THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

This teaser trailer is starting to leak but its getting taken down immediately
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

Originally Posted by CP1708

My body is not ready.....

Serious, I wish I was rich enough to rent out an entire theatre to myself for this movie.  I better not die before next year. 

It's funny, while waiting to find out what type of disease I had the past month, one of my legit concerns was dying before this movie came out. Then the results came that I have Hodgkins lymphoma... I should be good by January if all goes right
Dark Knight Rises, here I come!

That's crazy!  No one should be allowed to die until this movie releases
.  I'm sure everything will go fine, but I'm definitely sending some prayers your way my dude, stay strong

not to be pessimistic but I remember Pixar showed a film way early for a boy who was terminally ill.

I know you're strong enough to watch it opening night midnight though.
better hurry and see it before WB blocks it lol...

Trailer opens with studio logos set on top of the blue flame from Dark Knight.

Start panning up some buildings, but cut to the screen card: EVERY HERO HAS A JOURNEY.

Cuts to a shot from Begins with Bruce walking up to that Village when he’s looking for Ra’s


Ra’s (Liam Neeson) voice over: “If you make yourself more then just a man. If you devout yourself to be ideal. And you become something else entirely. A legend Mr. Wayne….A LEGEND!
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

I know there is going to be someone who waits in line to get Harry Potter tickets, goes to the midnight show, waits to see the trailer, then walks the %+++ out. 

Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

I'm going into this movie cold trailers no teaser pics no nothing. See you in 2012.

your body is not ready

you wont last until it actually drops
Solid teaser. Much like the one for TDK, the convo between Bats/Bruce and Gordon really sets up the theme for the film.
Unfortunately, I don't think we're gonna see any additional footage until the middle of December, but this should keep me appeased until then.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

WB says the trailer although debuting before HP, won't be officially online till Monday
They should have it on the official site Sunday night.
Only reason why I want an HD video is to see if Bats is wearing a new suit.
NEW one lol...
[UPDATED]  << as of 7:02pm it works lol...
Below is a commentary of the trailer.. since its tough to understand what Gordon is saying...

Trailer opens with studio logos set on top of the blue flame from Dark Knight.

Start panning up some buildings, but cut to the screen card: EVERY HERO HAS A JOURNEY.

Cuts to a shot from Begins with Bruce walking up to that Village when he’s looking for Ra’s


Ra’s (Liam Neeson) voice over: “If you make yourself more then just a man. If you devout yourself to be ideal. And you become something else entirely. A legend Mr. Wayne….A LEGEND!
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