The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Nash would be amazing on the Grantland Basketball Hour now that I think about it. I think it was filmed in LA Live across from Staples
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That Stat/Nash duo was one of my favorites, I low-key wanted to see them get a ring

Seein' stat go to NY kinda hurt me, still got that PHX jersey

RIP point god.
Nash visited Phoenix last month to speak to the front office. No idea what it was about. My opinion ..I think he knew he was done and asked Phoenix for an opportunity in front office or coaching position.

At the time, I thought it had something to do with a sign n trade, Bledsoe for Nash + Randle.
Y'all don't talk about Pistol Pete enough...
Favorite Nash memory:

Game 6 in 2005 playoffs vs Mavs.. The 3 to send to OT.

Sweeping Spurs in 2010 playoffs in the elimination game. One eye shut and straight abused the Spurs.

I met Nash and actually filmed him for an interview, per his request. The guy deserves to make the HOF IMO. Not always about stats and accomplishments, his mark in the NBA and professionalism he displayed will never be repeated and is very underrated when choosing for HOF. Such a class act.
Back problems, man. Pretty much the death knell for an NBA career. Larry Bird, Larry Johnson, Nash - never were the same after having back problems.
Nash's story is pretty amazing. Maybe Rodman's competes, but that's the only other guy I can think of with a super unlikely path to NBA stardom:
no nba superstar had a more unlikely path to stardom than my main man dj mbenga

Mbenga was born and raised in Kinshasa, Zaire, now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where his father was a government employee.[sup][3][/sup]  When a new regime took over power, it sought out everyone who worked for the previous leader. As unrest in the country escalated, Mbenga and his family were imprisoned.[sup][1][/sup]  While his father was eventually unable to save himself, he did manage to negotiate on behalf of his wife and son, as Mbenga and his mother escaped the nation and were given asylum in Belgium. While living in a refugee center, he was discovered by Belgian basketball legend Willy Steveniers, who eventually served as Mbenga's personal basketball mentor
Nash is a Hall of Famer, was fun to watch, a nice guy, and probably the last of a dying breed in the NBA, a real point guard.  Rondo is holding it down, but Nash had a springer from deep, as you could not leave him alone.
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