The Donald Sterling Thread

It's just the era of political correctness that we live in

Everyone who knew this dude probably knew he was a racist. Nobody "in the know" was surprised when this happened.

This dude was born in the 30s and was my age in the 50s. People just seemed to forget that lots of people were racist in the 50s

It's almost like folks like them are piggbacking off of this incident in order to prove how "progressive" and "not-racist" they are

************* never loved us man
You seem to forget a lot of people were not racist in the 50s.  

I swear "political correctness" is the most overused term, pretty much only thrown around in ignorant statements.  What does it even mean in this context?
This says less about david stern and more about the culture at large, nobody cares about the white racist slum lord untill he starts costing other white people money.
I just wanted to bring up OKB's post again because a lot of what we're seeing now from players, fans, etc. is "
" worthy. This was the best point made in this thread.

A lot of dudes made Silver out to be some sort of national hero.
Nah he gets the salute, head nod, keep it moving. That's it. He did what needed to be done, but it was also the easy thing to do once **** hit the fan. He was second-in-command during the David Stern administration. As far as I'm concerned, he's just as "guilty" of enabling Sterling as the ol' commish was. Let's not forget that and please save the bull ****.

Once the sponsors started pulling out THAT'S when **** got real for these ******.

Then again...there was a surprising amount (to me, at least) of people who didn't think anything would happen to Sterling once the tape hit. A slap on the wrist or whatever. Not that I'm faulting y'all for that...I think it's more of what people have come to expect from the NBA and, like OKB said, the culture itself. It's really ******g sad when you think about it though.

Social media was underestimated too.

And as I'm typing this...look at the standing ovation for the Clippers players.
You seem to forget a lot of people were not racist in the 50s.  
I'm aware of that; I'm saying that the man would not have been considered deviant within his own circle 50 years ago.

I'm also saying that we shouldn't be surprised that Donald Sterling specifically is possessed of some less-than-progressive thoughts
I swear "political correctness" is the most overused term, pretty much only thrown around in ignorant statements.  What does it even mean in this context?
I guess I used the wrong term. In this context I meant "faux political correctness"--as in the outrage and backlash, though obviously deserved, comes across as a bit disingenuous from some of the parties involved. Like Donald Trump's punk ***

This dude is 80 years old; ain't nobody or nothing going to change his way of thinking. It's good to have him gone regardless, but I'm just saying
This says less about david stern and more about the culture at large, nobody cares about the white racist slum lord untill he starts costing other white people money.
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I was one of those people who thought nothing was going to happen to dude, just what I've come to expect from stuff like this.
I need to know what sponsors left the NBA and not the Clippers.

I also need to know white people Donald Sterling cost to lose money outside of himself.
I was one of those people who thought nothing was going to happen to dude, just what I've come to expect from stuff like this.
There's no way that people would let this slide in this day and age

Folks can be as racist as they want in their heads, but to have these thoughts publicly exposed represents a PR nightmare of the highest order. The man was in too high of a position for folks to let it ride
I'm aware of that; I'm saying that the man would not have been considered deviant within his own circle 50 years ago.

I'm also saying that we shouldn't be surprised that Donald Sterling specifically is possessed of some less-than-progressive thoughts

I guess I used the wrong term. In this context I meant "faux political correctness"--as in the outrage and backlash, though obviously deserved, comes across as a bit disingenuous from some of the parties involved. Like Donald Trump's punk ***

This dude is 80 years old; ain't nobody or nothing going to change his way of thinking. It's good to have him gone regardless, but I'm just saying

Yeah I mean, it might be "faux" now, especially from someone like Donald Trump (let's be real, that dude is a racist person.)  And you're right that these older people mostly aren't going to change their minds.

But the point of making these people apologize publicly and for society to lay them out is in my opinion for younger generations, kids growing up etc. who haven't formed their opinions yet, to understand that prejudice is not okay.  So even if a dude is apologizing while lying through his teeth or whatever, it's a step in the right direction.
You don't think Sliver put a bug in their ear?

Silver talked to Chris Paul, Doc Rivers, and Kevin Johnson everyday.

That's the only reason he caught the fade so fast and so permanently.

This is America an "indefinite" suspension and a fine and people would have forgot about this a year or so.

Hell the **** testified to under oath was just as bad as this and folks still forgot.

Your last line is more what I was talking about. Not just this incident, but nothing was done throughout his tenure. Maybe he's some type of tyrant that no one dared to cross but you would think something would have been done long ago. If all the owners and maybe even players heard the tape but it was never made public, it would be business as usual.
Yeah I mean, it might be "faux" now, especially from someone like Donald Trump (let's be real, that dude is a racist person.)  And you're right that these older people mostly aren't going to change their minds.

But the point of making these people apologize publicly and for society to lay them out is in my opinion for younger generations, kids growing up etc. who haven't formed their opinions yet, to understand that prejudice is not okay.  So even if a dude is apologizing while lying through his teeth or whatever, it's a step in the right direction.
Yeah, you're right. I suppose a lot of folks, myself included, are being too jaded about things. I obviously don't believe in the notion of the "post-racial" America, as probably many others don't

HOWEVER, it should be a good thing to see that you can't be a bigot without being figuratively tarred and feathered

If we have to codify the culture so that exposed racists have to be ostracized and punished like ****, then so be it. We just have to be aware that there's going to be a lot of ostracism in the coming years
I need to know what sponsors left the NBA and not the Clippers.

