The Donald Sterling Thread

I'm reaching but he used quotations marks :lol:

I pray you're not that slow.

Have white friends and one of the people I'm the coolest with at work is Asian. I'm not hateful but I'm aware of the world we live in. Only get argumentative when the topic at hand is diverted so apologists can start the "well blacks are racist too" ....look I'm sorry y'all got bullied in know damn well a bully gonna bully anybody regardless of race

And to the Asian that got bullied don't blame your situation all on blacks/lat unless you went to a majority blk/lat HS ...cause I've witnessed Asian males in school get joked on by all races

My entire public school education (17 years) was mostly in black/latino schools. What more can you say?

I've basically been around 10 years of racism/prejudice coming at me from 4 different public schools all of which were mostly black/latino. You seriously that ignorant in thinking blacks/lationos can't be racist?

Let me break it down to you this way...I didn't get a job in high school because basically I wasn't "down" with with the manager who happened to only hire blacks and latinos. All my life I grew up around blacks and latinos. Don't be that ignorant and think minorities can't be racist too.

I've seen, blacks, asians, hispanics, indians, arabs etc all show racists tendencies. Racism isn't exclusively applicable towards whites.

EDIT: I'm checking out of this thread. If you want to keep ranting and making up conclusions--go ahead. I'll say you're right, just to shut you up. You happy now, kid? There's no possible way minorities can be racist, because they can't be in a position like Sterling to effect someones life :lol:

Because when I was in high school and needed to help out my family, that black manager didn't want to hire me because I wasn't "Down". And would rather hire people who ended stealing from his cash register. Dude had a major problem with that. Yeah, my life wasn't effected.
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I'm still trying to figure out what anyone other than Donald Sterling being racist has to do with this thread.

If Michael Jordan or Arte Moreno said something stupid on tape and it was brought into the public eye that's the only thing I can think of that would be a justifiable conversation piece.

Instead the thread was derailed with stupid hypotheticals and personal experiences that have nothing to do with Donald Sterling.
I'm still trying to figure out what anyone other than Donald Sterling being racist has to do with this thread.

If Michael Jordan or Arte Moreno said something stupid on tape and it was brought into the public eye that's the only thing I can think of that would be a justifiable conversation piece.

Instead the thread was derailed with stupid hypotheticals and personal experiences that have nothing to do with Donald Sterling.

You're right. I contributed to that. I apologize to everyone who contributed to this thread in a positive way. I let my personal feelings get in the way.
I'm reaching but he used quotations marks :lol:

I pray you're not that slow.

Have white friends and one of the people I'm the coolest with at work is Asian. I'm not hateful but I'm aware of the world we live in. Only get argumentative when the topic at hand is diverted so apologists can start the "well blacks are racist too" ....look I'm sorry y'all got bullied in know damn well a bully gonna bully anybody regardless of race

And to the Asian that got bullied don't blame your situation all on blacks/lat unless you went to a majority blk/lat HS ...cause I've witnessed Asian males in school get joked on by all races

My entire public school education (17 years) was mostly in black/latino schools. What more can you say?

I've basically been around 10 years of racism/prejudice coming at me from 4 different public schools all of which were mostly black/latino. You seriously that ignorant in thinking blacks/lationos can't be racist?

Let me break it down to you this way...I didn't get a job in high school because basically I wasn't "down" with with the manager who happened to only hire blacks and latinos. All my life I grew up around blacks and latinos. Don't be that ignorant and think minorities can't be racist too.

I've seen, blacks, asians, hispanics, indians, arabs etc all show racists tendencies. Racism isn't exclusively applicable towards whites.

EDIT: I'm checking out of this thread. If you want to keep ranting and making up conclusions--go ahead. I'll say you're right, just to shut you up. You happy now, kid? There's no possible way minorities can be racist, because they can't be in a position like Sterling to effect someones life :lol:

Because when I was in high school and needed to help out my family, that black manager didn't want to hire me because I wasn't "Down". And would rather hire people who ended stealing from his cash register. Dude had a major problem with that. Yeah, my life wasn't effected.

Shots fired Mrs. Marcus quit
And to the Asian that got bullied don't blame your situation all on blacks/lat unless you went to a majority blk/lat HS ...cause I've witnessed Asian males in school get joked on by all races

I would never "blame" my situation on all blacks/latino. Why would I do that? Did you need read my other post:

Who cares about sympathy, I don't need it, but I don't need the personal attacks either. I'm not too sure why the defensive posturing - If you didn't do it to me personally, then my posts doesn't apply to you - even if you are black

Bro, I hate to tell you this, but you're the one doing the generalizing in this thread :lol:

The purpose of my initial post was not to elicit sympathy, it was to support Hank's specific point that anyone can be racist. That is it. To minimize anyone's actions based on youth and poorness is short-sighted and missing the bigger picture.

