The 2012 NFL Draft Thread, 4/26 8EST/5PST Vikings are on the clock

Ya, of all things to question about Ingram, I'd say his athleticism is somewhere near the bottom of the list.
Originally Posted by srvballer

Claiborne scored a 4 on his wonderlic?

and a new low standard has been set...
and what exactly does that mean? esp. for a guy with a learning disability.

[/h1][h1]What you should know about Claiborne's test score[/h1]
Is the Wonderlic obsolete? Greg Gabriel

Print ThisApril 03, 2012, 12:23 PM EST

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EmaA report A report earlier today stated that LSU cornerback Mo Claiborne scored a 4 on the Wonderlic test at the Combine. When a player scores that low it’s an obvious red flag and clubs have to do their research on the player. Personally, I feel the league should find out who leaked the score and fire the individual. There are some things that should be kept private and this is one of them. Let’s look at the process.

ICONLSU CB Morris Claiborne.

I for one feel the Wonderlic is obsolete when it comes to testing for intelligence in the NFL. It’s not because the test isn’t good, it’s because the use of THAT test is no longer valid. The people from Wonderlic will tell you that the test is a good indicator of intelligence when it is taken ONE time under PROPER testing conditions. The NFL has been using this test for over 30 years. Prospects usually take the test as juniors on their testing day for Combine scouts in the spring of their junior year. The scores are distributed to all the clubs later that spring. If the prospect has taken the test, he is not supposed to take it again until he goes to the Combine. The problem is that while the prospect is at a training center preparing for the Combine, he takes a version of the test sometimes 4-5 times a week for up to 6 weeks. This makes the result of the test totally invalid when taken at the Combine. I have seen instances where a prospect’s test score has jumped by as much as 20 points at the Combine and only because he has taken it so many times. The Wonderlic people will tell you that a jump by any more than 4 points is invalid.

Now knowing what I just wrote, let’s look at the Claiborne situation.

When Claiborne came out of high school, the schools that recruited him knew he had a learning disability. I don’t know much about his disability other than it has to do with reading. Everyone I have talked to tells me that Claiborne has great character and is a great kid. He knows and understands his disability and uses all the resources that LSU has available to control it and to help him get by in the classroom. When it comes to football he puts in extra time to learn and understand his assignments and it is not a problem. Will he need reps? Probably, but no more than the usual rookie would need. In saying that, Claiborne’s test score was NOT a true indicator of his intelligence. He can and does learn.

Claiborne is expected to be drafted in the top 5 of this month’s NFL Draft. What I suspect happened is a club drafting after 5 leaked the test score to try and scare off teams in the top 5 from drafting Claiborne. The clubs have known the results of these scores for weeks. If they had any questions about a player's ability to learn they have had plenty of time to do their research to feel if they are comfortable with drafting Claiborne. The team leaking the score is hoping that the public backlash for drafting a player with such a low score will scare them off. Unfortunately, this is dirty pool but it often happens this time of year in the NFL. Just remember, if you start to hear a lot of negative things about some highly rated players in the next few weeks, it’s because a team who drafts later in the round wants the player to drop so they can have an opportunity to select him.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Wonderlic is so useless. I think it would be better to have an oral assessment testing football schemes and situations and what have you for quarterbacks. Vary this assessment by position. I'm pretty sure scouts can tell who knows their stuff and who doesn't. Wasn't Matt Ryan super impressive in his team interviews? They should do something like that and have a database of questions to ask. Change it up for every player and see how he thinks on his feet.

I remember Jon Gruden saying that when he interviewed for the Raiders HC position, Al Davis drew theoretical defensive sets on a dry erase board and asked Gruden how he would

attack each set. If teams don't already do this with potential draftees, it would be interesting if they did. Get a better feel for how well a player grasps the conceptual side of playing

their particular position.

They do have individual interviews but I was thinking something more standardized. Could call it the NFL *insert position* baseline aptitude test or something similar. NFL could give the players a study guide and all that. Has to be better than the Wonderlic. 
Or decline the goddamn wonderlic. If you're a player, a wonderlic usually hurts you more than it helps. What has a wonderlic ever proved? Did that tell you a guy could play football?
Originally Posted by Caerus

Wonder why RG3 turned down colts tho...

RG basically said there's tape of him out there.  He worked out at the combine, he worked out for his pro day, now the teams have to do their own homework.  He won't work out anymore. 

Smart move imo. 
do yall remember the two guys who got roasted because of the wunderlic...

AJ green and Patrick Peterson...

How did those guys do.

The Wunderlic PROVES NOTHING for Football
wunderlick should stand for those chicks Andruw Jones was hangin out with at the Gold Club back in the day. 
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

do yall remember the two guys who got roasted because of the wunderlic...

