The Donald Sterling Thread

Find me one member in these groups that are of power and greatly affecting the lives of others

Sterling housing discrimination affected minorities

Better yet stop being a ***** and just say you don't seeing anything wrong with what sterling did lol

Let your balls hang
everyone in here thinks sterling is a racist and knows what he did was wrong

so now its okay to be racist if you dont have power to greatly affect the lives of others?

stop being a ***** and just admit your hatred of white people and admit you're a racist

let your balls hang
Find me one member in these groups that are of power and greatly affecting the lives of others

Sterling housing discrimination affected minorities

Better yet stop being a ***** and just say you don't seeing anything wrong with what sterling did lol

Let your balls hang
Now you're just assuming that I support Donald Sterling.
Your argument was that your own race is immune from racism, which I debunked.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Got y'all tap dancing back and forth in here....I love it!!
Uh no, you're just basing your argument on assumptions and logic that doesn't make sense other than the white supremacy bit.

EDIT: ITT: Mr.Marcus thinks every poster is white if they disagree with one of his points :lol:
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And it didn't take long for this thread to get derailed. Thanks. And no, minorities cannot be racist. Prejudiced and bigoted? Yes. Racist? No. Racism is based on institutional control to subjugate others ie. Jim Crow and the Black Codes.


The definition of racism according to the United Nations:
Last time I checked, minorities in this country do not have the ability to do that.

These threads make it easier to block people. Of course, some Asians see this as an opportunity to get their shots in as well.

I had said this a few pages back, but I was ridiculed. Finally someone that can be totally objective and brings facts rather than opinion.

I've never met a black racist but I have met minorities that were abused and scarred by the act of white supremacy

Hell my parents vividly remember not being able to do certain things because of their skin color.....

When a white get exposed here comes white folks with the "blacks are racist" trying to deflect attention that for centuries y'all are the most ignorant people walking the face of this earth

Your ancestors in Europe still throwing bananas at black folks and crying about African immigrants coming over

And Jews in Israel? Some of the most racist folks ever that are protected by the white supremacy of the United States

Africa? Is damn near controlled top to bottom by the white supremacists from Europe who causes havoc by funding groups that will fuel their agenda

Stop denying what you are! And then have the nerve to call us animals because of the issues your white supremacy causes

Also shut the hell up about affirmative action cause it benefits the WHITE female more than the black male. That's more ******** spewed by y'all

Excuse my rant and who cares if I have a typo

Bingo. People don't understand that even in the event that a Black racist COULD exist, that it would be 100% morally justifiable and fair. It's 2014, and most of the damage done hasn't even BEGUN to start being reversed. People saying a Black racist can exist, and strongly trying to prove that point says a lot to me but definitely not good things.
even in the event that a Black racist COULD exist, that it would be 100% morally justifiable and fair.

"its okay when im racist but not okay when you're racist"
So you're going to discount the fact that the New Black Panther Party is a racist organization? OK FAM :lol:
Nation of Islam has a pretty racist leader also.

It's not a racist organization. If anything, it can be deemed a prejudice organization. Have you ever asked yourself what it is that they're trying to face or are in opposition to? What factors or circumstances breeds a New Black Panther Party yet alone a Black Panther Party? When you eradicate the problem that causes these type of organizations to form, you eradicate the need for these types of organizations....

everyone in here thinks sterling is a racist and knows what he did was wrong

so now its okay to be racist if you dont have power to greatly affect the lives of others?

stop being a ***** and just admit your hatred of white people and admit you're a racist

let your balls hang

It isn't OK nor NOT OK if what you're asking doesn't have a possibility of existing....

Now you're just assuming that I support Donald Sterling.
Your argument was that your own race is immune from racism, which I debunked.
Two wrongs don't make a right.

You didn't debunk anything, one. Two, if you're referring to the Black "race" then we're not immune from or to racism. Racism has almost destroyed African ppl. But in terms of BEING racists, it is not possible within the current power structure and status quo for a Black person to be racist.
You didn't debunk anything, one. Two, if you're referring to the Black "race" then we're not immune from or to racism. Racism has almost destroyed African ppl. But in terms of BEING racists, it is not possible within the current power structure and status quo for a Black person to be racist.
Alright I accept that explanation
even in the event that a Black racist COULD exist, that it would be 100% morally justifiable and fair.

"its okay when im racist but not okay when you're racist"'s ok for me not to like someone or the group of ppl that stole my land, culture, resources, ideas, philosohpy, you name it; as well as, me all for exploitation and capitalist gain. Whatever it's called when you don't like a group of ppl that has inflicted that type of destruction to you and yours.....well I'll be that. Doesn't really matter whether or not you guys understand, because quite frankly you're not supposed to. Propaganda won't allow you to, and neither will the educational system. So unless you have the ability to think outside of what you were given to chew on and step out of this false, commercialized paradigm you're living in.....I won't ever expect you to understand. Most don't and never will unfortunately.
people overthinking things, if someone (a minority) says a bunch of racist things to you you're not going to be like "well according to the UN you're not actually being racist right now"

racism is racism, the whole "minorities cant be racist" thing is just an excuse for minorities to get away with being racist


Minorities need to get a grip on reality. From my experience, minorities are bigger racists than white people.

