtney, Khloe) feed into it?
Lavar is such a tool. The youngest kid is gonna have it the roughest though cause this **** is only beginning. He still has a while to go.

You don't even know the dude, that's already a douchebag move right there.

I'm willing to bet you haven't watched any interview fully by making statements like that.

Just read the title Yahoo shoves down your throat and you run away with it.
I wonder if Lavar will scale things back a bit once Lonzo gets drafted? Unless he acts as his son's agent. :nerd: Which I can totally see happening.

At the end of the day, folks gotta realize it's not the kids talking ****...it's pops. However, as I said before, folks will want to see these boys fail JUST because of how moronic the dad comes off at times with his hot takes. It's unfortunate, but I don't think anyone should be surprised at the reactions towards this family. There is nothing wrong with supporting your kid, but I think where that line gets blurred is that it seems as if Lavar Ball is using his kids basketball prowess to hype up his own interests off the court.

Would you say the same applies to the Kardashians? Or do you think it's different because the children (Kim, Kourtney, Khloe) feed into it?

Those kids ABSOLUTELY feed in to it :lol:


"no such thing as bad publicity"
I wish I had half of what these kids have growing up. In-ground pool and cemented basketball goal in the backyard, must be nice.

Lavar won, he got all 3 of his boys to UCLA. Even if they're duds they can still get that degree and flourish.
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You don't even know the dude, that's already a douchebag move right there.

I'm willing to bet you haven't watched any interview fully by making statements like that.

Just read the title Yahoo shoves down your throat and you run away with it.

Do you know him that you feel the need to defend his wild statements? Are those statements out of context that I should be researching like you apparently do with the Ball family.
You don't even know the dude, that's already a douchebag move right there.

I'm willing to bet you haven't watched any interview fully by making statements like that.

Just read the title Yahoo shoves down your throat and you run away with it.

Do you know him that you feel the need to defend his wild statements? Are those statements out of context that I should be researching like you apparently do with the Ball family.

:lol: "Researching" I was right, you don't know anything.

I judge a man by looking at the bigger picture, by his actions. Not what the media portrays him to be.

I see a man supporting his family and 3 sons, trying to put them in position for success. To push them and raise the bar for them over and over.

Your Father never done any of that for you? Sucks for you.
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