THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

I decided not to watch any of the bootleg trailers, so I finally saw HP last night and saw the trailer.

It was nothing crazy, but I got excited regardless.

The slight shot of Bane was cool, can't wait to see Anne and more of Hardy
Bane doing work
Also, in the scene where Bats was walking away from Bane, looks like someones behind him with a gun or tied up? Maybe it's bait? Certainly doesn't look like the Batcave.


Is Bane going to be incredibly strong with knowledge in MMA or Martial Arts or is he going to be like where they push the button and he gets stronger?
Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Is Bane going to be incredibly strong with knowledge in MMA or Martial Arts or is he going to be like where they push the button and he gets stronger?


Probably a trap by Bane, the guy looks like he is choking/holding his neck.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Bane whoopin' Bruce's #@% I see...well damb.

Came in here to say that Bane is going to beat the hell out of Bats

He's sucking wind faster than a vacuum.
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