I can give multiple examples of how I've experienced racism from Blacks, Asians and Hispanics. I've experienced racism, biggotry and worst of all--Prejudice behavior/acts all because of my ethnicity.

I can go as far to say that I've never experienced that kind of negative behavior from white people. Ever in my life.
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even in the event that a Black racist COULD exist, that it would be 100% morally justifiable and fair.

"its okay when im racist but not okay when you're racist"'s ok for me not to like someone or the group of ppl that stole my land, culture, resources, ideas, philosohpy, you name it; as well as, me all for exploitation and capitalist gain. Whatever it's called when you don't like a group of ppl that has inflicted that type of destruction to you and yours.....well I'll be that. Doesn't really matter whether or not you guys understand, because quite frankly you're not supposed to. Propaganda won't allow you to, and neither will the educational system. So unless you have the ability to think outside of what you were given to chew on and step out of this false, commercialized paradigm you're living in.....I won't ever expect you to understand. Most don't and never will unfortunately.
there is never a reason where hatred towards an entire race of people is justifiable and fair. hating all white people for the actions of a few is no different from a white man hating all black people because of a few negative encounters with a few black people.

any kind of racism is ignorance, its sad that there are people in here that actually defend racist thoughts.

there are many reasons for the exploitation of minorities in america, donald sterling is one example of this. but hating all white people is very simple minded and taking the easy way out, it is the same kind of logic used by the white racists you despise 
people overthinking things, if someone (a minority) says a bunch of racist things to you you're not going to be like "well according to the UN you're not actually being racist right now"

racism is racism, the whole "minorities cant be racist" thing is just an excuse for minorities to get away with being racist

Minorities need to get a grip on reality. From my experience, minorities are bigger racists than white people.
every race and ethnic group has its share of ignorant racists. only condemning racists from one demographic of people is hypocritical and counterproductive when trying to fight racism.

i dont care what race you are, if you dislike a group of people because of their race than you are a racist and i have no respect for you
every race and ethnic group has its share of ignorant racists. only condemning racists from one demographic of people is hypocritical and counterproductive when trying to fight racism.

i dont care what race you are, if you dislike a group of people because of their race than you are a racist and i have no respect for you
And this thread derailment was fueled by an idiot who doesn't have the capacity to know that boxing has always been hand in hand with prejudice and race from Jack Johnson to Mayweather/Pacquaio today and so many of y'all fell for the trap.

Lock this thread up.
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And this thread derailment was fueled by an idiot who doesn't have the capacity to know that boxing has always been fueled by prejudice and race from Jack Johnson to Mayweather/Pacquaio today and so many of y'all fell for the trap.

Lock this thread up.

So you admit it was racially fueled? I won.

Minorities need to get a grip on reality. From my experience, minorities are bigger racists than white people.

I can give multiple examples of how I've experienced racism from Blacks, Asians and Hispanics. I've experienced racism, biggotry and worst of all--Prejudice behavior/acts all because of my ethnicity.

I can go as far to say that I've never experienced that kind of negative behavior from white people. Ever in my life.
Ha. Wow. People, man. People.

I have to be honest...From a personal standpoint, I don't get racism. Racism as it pertains to the real world and not from Webster. The only collective group of humans that I have a major disdain for are those that are ignorant and who act upon that ignorance. That is one group of folk that I can admit to being stereotypical against. Other than that, it makes no sense to me how this day in age, people around my age, can think the way they do sometimes about a race and their standpoint on racism. It's sad out here.
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people overthinking things, if someone (a minority) says a bunch of racist things to you you're not going to be like "well according to the UN you're not actually being racist right now"

racism is racism, the whole "minorities cant be racist" thing is just an excuse for minorities to get away with being racist


Minorities need to get a grip on reality. From my experience, minorities are bigger racists than white people.

I can give multiple examples of how I've experienced racism from Blacks, Asians and Hispanics. I've experienced racism, biggotry and worst of all--Prejudice behavior/acts all because of my ethnicity.

I can go as far to say that I've never experienced that kind of negative behavior from white people. Ever in my life.

Lol, I can relate. The fortune cookie jokes, talking to me in mock Chinese, the kung fu jokes, to the straight up bullying - all by black ppl and hispanics. The funny part was I'm not even Chinese. :lol:
Lol, I can relate. The fortune cookie jokes, talking to me in mock Chinese, the kung fu jokes, to the straight up bullying - all by black ppl and hispanics. The funny part was I'm not even Chinese. :lol:

Yeah, but Blacks and Hispanics won't consider this racist or prejudice in anyway. Double standard if you ask me.
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