I honestly feel sorry for you, bro. You're really doing your own people a disservice by attributing racist actions to 'Kids being kids. They'll outgrow it.' and saying 'oh ok maybe blacks can be racist but since they don't hold as many high profile positions as whites, they're not in a position to effect anyone.'
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I would never "blame" my situation on all blacks/latino. Why would I do that? Did you need read my other post
Bro, I hate to tell you this, but you're the one doing the generalizing in this thread :lol:

The purpose of my initial post was not to elicit sympathy, it was to support Hank's specific point that anyone can be racist. That is it. To minimize anyone's actions based on youth and poorness is short-sighted and missing the bigger picture.

I honestly feel sorry for you, bro. You're really doing your own people a disservice by attributing racist actions to 'Kids being kids. They'll outgrow it.' and saying 'oh ok maybe blacks can be racist but since they don't hold as many high profile positions as whites, they're not in a position to effect anyone.'

You, and the rest of this thread, need to look up the actual definition of racism.

RACISM. Look it up. Don't just use the definition in your head. Look up the textbook definition.

Racism is a SYSTEMIC thing. Prejudice and racism are different things. It's why black people can't be racist but can be prejudice. It's what Mr Marcus is talking about.

Look up the definition or shut up.
I would never "blame" my situation on all blacks/latino. Why would I do that? Did you need read my other post
Bro, I hate to tell you this, but you're the one doing the generalizing in this thread

The purpose of my initial post was not to elicit sympathy, it was to support Hank's specific point that anyone can be racist. That is it. To minimize anyone's actions based on youth and poorness is short-sighted and missing the bigger picture.

I honestly feel sorry for you, bro. You're really doing your own people a disservice by attributing racist actions to 'Kids being kids. They'll outgrow it.' and saying 'oh ok maybe blacks can be racist but since they don't hold as many high profile positions as whites, they're not in a position to effect anyone.'
You, and the rest of this thread, need to look up the actual definition of racism.

RACISM. Look it up. Don't just use the definition in your head. Look up the textbook definition.

Racism is a SYSTEMIC thing. Prejudice and racism are different things. It's why black people can't be racist but can be prejudice. It's what Mr Marcus is talking about.

Look up the definition or shut up.
[h2]rac·ism[/h2]   [rey-siz-uh
m]  Show IPA

a  belief  or  doctrine  that  inherent  differences  among  the  various  human  races  determine  cultural  orindividual  achievement,  usually  involving  the  idea  that  one's  own  race  is  superior  and  has  the  right  torule  others.

a  policy,  system  of  government,  etc.,  based  upon  or  fostering  such  a  doctrine;  discrimination.

hatred  or  intolerance  of  another  race  or  other  races.
I'm aware of the textbook definition of racism. It's an archaic definition because modern language uses the word much more loosely. It should be updated.

For example, if I were to make a watermelon joke, nappy hair joke or dark skin joke - what is the first thing that pops into your head? 'Hey that's a prejudiced joke' or 'hey! that's a racist joke!'

Language evolves. Racism is freely interchangeable with prejudice in modern language if the prejudice in question pertains to race.
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I just realized we had this discussion on race relations in the Richard Sherman thread. Oh good times. But anyway, can we just have peace? K thx bye
I'm aware of the textbook definition of racism. It's an archaic definition because modern language uses the word much more loosely. It should be updated.

For example, if I were to make a watermelon joke, nappy hair joke or dark skin joke - what is the first thing that pops into your head? 'Hey that's a prejudiced joke' or 'hey! that's a racist joke!'

Language evolves. Racism is freely interchangeable with prejudice in modern language if the prejudice in question pertains to race.

Then you should understand that when one person is talking about systemic, institutional discrimination - they're not talking about one white or asian kid being bullied in HS. You should be able to understand the differences that the average white person faces versus the average black person. Some people being bullied is NOT what Mr Marcus is talking about. He said that over and over. That one guy who wasn't hired because he wasn't "down" is not what he's talking about (very questionable story btw). He's clearly using the textbook, actual definition. You are not. And all you could do was dance around and talk about how racist he was being.

"Racism is when intolerance in government laws, attitudes and ideals of a society are ingrained in a culture to the point where patterns of discrimination towards a certain race are institutionalized as normal. If you keep this in mind, you’ll understand that reverse racism doesn’t- and can’t- exist."

If you do understand the differences, then what are you really arguing? He's acknowledged that minorities can discriminate. What have you done besides laugh at him?
I'm aware of the textbook definition of racism. It's an archaic definition because modern language uses the word much more loosely. It should be updated.

For example, if I were to make a watermelon joke, nappy hair joke or dark skin joke - what is the first thing that pops into your head? 'Hey that's a prejudiced joke' or 'hey! that's a racist joke!'

