+The be honest with yourself Thread of NT+

Originally Posted by PraVokal

I want to live "that life" but I dont have the drive or motivation to do whats needed to get there...

this...my motivation to do anything is very low..Im just lazy
Originally Posted by PraVokal

I want to live "that life" but I dont have the drive or motivation to do whats needed to get there...

this...my motivation to do anything is very low..Im just lazy
I am understatimated between my friends. Every time I tell em I'ma do something, they never believe it or always place me in a box. #+*+ is disgusting.
I am understatimated between my friends. Every time I tell em I'ma do something, they never believe it or always place me in a box. #+*+ is disgusting.
For the lazy folks like myself ya'll ever think about where you would be if you wasn't lazy and just shake ya head
For the lazy folks like myself ya'll ever think about where you would be if you wasn't lazy and just shake ya head
Lately my confidence has been at an all-time high, some people take this the wrong way and mistakes my fun-loving, joking around, IDGAF attitude for douchebaggerey when in reality I never have been nor will I be a %$%@+%%!@.
Lately my confidence has been at an all-time high, some people take this the wrong way and mistakes my fun-loving, joking around, IDGAF attitude for douchebaggerey when in reality I never have been nor will I be a %$%@+%%!@.
Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

being able to admit to yourself that you arent the hardest worker is also admitting to yourself that you're not going to be donald trump rich.....and im cool with that. *shrugs* not to have a super long response, but i visited my dudes in florida for a week...i didnt get to kick it with them almost at all, because they work like slaves. wake up at 4am to be to work at 530....and stay untill 6 or 7 pm....now, my dude is copping SBs and South Beach lebrons left and right....fresh, brand new whip, living outside of miami...that's awesome....but he doesnt even see sunlight...6am to 7 pm? 7 days a week? he's paid, but i'm good on that. i'd rather be broke, going in at 8, getting off at 3, and CHILLING...

I have RARELY ever agreed with anything you have ever posted, but everything you're speaking in here is TRUTH to me.

I have this exact mentality when it comes to work and life.

My personal happiness and success isn't measured by how much $$ I have in my account or what I make an hour.

As long as my family has everything they need and we're happy and healthy, THAT is WINNING to me.

I work 40 hours a week Mon-Fri, NEVER bring work home, holidays off, paid vacations, full benefits, don't gotta break my back or sweat my #%* off to make ends meet, plus I'm being paid to sit in an office behind a desk all day.

I'm more than qualified/capable of working a job that pays more and would require some actually EFFORT, but I'd also be putting my physical well-being and long term health at risk to make that $$.

If I don't HAVE to work that kind of job, I'm not going to.

The time I spend at home or out with my family is PRICELESS to me, and spending my evenings/nights finishing up work/projects isn't worth the extra $$ I'd be bringing home.

i'm just saying, i'd rather be happy and modest than paid and worked like a slave....

i'm just saying, i'd rather be happy and modest than paid and worked like a slave....

i'm just saying, i'd rather be happy and modest than paid and worked like a slave....

i'm just saying, i'd rather be happy and modest than paid and worked like a slave....

i'm just saying, i'd rather be happy and modest than paid and worked like a slave....

...AND THAT'S THE MUTHA +++%@@ TRUTH!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

being able to admit to yourself that you arent the hardest worker is also admitting to yourself that you're not going to be donald trump rich.....and im cool with that. *shrugs* not to have a super long response, but i visited my dudes in florida for a week...i didnt get to kick it with them almost at all, because they work like slaves. wake up at 4am to be to work at 530....and stay untill 6 or 7 pm....now, my dude is copping SBs and South Beach lebrons left and right....fresh, brand new whip, living outside of miami...that's awesome....but he doesnt even see sunlight...6am to 7 pm? 7 days a week? he's paid, but i'm good on that. i'd rather be broke, going in at 8, getting off at 3, and CHILLING...

I have RARELY ever agreed with anything you have ever posted, but everything you're speaking in here is TRUTH to me.

I have this exact mentality when it comes to work and life.

My personal happiness and success isn't measured by how much $$ I have in my account or what I make an hour.

As long as my family has everything they need and we're happy and healthy, THAT is WINNING to me.

I work 40 hours a week Mon-Fri, NEVER bring work home, holidays off, paid vacations, full benefits, don't gotta break my back or sweat my #%* off to make ends meet, plus I'm being paid to sit in an office behind a desk all day.

I'm more than qualified/capable of working a job that pays more and would require some actually EFFORT, but I'd also be putting my physical well-being and long term health at risk to make that $$.

If I don't HAVE to work that kind of job, I'm not going to.

The time I spend at home or out with my family is PRICELESS to me, and spending my evenings/nights finishing up work/projects isn't worth the extra $$ I'd be bringing home.

i'm just saying, i'd rather be happy and modest than paid and worked like a slave....

i'm just saying, i'd rather be happy and modest than paid and worked like a slave....

i'm just saying, i'd rather be happy and modest than paid and worked like a slave....

i'm just saying, i'd rather be happy and modest than paid and worked like a slave....

i'm just saying, i'd rather be happy and modest than paid and worked like a slave....

...AND THAT'S THE MUTHA +++%@@ TRUTH!!!!!!!
Everything said so far...That's me man.

I lack motivation. I'm in school as a freshman and I know I'm only here just to be here. I want to begin a business but I don't know where to even begin. I'm basically stuck in a standstill because My grades suck & I know school isn't for me BUT I don't have the slightest idea to even begin to start my business I've dreamed of growing up.

Any suggestions/words of encouragement would be great.
Everything said so far...That's me man.

I lack motivation. I'm in school as a freshman and I know I'm only here just to be here. I want to begin a business but I don't know where to even begin. I'm basically stuck in a standstill because My grades suck & I know school isn't for me BUT I don't have the slightest idea to even begin to start my business I've dreamed of growing up.

Any suggestions/words of encouragement would be great.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

- money is my biggest motivator. life revolves around it to me. I can never take the "life isn't all about money" people serious. I shouldn't be that way...and I don't want to...but I am. In my mind...its how I can take care of family which is the only thing I really care about.


I used to be the dude who is too nice and looked out for everyone...

not any more...

Did a total 180....

you realize how fake people are...

Now that I have a child to care for it's all about getting that $$$ so I can provide for her...

%$#^ everybody else...
Originally Posted by Im Not You

- money is my biggest motivator. life revolves around it to me. I can never take the "life isn't all about money" people serious. I shouldn't be that way...and I don't want to...but I am. In my mind...its how I can take care of family which is the only thing I really care about.


I used to be the dude who is too nice and looked out for everyone...

not any more...

Did a total 180....

you realize how fake people are...

Now that I have a child to care for it's all about getting that $$$ so I can provide for her...

%$#^ everybody else...
I'm ridiculously lazy when it comes to stuff I'm not getting paid for (i.e. schoolwork). Every time I've had a job, I've been one of the best workers, but academically, I'm a sloth. And I'd like to think I'm fairly intelligent, but when the work doesn't interest or benefit me, I have no desire to do it. I need to change this.
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