The Donald Sterling Thread

I get annoyed when people say things like "Silver did the right thing because the NBA is a diverse, non-discriminatory league and we don't like racists" 

I mean - lets be honest, they only getting rid of Sterling now bc he's bad for business.  Sponsors don't want to associate with him and teams cannot even trade players with him because they would be "doing business with a racist."  Call it what it is and stop with the BS that the other owners and these analysts/reporters (especially the non-black/hispanics eg Simmons Bayless) actually care about the people enough to get this crazy.

Its like Bush bombing and killing millions in Iraq for "freedom" but it was just about money.

Sterling probably having dinner with Silver right now.
The stupidity of the timing of their boycott LOL. It would've been nice before the ruling but makes zero sense after. What's to protest now. He's already banned and in the process of getting ousted as owner...

Makes just as much sense as the Miami Heat turning THEIR jerseys inside out. Smh

The article states they would have had it been a ruling they deemed not up to par (whether you believe that or not is up to you)..of course it makes little sense now

Hence why they waited on the ruling...why declare it before you even knew how little or big Silver would strike?
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All that "this is a great day in NBA" is OD... any NBA fan above the age of 25 been known about Donald, never stopped any of us from watching the game
All the real money from NBA players contracts have already been paid out. The money players would have missed if they boycotted is chump change.

Now the money the networks would have missed if there were no games is in the millions.

The owners ain't stupid they had to ban dude.
All that "this is a great day in NBA" is OD... any NBA fan above the age of 25 been known about Donald, never stopped any of us from watching the game
I've never watched the Clippers so I've never helped line this racists pockets but I get your drift. The fake outrage is quiet funny though.
How big of a story is this to you guys? Obviously I think this is a big story...will be one of the biggest of 2014...

But saw a tweet that said "This is a monumental day in American history. Adam Silver and Donald Sterling will be in your future kids American History books."

Like, c'mon man...this isn't Jackie Robinson...
Oh, now they were ready to boycott. Ok NBA, ok.

Yeah, I don't buy it. Make a stance before the commish makes his ruling, don't talk after about how you were going to do something. Weak, scared NBAPA rears its head again.
At the end of the day, the commissioner made it easier for everyone to move on. This thing couldve lingered for a lot longer but thankfully it didnt.

Lawsuits aside theres nothing left but basketball now.
Still disappointed the players really did nothing to stand up for themselves. I'm thinking they wanted to avoid answering why they put up with a blatant racist for so long and never said anything, still refused to talk about it after the tape also. Columbus, "Jesus", Abraham Lincoln, Adam silver....there's always someone to rescue an entire class of people that are powerless to save themselves. The story and the roles haven't changed for what seems like forever, only the names change.

Also disgusted by the NAACP. Had no idea they accepted money from sterling and were planning on giving him a second award ceremony? That is the exact definition of selling out....good lord...

There is A TON of posturing being done right now. I smell bull **** ....this just doesn't sit right with me. What I have learned is that people on all levels of the totem pole will turn a blind eye to all types of moral corruption in favor of $$$$

Owners will vote Donald out but not out of some sense of justice. More like a gang where someone gets too sloppy on a job so they get the kiss of death

Biggest parts of this story being overlooked are comments about the black Jews/white Jews, the "culture" sterling was talking about he can't change, and the fact that this guy has been around nearly 40 years and is just now being put to task because his racism was too visible. This is 2014....imagine how racist this guy was in the 80s.

Adam silver, NBA owners, NBA players, corporate sponsors and the like will make a public martyr of sterling but only to cover their own *** and redirect attention away from themselves. Sterling had loose lips and broke the code but the code still remains. CREAM

Edit - just read back and teamlakers909 teamlakers909 said it very well
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Yall do realize that NBA players really didn't have anything to lose buy not playing in these games right?

IMO the only reason dude got the hammer as harshly as he did is because the players weren't going to play.

