The Boys | S4 Episodes 1-3 Out Now! | Amazon Prime

New Black Noir tripping lol.
Speaking on Juneteenth...I can see all the black Seven members getting offed this season. We just don't know where Homelander is headed this season.
Show > Comic for sure.
It’s definitely its own thing after reading the comic run. The original just seemed to be a middle finger to Marvel/DC super heroes.

This is more a social commentary and the characters have more flesh. Though Butcher’s character does have some weight to him in the comic. Oh yeah and it’s ironic that Hughey dad in the show was the inspiration for the comic version 😂.

My only issue is there isn’t enough meat to some of the characters like the Black Noirs. They really don’t give any depth to the black characters either. They’re there but never in front street.
Finished Episode 2 this morning.
Kiddo YEETED buddy.
Homelander: "Just toys for our amusement."
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