The downfall of Japanese gaming?

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Far from the golden days. The problem is that gaming has taken a new direction which is really affected by the major consoles. Nintendo and Sega are no longer powerhouses in the console market, the U.S. has made major strides, and stubborn old Japanese execs that don't want to change their ways.

That said, where is my Shenmue 3?

I'd buy a tv if this game was announced.
Playing Lucky-Hit in HD would be
Originally Posted by hella handsome

You know what happened to Japanese gaming?
First person shooters happened. That's what.

So are you saying this is a problem? What would you propose as a solution?
FFVII is most dope!
i hope they make a remake on this one! with better graphics and gameplay but still stick to the same story line
FFVIII was great too but nothing beats VII
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by hella handsome

You know what happened to Japanese gaming?
First person shooters happened. That's what.

So are you saying this is a problem? What would you propose as a solution?
Eh, not too sure actually. I enjoy FPS'rs and honestly I grew out of RPG's. I grew up on 2D fighters and Super mario/sonic/etc. 
Japan just needs to bring that experience back. That lovable face of a generation. That game that you can't help but be in love with. The Mario/Sonic of a new era. 

Because FPS'rs aren't going anywhere. And the delay on Japanese games (FF Versus XIII and Gran Turismo for example) and the unappealing efforts of other games (FF XIII and the rest of those generic RPG's) aren't cutting it. I'm tired of the same o'l storyline, I'm tired of the same faces, and I'm tired of the gimmicks (Nintendo Wii, Playstation Move).

Bring back the 3rd person shooters. The Syphon Filter's, Splinter Cells, Metal Gears. Bring back what everyone fell in love with. Japan fell off when they tried to get too interactive with video games. People don't want an arcade in their house. Sure, an interactive system like the Wii is cool, but give it more power. Enable it to run all types of games with better graphics. Make a system that can play a Mario, Metal Gear, Madden, Final Fantasy, and Call of duty. Bring that "It does everything out of the box" experience back. 

Also I would also love to play more Time Crisis types of games if the system was interactive. Those kinds of games are fun. Mario Parties, Wii sports, and stuff like that are fun, don't get me wrong. They all need to be jam packed into the experience of gaming, but it feels like in order to play different games, you have to get 500 different pieces for your controller nowadays. Back in the day there was the Nintendo controller and the Duck hunt gun. @+!% was all you needed for tons of games, and they were FUN. I don't want to have to buy 2 parts to 1 controller. It turns the average casual gamer off to the idea of gaming now. 

Sorry for the wall of text. Please read. lol. 
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

finnns2003 wrote:
That said, where is my Shenmue 3?

Man, dont hold your breath.

I like the point that undefinedinc brought up about lead video game characters. A lot of people arent really focused on story driven games any more, and it's not just Americans. If you look at games like StarCraft or World of Warcraft, they're huge all over the world, and they're not doing well because of their stories. Multiplayer seems to drive the sales and scene now. I think a lof of it has to do with the shift from multiplayer gaming in the arcade, to the living room. People have always had the multiplayer itch, but you had to go out to an arcade to get that fix, and a lot of the younger crowd simple could not get to the arcade whenever they wanted to game. Now, with an arcade room practically in your living room, you can get online and play almost any game you want with anyone around the world, and it put story driven games, which Japan shines at, on the back burner. It's almost as if story drivin games were the only option to play at home because of the lack of online gaming, so there was a lot more focus and attention on creating a robust experience on stories for home, and multiplayer for the arcade, natrually, but when multiplayer became widely available for home, people jumped all over the new way to game and forgot about the old. So would you call that progress? Evolution? Or do you think multiplayer gaming is hype and good stories will make a comeback at some point?
mind = blown this was enlightening
I was just thinking about what OP said the other day. It's crazy how times change
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by hella handsome

You know what happened to Japanese gaming?
First person shooters happened. That's what.

So are you saying this is a problem? What would you propose as a solution?
Eh, not too sure actually. I enjoy FPS'rs and honestly I grew out of RPG's. I grew up on 2D fighters and Super mario/sonic/etc. 
Japan just needs to bring that experience back. That lovable face of a generation. That game that you can't help but be in love with. The Mario/Sonic of a new era. 

Because FPS'rs aren't going anywhere. And the delay on Japanese games (FF Versus XIII and Gran Turismo for example) and the unappealing efforts of other games (FF XIII and the rest of those generic RPG's) aren't cutting it. I'm tired of the same o'l storyline, I'm tired of the same faces, and I'm tired of the gimmicks (Nintendo Wii, Playstation Move).