Language evolves. Racism is freely interchangeable with prejudice in modern language if the prejudice in question pertains to race.
Then you should understand that when one person is talking about systemic, institutional discrimination - they're not talking about one white or asian kid being bullied in HS. You should be able to understand the differences that the average white person faces versus the average black person. Some people being bullied is NOT what Mr Marcus is talking about. He said that over and over. That one guy who wasn't hired because he wasn't "down" is not what he's talking about (very questionable story btw). He's clearly using the textbook, actual definition. You are not. And all you could do was dance around and talk about how racist he was being.

"Racism is when intolerance in government laws, attitudes and ideals of a society are ingrained in a culture to the point where patterns of discrimination towards a certain race are institutionalized as normal. If you keep this in mind, you’ll understand that reverse racism doesn’t- and can’t- exist."

If you do understand the differences, then what are you really arguing? He's acknowledged that minorities can discriminate. What have you done besides laugh at him?
there are different kinds of racism depending on the context, when talking about the big picture there is the systematic racism you're talking about. when talking about day to day interactions and a person's thoughts there is also racism.

when the question being asked is "can black people be racist" bringing up textbook examples of systematic racism is irrelevant, thats not the kind of racism being asked about. no one is going to deny that systematic racism exists, but thats off topic. when dealing with individuals, racism is believing a race of people is inferior or to discriminate based purely on one's race. in this context, any one from any race can be a racist and its really not that hard to understand. go look racism up in the dictionary or better yet scroll up as i have already copied the dictionary definition for you, racism does not only apply to social systems. 

you cant say minorities can discriminate based on race and say minorities cant be racist. that shows hypocrisy and a lack of understanding of what racism is. 
Arguing semantics and definitions at this point. Everyone on a different page and thus the conversation is not productive because it is set up to fail
I wonder where the system is in place in which Donald Sterling can exercise his racism.

Has he been denying his black players the same privileges as his white players? No, that wouldn't be allowed.

Denying his black players the same pay? No, in fact his black players are getting paid more.

He tried denying black and Latinos renting privileges but that didn't work out. He lost in court and had to pay out a 2.5 mil settlement.

He's being blackballed by law firms right now. No law firm wants to touch him.

By your argument, Donald Sterling is just prejudiced. He can't be racist because racism is only part of a system.

How can anyone argue that any act of racism against a black person is a systemic symptom when we live in a system where the president is black.
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It's soo much more fun to just read threads like this and enjoy the laughs

Dudes are all over the place

Having child hood bullying flashbacks and ****
It's not like I said racism against blacks doesn't exist, or even rare. :lol:

There may very well be racism against blacks in abundance still in the USA, lurking in the shadows. But can you actually use the word systemic? That's all I'm saying.

And it's not like I'm saying Donald Sterling isn't racist.
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"There may very well be racism against blacks in abundance still in the USA, lurking in the shadows. But can you actually use the word systemic? That's all I'm saying."

either your trying to be a funny guy or you have no idea what you're talking about either way have a seat fam

Yes its systemic when police forces in the biggest city in the world are still targeting Blacks and Latinos

And I for one don't think Institutional racism in this country is limited to Blacks

Latinos, Native Americans and Arab Americans get ******* on too(really all brown people)

Dudes really think Obama being president changed something?

Dude is a mouth piece

Sean Bell

Kendrick Johnson

Oscar Grant

Trayvon Martin

Alfred Wright

thats just off the top of my head and 4 of those have been since the the mighty Obama took office if im not mistaken
I wonder where the system is in place in which Donald Sterling can exercise his racism.

Has he been denying his black players the same privileges as his white players? No, that wouldn't be allowed.

Denying his black players the same pay? No, in fact his black players are getting paid more.

He tried denying black and Latinos renting privileges but that didn't work out. He lost in court and had to pay out a 2.5 mil settlement.

He's being blackballed by law firms right now. No law firm wants to touch him.

By your argument, Donald Sterling is just prejudiced. He can't be racist because racism is only part of a system.

How can anyone argue that any act of racism against a black person is a systemic symptom when we live in a system where the president is black.

He didn't lose **** in court. He settled and continued doing what he does.

If you are going to speak on this know what you are talking about.
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I didn't sugarcoat it, I was just differentiating from the textbook definition of racism and the real form of racism.
Do I value my own race (Chinese/Vietnamese) over others? Yes I sometimes do. The NAACP and the JDL does that too. But will I form some type of grudge and not tolerate another ethnicity from succeeding or having a right to do whatever they shall please? No, and this is what Donald Sterling violated.
So I'm glad for you that you claim to not be a racist BLASTERCOMBO, but you also have to recognize that racism still exist among a majority of people to this date.

Just curious as to why? *bolded*
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