The Boys | S4 Episodes 1-3 Out Now! | Amazon Prime


My reaction is this…

Tek-Knight’s racist remarks to A-Train
Old white dudes views on abortion 🙄
Tek-Knight’s BDSM cave and gettin off by pain and smashin cakes with cakes 🤣
Then the WORST part of this episode was Ashley gettin off! 🥴🙃🙃
:lol: Gif left off the best part.

This episode was a lot.

"Superman" rejecting "Batman"
The Batman and Spider-Man takedowns
Wealthy elites
sex dungeon
Poor Hughie
The Butcher reveal
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So is her brain permanently cooked or will it regenerate. Cause MM turned her into a 6 year old :lol:

I’m assuming she be back to herself simply because she survived.
I like this scene because it shows that for all of his power, Homelander is still an idiot who is in over his head. He folded the moment he had to answer anything more than basic questions about his plan.

This is one of my favorite scenes of the show so far. He's actually becoming a hero instead of just pretending to be one. I really like A-train's redemption arc but it all but confirms that he will die soon.

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