AJ green and Patrick Peterson...



Means nothing

LeGarrett[e] Blount on Trent Richardson to Bucs: "I would definitely not be happy with that pick."

Maybe he should try learning simple pass blocking and maybe other plays besides "hand Blount the ball for a HB Draw and let him make an athletic play if there's a hole". I like Lamar Miller a lot, but we would have the lowest IQ backfield of ALL-TIME if we drafted him. Their conversations to eachother would barely be in English. David Wilson fumbles even more than Blount, Polk is too much like Blount already and LaMichael James wouldn't be able to take over the starting job if there was an injury. Trent Richardson and Doug Martin are the only RB's that would fill the Bucs need.

Oh, and I'm staying the hell away from drafting a guy that pretty much can't even read with the #5 pick in the draft when our other top corners may be about to go to jail, are 36 years old, or are named EJ Biggers. Count me the *$@% outta that one. I'll find somebody that wants to trade up for the pick instead if Trent isn't available.
Good thing you're not a GM

Can he pattern read? That's what you need to be concerned about. Not some damn Wonderlic test.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Or decline the goddamn wonderlic. If you're a player, a wonderlic usually hurts you more than it helps. What has a wonderlic ever proved? Did that tell you a guy could play football?
Draftees decline running or other combine tests, so why not decline taking the Wonderlic? Always wondered why they took it anyway & why the agents even let them. If Claiborne does have a learning disability (sounds like an agent creating a story to offset the bad result), why did Bus Cook let his client take the test.

But dudes are right, in the end the Wonderlic doesn't prove you can't play football. Dan Marino scored a 13, the same score Vince Young got on his second try. 20 is considered average intelligence. 

But still 4 though? Claiborne might be able to play football but there is no way he was successfully completing his school work.
We lost 10 games in a row to end the season, have a completely new coaching staff and we'd be drafting a guy with the #5 pick that can't read to be our #1 corner. Yeah, I don't know about all that. I see the talent but that's too risky for the position that the Bucs are in. Patrick Peterson was also certified trash as a CB last year for those that just saw his punt returns on Sportscenter. Dude was awful in coverage. Even with all this, we hired LSU's DB coach to the same position. He'd know better than anybody if he thinks Claiborne has the mental capacity to be able to be a big time player at the next level. So if he believes in him and we pick him I'll still support it.
Bruh, he has a learning disability. Been had one, its been well known since HS.

some disabilities are over come by learning in different ways.

some kids cant process what they read and have to have info read to them.

its different solutions for different problems.

and WHAT exactly is the point of leaking Wunderlic test scores?

so you ( the fan) can feel superior? it sure isnt for teams and GMs who league wide already have the results
Originally Posted by Buc Em

We lost 10 games in a row to end the season, have a completely new coaching staff and we'd be drafting a guy with the #5 pick that can't read to be our #1 corner. Yeah, I don't know about all that. I see the talent but that's too risky for the position that the Bucs are in. Patrick Peterson was also certified trash as a CB last year for those that just saw his punt returns on Sportscenter. Dude was awful in coverage. Even with all this, we hired LSU's DB coach to the same position. He'd know better than anybody if he thinks Claiborne has the mental capacity to be able to be a big time player at the next level. So if he believes in him and we pick him I'll still support it.
And the test score translates to the ability to play CB, how?
I know it's common knowledge but it's straight up ridiculous you got dudes out here that can barely even read getting free degrees at great universities that tons of smart kids can't even get into each year. For real though....your giving AJ Green and Patrick Peterson as examples but even those two got more than double what Claiborne got. That takes some damn skills to get that bad of a score. If he got a 10 atleast like AJ Green got I would say the Wonderlic doesn't matter in this case either. But he got a 4.

A damn 4.

He has a learning disability I don't know what you can't comprehend about that. Maybe you don't know people with learning disabilities or understand the magnitude of that. Nonetheless, the test is absolutely meaningless as players continue to prove.
Originally Posted by Buc Em

I know it's common knowledge but it's straight up ridiculous you got dudes out here that can barely even read getting free degrees at great universities that tons of smart kids can't even get into each year. For real though....your giving AJ Green and Patrick Peterson as examples but even those two got more than double what Claiborne got. That takes some damn skills to get that bad of a score. If he got a 10 atleast like AJ Green got I would say the Wonderlic doesn't matter in this case either. But he got a 4.

A damn 4.

Uh huh, and the smartest dude in the world isn't going to stay within 12 yards of Calvin Johnson, Morris's wunderlic self can.  *@!! your 4. 

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