The College Basketball Post

Could you see Stevens coaching at St. John's next year Allen? Or is he too much of a risk since he walked into a great situation?
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

And I read in the NY Post how players said they'd leave if Norm is fired.
Like yall are worthy in the first place.

lol is that supposed to be a threat or a gift? And apparently Athletics is very proud they built a team with good character guys.
Yea I must have forgot to post it...

Rautins/Harris got into a fight at practice. I guess Rautins got thrown down. Harris said he was done.

Quit the team and went home to Buffalo. that is why they said he skipped practice two days in a row. so Hopkins drove down their without warning and got Paulto come back. Then his 1st game back against Providence Boeheim didn't start him, because he quit the team.

I don't know much about the new Devo thing. But I have heard about that too. I am worried about the mental state. How could you not be when were sooooo outof wack with all the off the court @!#@.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Could you see Stevens coaching at St. John's next year Allen? Or is he too much of a risk since he walked into a great situation?
he has a ton of young guys he's winning with this year. No seniors, at all. that's a good sign for how good he is. (but i dont believeButler is remotely close to as good as their ranking)

as far as as SJU? no idea.

wow, cuse..was wondering if those rumors were true.
That's @+$$+*% why this team is a bunch of losers. Justin takes it to the hole, throws up a ferocious jam and Seton Hall comes back and scores a lay upuncontested. What a joke. I may actually turn to Skinemax.
Why the hell would you even call a timeout there? God they suck.

I hate this team so much i want to beat johnnyredstorm up for even working for them.

If I wasn't afraid of knives I'd cut myself.
SMH if those Cuse rumors are true. Graduated in 2006. Went to N' Orleans my fresh year to see us win the ship.

#%@ is Rautins thinking messing with Paul Harris? I wouldn't F with Paul if I had a louisville slugger.

The sooner Devo graduates or leaves Syracuse the happier I will be.
How even the white boys on Syracuse goons??? SMH. I'm amazed they have a record that good with all that dysfunction.
DeMarcus Cousins,ranked the No. 1 power forward in his class, is down to a top five.

The list now includes Memphis, Washington, N.C. State, Kansas State and Rice. No visits are yet planned. The list was first reported by Dave Telep of Scout.

"There's no particular order other than Memphis is really strong," Mobile (Ala.) LeFlore High School coachOtis Hughley said in a phone interview. "Rice sort of climbed in there because of the 14-1 teacher-student ratio. They have realsmall classrooms. Marcus' grades are really clmibing and he's an intelligent kid. He's got more interest in being a good student than most wouldgive any athlete credit for. That's really important."


that and somebody from Rice has a pile of money.

ON TAP: Marquette, the lone unbeaten team in the Big East, is the lone ranked team to play tonight when the Golden Eagles travel toSouth Florida. Here's a schedule for tomorrow:

12 p.m. ET - Cincinnati at Georgetown; Syracuse at Villanova
1 p.m. ET - Notre Dame at UCLA
1:30 - Miami at Duke
2 - Texas at Nebraska
7 - Florida State at Clemson
8 - Minnesota at Ohio State
9 - Memphis at Gonzaga
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

ND is gonna lose in LA. What were they thinking throwing that in the middle of the BE schedule?

Their season is going to end with that loss. I don't see them coming back from it.
I thought Rice only played baseball? This Cousins cat is either shady or interesting. Didn't he have UAB in his list a few weeks ago?
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