The Donald Sterling Thread

kids of all races "bully" ......i've seen all scenarios :lol: it's unfortunate you got punked as a kid.

I had kids try to bully me when I first went to school in the burbs but that **** got cut quick

hell black kids bully black kids so I guess they're prejudice :lol:

thought this thread was about adults and not immature kids who haven't experienced much in life :tongue:
Yes, if an asian person gets called a ___ that's being punked but if someone calls a black person a __________ that's racism. You're one of the ppl Hank Scorpio is talking about :lol:
Even if we're "raised right", as most people are, people will always carry some certain stereotype about certain ethnic groups. The thing is that the more educated population are able to understand the complexities of cultures more than say one that may have not that much schooling. If racism were to be nonexistent in the general population, why would the U.S. need anti-discrimination laws?

I never said racism doesn't exist and isn't a huge problem. I just don't endorse the "everyone's racist" reasoning people use to justify racism.
never understood the logic of hes racist too so i can be racist

both parties are wrong and bringing up either as an example doesnt take away from the other's racism 

rather than finding excuses and reasons to support your racist ideals, stop being racist
This thread is quickly becoming a vent session for those who got wedgies due to their Asian background.
Yes, if an asian person gets called a ___ that's being punked but if someone calls a black person a __________ that's racism. You're one of the ppl Hank Scorpio is talking about :lol:

This is exactly what I've been trying to say the whole time, it's only racism when it's towards blacks, when it's other races, it's verbal bullying [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji], oh America
Who cares about sympathy, I don't need it, but I don't need the personal attacks either. I'm not too sure why the defensive posturing - If you didn't do it to me personally, then my posts doesn't apply to you - even if you are black

I hope you two know that your posts are just proving Hank Scorpio right :lol:

(By you two, I don't mean you seamanup)
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Yes, if an asian person gets called a ___ that's being punked but if someone calls a black person a __________ that's racism. You're one of the ppl Hank Scorpio is talking about
you're talking about immature CHILDREN......I've seen black kids bully other black kids and say the meanest ****......i've seen asian kids say "n-gga" I think they're racist? no, I just think they're dumb kids

this conversation is about adults and because yall are losing yall bringing up being punked as a kid 

no I don't have sympathy cause I know some adults right now that were some ignorant *** kids that are now down to earth and mature

yall bigots should just come together and say "I support Sterling" cause this is who the thread is directed at and instead yall are crying like some babies bringing up my race. Blacks are the most oppressed people in the world and you're crying cause some don't like/trust the white folks that created this ****. cry me a god damn river you bigot

like who didn't get picked on at some time as a kid.....thats life.....your parents should've told you to man up and take it by either saying something back or keeping your head up like a man. I thank god my dad didn't let me come home crying like a *****
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I don't give a **** what you or he thinks. He doesn't consider whites to be more capable of racism than minorities yet people that look like him have become public enemy #1 since 9/11. Who are the ones burning holy texts? Last time I checked, it wasn't minorities. Let him get on an airplane and see if people's prejudices aren't on high alert. Cats think that as soon as they put on that suit and tie they've been accepted.
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laws aren't even in place for blacks to be racists towards whites 

laws in this country are still built around white supremacy 
laws aren't even in place for blacks to be racists towards whites :lol:

laws in this country are still built around white supremacy 

It's thinking like this is why racism is never going to stop.

It's going to be a never ending circle. Ok, bro :lol:
Slavery and oppression lasted hundred of years here...and let's say I agree and say oppression ended in the 60s (which it didn't and it's reasonable to say it still exists). It's still only 54 years ago....that generation on all sides is still living along with their off spring. I'll unfortunately assume you are a smart man. You should know 54 years isn't **** when it comes to history especially under these circumstances. Do you really think you can change hundreds of years of conditioning in 54 years? :lol:

I really am done with this thread cause it went a whole different direction like always when a racist in POWER gets exposed.

Instead of talking about the story y'all worry about how poor blacks feel instead of the people running the show that affects peoples everyday lives. White people run this country so when one gets exposed for being racist it's on the front page.

Find me a racist black person in power that affected the lives of whites? :lol: we had one who had power through words by bringing minorities together and y'all assassinated him

And the black power movement which originally started to monitor corrupt police officers was broken up when crack got dumped in the black community by the government
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Man, I hope not all blacks think like you, because if so, when whites become a minority in 2040 in the USA, history is just going to repeat itself again but with the sides switched.
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Man, I hope not all blacks think like you, because if so, when whites become a minority in 2040 in the USA, history is just going to repeat itself again but with the sides switched.
dont worry, fortunately most people (not just african americans) are not as ignorant and racist as this guy

best to just ignore him and let him live is racist life 
Sigh. I'm assuming we are done talking about Sterling? Locked until further notice? Generalizations and stereotypes galore (ironic due to the topic)
Might as well lock. Filled with people who have all this black history knowledge taught to them by the public school they went too. It's cute. That short month work must've been rigorous.
mr marcus mr marcus is unfortunately conditioned to think one way and believe black people are the one's who experience racism. He also seems to think black people can never be racist.

Here's a reality check, "bruh". I'm 26 years old and till this day I experience racism and and bigotr/prejudice from other minorities. I'm actually at a position where I hold some sort of "seniority" and people have to answer to me professionally. Guess what, those same minorities think I should have some sort of sympathy for them and should "empathize"

When they see I don't--I hear all the "Ghandi', "Bin Ladin", "terrorist" etc jokes when I have my back turned.

I know it's tough for most of admit it, but minorities can be racist too.

But it's okay, because you live in your own world and adhere to your own beliefs. Must be nice actually. I wonder what it's like to live in a world where everything you think is true. Ignorance truly is bliss :pimp:
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I'm 27 "bruh" ...let me guess, you think I use that vernacular? (Irony considering you are crying about being bullied by words in your post)

I experience racism just like you so please save the tears. Difference between me and you is that I was raised to handle it. My main argument in this thread was about racist in the middle/upper class.

And racism Arabs receive isn't just from's become an American phobia since 9/11 which is unfortunate....

I'm speaking about middle/upper class white supremacy that's signing my checks and y'all crying about the poor whose families still shows the damages of slavery and 20th century oppression.

As I say again. Find me a black/Latino minority whose racism or discrimination is affecting the lives of others who are living right?

Edit: and :lol: at you assuming minorities under you at work want sympathy from you. Feel sorry they have to work for a guy with such a childlike mentality :smh: you basically admitted that you don't even look at them as equal. But I'm the ignorant one? Okkk
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Bro is reaching HARD with the bruh comment. There's so much hate and racism in you, Mr Marcus. I'd be surprised if you had any white or asian friends.
I'm reaching but he used quotations marks :lol:

I pray you're not that slow.

Have white friends and one of the people I'm the coolest with at work is Asian. I'm not hateful but I'm aware of the world we live in. Only get argumentative when the topic at hand is diverted so apologists can start the "well blacks are racist too" ....look I'm sorry y'all got bullied in know damn well a bully gonna bully anybody regardless of race

And to the Asian that got bullied don't blame your situation all on blacks/lat unless you went to a majority blk/lat HS ...cause I've witnessed Asian males in school get joked on by all races
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