I also need to know white people Donald Sterling cost to lose money outside of himself.

If sterling wasn't made the scapegoat there would have been lingering consequences for everyone else which will now be overlooked. Now that he's banned, it creates a happy ending for the public to digest and now it's "over", move on, no further investigation needed

Edit -

HOWEVER, it should be a good thing to see that you can't be a bigot without being figuratively tarred and feathered

See what I mean...this is what the average American will take away from this incident. By damning sterling it puts all attention on him and makes everyone else seem just when really they been co-signing this dude for decades.

It's not that you can't be a bigot, it's that you can't be a bigot in front of the people you exploit because then it makes it hard to profit off them
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If sterling wasn't made the scapegoat there would have been lingering consequences for everyone else which will now be overlooked. Now that he's banned, it creates a happy ending for the public to digest and now it's "over", move on, no further investigation needed

You sound like you would have complained about anything short of the official end of racism in one fell stroke.... These things are slow.
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If sterling wasn't made the scapegoat there would have been lingering consequences for everyone else which will now be overlooked. Now that he's banned, it creates a happy ending for the public to digest and now it's "over", move on, no further investigation needed
So basically the NBA did what they needed to do as an organization. The whole point of conducting successful PR is to create that "happy ending". 6 months from now, nobody will remember this

At the end of the day, Sterling was in the wrong for saying what he did. So nothing that went down was anyone's fault but his own.

I do agree with you that if Sterling wasn't the sole recipient of punishment, a couple of other unpleasant questions would have arisen
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Also that boycott threat was nothing more than blustering... these young dudes ain't about that civil rights sit-in life
 Roger Mason has no choice but to "sit out" (some players have not received all their monies for the season, some get paid bi-weekly 26 times a year)
Maybe I'm not explaining myself right because it's not getting thru...

Nothing happened....there was no righteous act that took place by banning donald

It's just a bunch of guys doing dirt and covering their tracks so they can do more dirt. If they were really concerned about doing the right thing sterling woulda been gone a long time ago. This tape is like the least racist thing he's done it just happens to be mainstream.

This isn't a step forward to the end of corruption like it's being portrayed. That would be if everyone involved was forced to answer why they didn't do something before
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It's a conspiracy

Sterling said what he did because he wanted to help revive Plies' career and begin his own rap career

Donald Sterling retaliation track droppin' soon
Bro this is my point....if all the owners and stern/silver had the tape and no one else heard it, sterling would be court side right now. In other words everybody knew this guy was a racist and nothing was done until it became bad for business like others have said.

There are other Donald sterlings in the league right now but they're safe because they're not on tmz
I need to know what sponsors left the NBA and not the Clippers.

I also need to know white people Donald Sterling cost to lose money outside of himself.
To my knowledge, there were no sponsors that left the NBA. But the response was clearly overwhelming on the first business day. And now it runs the real risk of becoming a cumulative thing with a trickle down effect. It's bad enough having a team in your league lose sponsors left and right. We're also in the playoffs and that team happens to be in a major market with two guys starring in a bunch of nationally televised commercials. If Silver doesn't act as he gets worse & uglier by the day and sooner or later others will distance themselves from the league. That's not what you want.

I'm not focused on the "white" part of it. It's the owners, league execs, their partners. Sterling became bad for business and that = dunzo.
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Bro this is my point....if all the owners and stern/silver had the tape and no one else heard it, sterling would be court side right now. In other words everybody knew this guy was a racist and nothing was done until it became bad for business like others have said.

There are other Donald sterlings in the league right now but they're safe because they're not on tmz

Bro that's life in America.

Riley Cooper just exactly what Donald T did got a little vacation and that's it.

No sponsors dropped the Eagles no nothing, Dude got a 5X increase in pay.

George Zimmerman at best initiated a conflict with an underarmed teenager and accidently killed him at worst he murdered a kid.

Walks off scott free.

Paula Dean Don Imus etc

This is the first time a racist actually got punished when something like this jumped off.
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Kareem can kick rocks too.

Dude has known Donald T was racist for years why didn't HE say anything.

Dude came out about his damn statue at Staples where has he been for 30 years.
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A very just decision by the new NBA commisionner. Great job with the swift and steadfast disciplinary action. 
Kareem can kick rocks too.

Dude has known Donald T was racist for years why didn't HE say anything.

Dude came out about his damn statue at Staples where has he been for 30 years.
in the article he came out and said "we are all to blame"

why are you mad at him - are you related to the jumpoff? i dont get it
I find it interesting that Shelly Sterling, who had her hand in the racial discrimination that went on w. the housing, was given the blessing by Doc Rivers to attend last night's game.
Regarding the forced sell of the team, Silver made it seem like that it was completely in the boards power to do so, and that there would be no issue with them doing so, however all previous reports mentioned that they could do so, however it would be stretching the language of the NBA constitution to a point where it sets a bad precedent, the latter is in fact the case right? Of course Sterling will fight this, and then lose, but what happens after that?
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