The Donald Sterling Thread

He'll be voted out. If Sterling doesn't get voted out the nba will be branded as a league owned by racists. It'll ruin the bottom line for everybody. That's what the owners really care about anyway... the bottom line.
Sterling being voted isn't going to stop the real issue here.

Let's not act like there aren't more owners like Sterling in professional sports :lol:
can you imagine the backlash if you didn't vote sterling out?

players would see it as you cosigning sterling's bigotry.
If Adam Silver holds a vote and it doesn't result in Sterling being voted out.

he will simply take another vote,

and another

and another.

until the owners know the score. :lol:

it wohn't come to that tho

People think the other 30 owners (most of them are 2nd generation owners who bought there teams for huge sums) are going to take a bullet for this old dude they don't know? They didn't become billionairs by being stupid. :lol:
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Good for Silver and the NBA to drop the hammer on Sterling, but I don't think they should force him to sell what's his. Sterling will take this to court and claim how this is unconstitutional.

You're practically stripping away someones property rights just because of his personnel views. We know how ugly and disgusting those views are, but it's unconstitutional to take away something from someone just because of something he said. I'm afraid what this will lead to in the future.

I support the NBA and Silver's decision to ban Sterling, but I don't think they have the legal rights to make him sell.

It's clearly something they gave consideration to otherwise they wouldn't have a clause in their constitution allowing for 3/4 super majority voting ability. My guess is the protection was for the other owners against another owner running their team into the ground which would have a $ effect on each of them. This morality issue is effectively doing the same thing, so while he can argue in a court (or at least threaten to) the NBA feels confidently they have a position to defend their actions against Sterling.
Sterling being voted isn't going to stop the real issue here.

Let's not act like there aren't more owners like Sterling in professional sports :lol:
I don't think you understand the reality and business side of the NBA. Even if these owners are privately bigoted, they don't want to be associated with a bumbling fool and will do anything to stop him from shortening their profit. Sterling dug himself a deep hole and he is paying for it now.
Sterling being voted isn't going to stop the real issue here.

Let's not act like there aren't more owners like Sterling in professional sports
Nah man, it's not going to solve racism.  But it's a step in the right direction.

It's also a message about what's okay in society today.  Changing beliefs starts with changing actions.
He'll be voted out. If Sterling doesn't get voted out the nba will be branded as a league owned by racists. It'll ruin the bottom line for everybody. That's what the owners really care about anyway... the bottom line.
Exactly but some people apparently don't get it. Even the most staunch racist would not be dumb enough to align himself with Sterling at this point. If the media gets wind that some one voted to not oust Sterling, it's over for them. You do not want to be connected to this sort of stuff especially if you are someone as known as an NBA owner. 
the owners will sacrifice one of their own just as long as their bank acct grows. cant associate with the man, he's damaged goods

silver doing everything to protect the league
The NBA is a private entity with executive powers, they can force you to sell just as a country club can boot you out for variety of reasons.

Just because Sterling "owns" the Clippers doesn't mean he has no oversight. It's a privilege to own any sports team, doesn't mean its your god given right and the League is acting accordingly. Mainly because with sponsor dollars in one of the largest markets pulling, that impacts EVERY other owner.
Sterling being voted isn't going to stop the real issue here.

Let's not act like there aren't more owners like Sterling in professional sports :lol:
Nah man, it's not going to solve racism.  But it's a step in the right direction.

It's also a message about what's okay in society today.  Changing beliefs starts with changing actions.

nah, it just teaches them to be more secretive and careful. serious.

can you imagine the backlash if you didn't vote sterling out?

players would see it as you cosigning sterling's bigotry.

yeah, i didn't factor that in. on second thought, regardless of the private vote or not, i think the owners might just say **** it and take him down.
The NBA is a private entity with executive powers, they can force you to sell just as a country club can boot you out for variety of reasons.

Just because Sterling "owns" the Clippers doesn't mean he has no oversight. It's a privilege to own any sports team, doesn't mean its your god given right and the League is acting accordingly. Mainly because with sponsor dollars in one of the largest markets pulling, that impacts EVERY other owner.
sooooo....he could sell it to his wife?

i kid. sterling aint got no time for that.

would be the troll of the century though.
This V stiviano looks like shes had two boneless skinless chicken breasts stuffed in the side of her face.
The NBA is a private entity with executive powers, they can force you to sell just as a country club can boot you out for variety of reasons.

Just because Sterling "owns" the Clippers doesn't mean he has no oversight. It's a privilege to own any sports team, doesn't mean its your god given right and the League is acting accordingly. Mainly because with sponsor dollars in one of the largest markets pulling, that impacts EVERY other owner.

I ask out of genuine curiosity, but Sterling can/will sue right?

he might try.

but he can't, in the agreement when you get the franchise, all the commissioners decision are like binding like an arbitrator.

ask A-Rod, judges overturn arbitrator decisions basically never.
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