The Donald Sterling Thread

Why wouldn't he sell the team?

Did you guys see how much weak teams in small markets are selling for? The Bucks just sold for 550 MILLION. A team in a small market with no stars or potential.

He'd be crazy to turn down the insane amount of money the Clippers would bring in on the open market. It's not going to be worth the PR hit of keeping the Clippers.
You make a good point.  Insane stubornness would be the only reason.
The only weakness Silver is showing right now is in regards to any past issues with Sterling.

Which makes sense because A. he's not going to throw Stern under the bus and B. he only has power to handle the current situation.

Other than that, he's been awesome.

I understand but like he said those cases were settled or lost, the DoJ case wasn't necessarily basketball/NBA related so I can't imagine there was much they could do.
Silver already proving to be more about the welfare of the players than Stern ever was.
dont get toooo happy
to much press on this for him to give a slight tap on the wrist
his hand was forced
True but seeing as Sterling's nonsense had been made public before and Stern never even acknowledged it, I'll give Silver some points for this move. It took a gold digger to finally get the ball rolling. Come on :smh:
Sterling said it was him but didn't express any remorse or apology 

At least he isn't hiding like most racists
Silver seems to really take offense man. I like that dude. Cold blooded.

That chick gonna make millions off this
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I has to stop listening and get back in the office but are they basing this decision solely off this incident and ignoring previous incidents or is this a summation of every thing ?
Expected a slap on the wrist, even with all the negative press. Nice job Silver. Magic Johnson and partners going to buy the Clippers now?
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