Bring back the 3rd person shooters. The Syphon Filter's, Splinter Cells, Metal Gears. Bring back what everyone fell in love with. Japan fell off when they tried to get too interactive with video games. People don't want an arcade in their house. Sure, an interactive system like the Wii is cool, but give it more power. Enable it to run all types of games with better graphics. Make a system that can play a Mario, Metal Gear, Madden, Final Fantasy, and Call of duty. Bring that "It does everything out of the box" experience back. 

Also I would also love to play more Time Crisis types of games if the system was interactive. Those kinds of games are fun. Mario Parties, Wii sports, and stuff like that are fun, don't get me wrong. They all need to be jam packed into the experience of gaming, but it feels like in order to play different games, you have to get 500 different pieces for your controller nowadays. Back in the day there was the Nintendo controller and the Duck hunt gun. @+!% was all you needed for tons of games, and they were FUN. I don't want to have to buy 2 parts to 1 controller. It turns the average casual gamer off to the idea of gaming now. 

Sorry for the wall of text. Please read. lol. 

I think you should stop and think for a minute about what you're saying.
Japanese games have been insanely disappointing this generation of consoles. I don't know what the explanation for this could be.

I thought Resident Evil 5 would be one of the GOAT games after playing RE4. But it borderline sucked.
The new Final Fantasy? Sucked.
Marvel Vs Capcom 3? Disappointing.
Gran Turismo 5? Disappointing.
The Pro Evolution Soccer games were hands down better than FIFA last generation. As soon as this generation kicked in, they started sucking. Every year I keep hoping they will bring back the magic, but they keep sucking.

The only recent Japanese game that I truly love and I feel lived up to the hype is Super Street Fighter IV.
What's good with Shen mue 3 SEGA?!?!??!?!? Why you gotta leave Ryo in hong kong in that bs ending... Yes I'm still mad after 10+ yrs

Japan needs to step it up, they use to dominate but now it's looking bleak in the long run
Reading this just makes me upset with the gaming industry...

Can't even put got damn cross game chat on the ps3
JRPGs have a new home in handheld gaming, a lot of the best new RPGs and also remakes of the old ones have been coming out for the DS and PSP these past couple of years. I think this trend is going to be even bigger in the next generation with more powerful handhelds like vita and 3DS.
Companies have been scared to produce RPGs for home consoles like PS3 due to high development costs and possibilities of low returns. That's why series like Valkyria Chronicles, which started out on the PS3, moved onto the PSP for it's sequels.

The possibilities of the Vita got me hopeful for even better games in the future. Maybe we'll actually see that sequel to Chrono Trigger/Cross that fans have been asking for all these years.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

So are you saying this is a problem? What would you propose as a solution?
Eh, not too sure actually. I enjoy FPS'rs and honestly I grew out of RPG's. I grew up on 2D fighters and Super mario/sonic/etc. 
Japan just needs to bring that experience back. That lovable face of a generation. That game that you can't help but be in love with. The Mario/Sonic of a new era. 

Because FPS'rs aren't going anywhere. And the delay on Japanese games (FF Versus XIII and Gran Turismo for example) and the unappealing efforts of other games (FF XIII and the rest of those generic RPG's) aren't cutting it. I'm tired of the same o'l storyline, I'm tired of the same faces, and I'm tired of the gimmicks (Nintendo Wii, Playstation Move).

Bring back the 3rd person shooters. The Syphon Filter's, Splinter Cells, Metal Gears. Bring back what everyone fell in love with. Japan fell off when they tried to get too interactive with video games. People don't want an arcade in their house. Sure, an interactive system like the Wii is cool, but give it more power. Enable it to run all types of games with better graphics. Make a system that can play a Mario, Metal Gear, Madden, Final Fantasy, and Call of duty. Bring that "It does everything out of the box" experience back. 

Also I would also love to play more Time Crisis types of games if the system was interactive. Those kinds of games are fun. Mario Parties, Wii sports, and stuff like that are fun, don't get me wrong. They all need to be jam packed into the experience of gaming, but it feels like in order to play different games, you have to get 500 different pieces for your controller nowadays. Back in the day there was the Nintendo controller and the Duck hunt gun. @+!% was all you needed for tons of games, and they were FUN. I don't want to have to buy 2 parts to 1 controller. It turns the average casual gamer off to the idea of gaming now. 