The entire amount that all NBA players will be paid for every playoff game is less than what TNT gets in revenue to broadcast one playoff series.

The entire playoff pool for the entire NBA is 13 million. That has to be divided by every team, every player on every team and every coach and assistant coach on every team.

That's truly chump change for the average NBA player.

If the players sat out a game or the rest of the playoffs it wouldn't have hurt them financially but the owners and networks would have lost 100s of millions.

This is the first time the players actually had real leverage maybe ever.
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^which begs the question why didn't they use their leverage to get something done. Sterling isn't losing anything financially and the team will probably be sold to another bigot.

If players were smart they would figure out a way to reschedule cba negotiations to a week before the playoffs
If you guys have time, read through @ShawnFNBA's timeline.

He's a NBA fan, who also happens to be an attorney in LA.

Read his timeline since the press conference today.

All I can say is WOW. The legal complexities is such an interesting read. A part of me wants Donald Sterling to take legal action just to see how it all rolls out, but at the same time I also want to see him just take the damn L and walk away like he should.

Either way, this is HUGE.
^which begs the question why didn't they use their leverage to get something done. Sterling isn't losing anything financially and the team will probably be sold to another bigot.

If players were smart they would figure out a way to reschedule cba negotiations to a week before the playoffs

I need to know what more could have been done that wasn't?

And they touched upon this on PTI today that this was the first time the players actually seized power in a while.
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If you guys have time, read through @ShawnFNBA's timeline.

He's a NBA fan, who also happens to be an attorney in LA.
Great find.
Oh, now they were ready to boycott. Ok NBA, ok.
Yeah, I don't buy it. Make a stance before the commish makes his ruling, don't talk after about how you were going to do something. Weak, scared NBAPA rears its head again.
Yup. The same weak, scared NBAPA that you insisted should take the owners' ridiculous offers during the lockout.

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I need to know what more could have been done that wasn't?

And they touched upon this on PTI today that this was the first time the players actually seized power in a while.

Is there any way to watch PTI online? My cable provider showed some stupid cricket show instead of PTI. Any suggested websites or online options?
I was really looking forward to seeing their comments and opinion. Thx all

EDIT: NVM, found it on youtube :lol:
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I need to know what more could have been done that wasn't?

It goes back to Kareem's article. I've never really heard a player speak up about sterling's racist ways. And now clippers players are going out of their way to avoid the media and refused to talk about it after game 4, which probably would have been a good idea, power move if you will, if they never played that game in the first place
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I need to know what more could have been done that wasn't?

It goes back to Kareem's article. I've never really heard a player speak up about sterling's racist ways. And now clippers players are going out of their way to avoid the media and refused to talk about it after game 4, which probably would have been a good idea, power move if you will, if they never played that game in the first place

You don't think Sliver put a bug in their ear?

Silver talked to Chris Paul, Doc Rivers, and Kevin Johnson everyday.

That's the only reason he caught the fade so fast and so permanently.

This is America an "indefinite" suspension and a fine and people would have forgot about this a year or so.

Hell the **** testified to under oath was just as bad as this and folks still forgot.
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Is this dude banned from subscribing to the NBA Network? Is his IP banned from

I know 2.5 M ain't **** to a guy like him but they really went all out on his ***
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All that "this is a great day in NBA" is OD... any NBA fan above the age of 25 been known about Donald, never stopped any of us from watching the game

All these companies proclaiming they believe in diversity - they knew what type of person he was years ago.:smh:
All these companies proclaiming they believe in diversity - they knew what type of person he was years ago.
It's just the era of political correctness that we live in

Everyone who knew this dude probably knew he was a racist. Nobody "in the know" was surprised when this happened.

This dude was born in the 30s and was my age in the 50s. People just seemed to forget that lots of people were racist in the 50s

It's almost like folks like them are piggbacking off of this incident in order to prove how "progressive" and "not-racist" they are

************* never loved us man
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