Sorry for the wall of text. Please read. lol. 

I think you should stop and think for a minute about what you're saying.
No, what I am saying is, if companies are going to push this whole 3D, motion control, wireless idea of gaming, I would like to see Time Crisis, House of the Dead, etc. Syphon Filter and Splinter Cell weren't arcade shooters. Those were just like Metal Gear.  
I preferably don't care for the whole motion sensing technology in consoles, but the Wii U looks pretty promising compared to its prior generation. 

What my point was is that I want companies to bring back the "It does everything" console. When you had a Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, or Playstation/Dreamcast, they played every kind of game. Now it seems that you have to get a Playstation for certain genre's that will be good, a Wii for fun multiplayer games, and an Xbox for everything else. 

These developers don't have to bring back old faces in order to make people happy. It seems as if they're trying so hard to keep old series of games going, and people are tired of it. I mean *#!!, let Final Fantasy DIE... I loved it growing up just as much as everyone else. I've beaten so many Final Fantasy games too, but it seems like they're just keeping some games going for the sake of the name, and they aren't pushing for creativity and a plot because its the same o'l same o'l for them. 

But, if they do keep these old series of games going, which in some cases for some games I hope they do, they need to push the envelope. They need to think up new exciting ways to pull us back into the storyline. To make us want to spend $60 (and who knows how much games will be within the next generation of games), we have to feel like its worth it. 

It feels like everything is too gimmicky nowadays. Just take it back to the basics. A strong console with superior graphics, and fun games. a solid controller that can be used for all of the games, and a library of software that can appeal to everyone. 

And Japan failed in that category. Honestly, even though I'm a PS3 guy, the XBOX 360 is the only complete console. And it sure enough ain't made in Japan. 
ehhh .... nintendo is still the best developer ...

w/ that being said ... North American companies have put in work ... and Japanese developers have a lot of catching up to do

2 of the major 3 consoles are still from Japanese companies are still Japanese ... neither company is going anywhere ...

I'm always looking fwd to the next Metroid, Zelda and Mario games ...

point is Japan still puts out solid games ...

it's still about gameplay for me ... i couldnt care less about graphics or the excess amount of shooters
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

ehhh .... nintendo is still the best developer ...

w/ that being said ... North American companies have put in work ... and Japanese developers have a lot of catching up to do

2 of the major 3 consoles are still from Japanese companies are still Japanese ... neither company is going anywhere ...

I'm always looking fwd to the next Metroid, Zelda and Mario games ...

point is Japan still puts out solid games ...

it's still about gameplay for me ... i couldnt care less about graphics or the excess amount of shooters
Japanese developers are lagging behind because they can't put out solid games. I believe that your saying that the reason Japanese developers are lagging behind is that western gamers don't value good game play and that is just false. 
Originally Posted by soltheman

Many of the originators of the classics we know and love have either retired, become fed up with their companies, or simply gotten too old to really lead massive projects like that. This leaves room for new guys in the American market to appeal to American fans that have grown tired of the new Japanese gaming market. But despite the changes, many of these series still see a lot of success in Japan. And as much as they'd like you to believe, the American gaming market isn't really taking over the Japanese one in Japan. Unless Activision plans on making Rapelay like jumps, in which case
Some of these Japanese games don't, and really and never did cater to the American public. They were the only business in town so we dealt with them. Of course you Otaku/JapAnimation/Animae fans will disagree but yall represent a niche group in the US. Those Hello Kitty vs. Pedobear 2 games sell like hotcakes over there if you willing to import...

Most of us want to shoot things and say "That blew up real good
" with the occasional cutscene here and there. Outside of the guns, I can't even really cosign MSG4... the story and the characters were so farfetched and corny... I mean Solidus grabbing Raiden's nuts in MSG2 made "me wanna holla! Throw up both my hands..." Homeboy havin bowel movement problems throughout the entire game? *#* was not even funny the first time around... cmon dawg...

Let me shoot some terrorist up with random SEAL Team 6 badass and if I want a story I'll watch a Harry Potter movie...
I think they're still making good money in the gaming department.. The Wii owns the market share out of the 3 major systems because every kid has one
They still have 2/3 of the gaming consoles. And at least Nintendo has solid franchises like Mario unlike microsoft. I mean Nintendo has waay more than just halo and maybe a few other things
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